5-12-14 Revision

Stormwater Program Management- Equipment Purchase
Project Sponsor Contact Information
Lead Agency/Organization
Name of Primary Contact(s)
Mailing Address
Email Address
General Project Information
Project Title
Project Total Budget
Project Funding Match
Project Funding Request
Can a detailed cost
estimate be provided upon
Project Location:
Could you provide a map of
the project location
including boundaries upon
Project Location
Groundwater Basin
Project Type
City of Wheatland
Dane Schilling
111 C Street, Wheatland, CA 95692
Stormwater Program Management – Equipment Purchase
City of Wheatland Sphere of Influence
City of Wheatland
Yuba County
City of Wheatland
Bear River Watershed
Yuba Groundwater Basin, South Yuba Sub-basin
Project Description
The project is to purchase two vehicles, a street sweeper and vactor truck, for the City of Wheatland
Public Works Department for stormwater management and water quality purposes. Purchase of the
vehicles will allow the City to maintain compliance with the State and Regional Water Quality Control
Boards and the Clean Water Act requirements. The volume of trash and debris collected by street
sweeping and storm drain cleaning will be documented and monitored. This project is an integral
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component of the City of Wheatland’s Storm Drain Master Plan and towards the development of a
Stormwater Management Program.
Project Rationale/Issues Statement
The purchase and use of equipment allows the City’s stormwater program to maintain regulatory
compliance with State and Regional Water Quality Control Board and the Clean Water Act requirements.
Specifically, the project addresses the following identified regional issues:
Water Quality Contamination: Urban Run-off
Maintain and improve water quality by mitigating for urban runoff
Regulatory Compliance
Mitigate for the impacts of regulatory compliance on water management decision-making and
processes, including increased costs and decreased opportunities for collaboration
Climate Change
Respond to projected climate change impacts on water supply reliability, water quality, public safety and
watershed health and develop regional and inter-regional adaptive management strategies
Goals/Objectives/Performance Metrics
Goals Addressed by the
Increase downstream water quality by reducing storm water pollution.
Specifically, this project meets the following Plan goal:
Goal 2: Protect, restore and enhance water quality for water users and
in support of healthy watersheds
Objectives Addressed by
Goal 6: Address climate vulnerabilities and reduce greenhouse gas
Capture pollutants before they reach receiving waters. Specifically, this
project addresses the following Plan objectives:
2.1 Protect and improve water quality by mitigating for urban,
agricultural and wildland (sediment) run-off;
2.2 Minimize water quality impacts from flood, effluent discharge and
wastewater spills;
2.5 Maintain and improve water quality required to restore and
protect freshwater ecosystems, fisheries and groundwater-dependent
2.6 Support regulatory compliance with current and future state and
federal water quality standards.
6.3 Increase system flexibility and resiliency to adapt to climate
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What performance metrics
will be used to demonstrate
that objectives are being met?
Wherever possible, provide a
quantitative measurement
reflecting successful project
Increase monitoring and reporting of pollutants that are
captured annually at each location, and compare year to year
Decrease pollutants entering the stormwater system and
ultimately the river course.
Increase public safety and flood protection
Resource Management Strategies
Improve Water Quality
Pollution Prevention
The project incorporates pollution prevention by
allowing the City to purchase vehicles designed to aid in
stormwater management and pollution prevention.
Statewide Priorities
Use and Reuse Water More Efficiently
Capture, store, treat, and use urban stormwater runoff (such as percolation to usable aquifers,
underground storage beneath parks, small surface basins, domestic stormwater capture
systems, or the creation of catch basins or sumps downhill of development
Protect Surface and Groundwater Quality
Protecting and restoring surface water and groundwater quality to safeguard public and
environmental health and secure water supplies for beneficial uses
Climate Change Response Actions
Adaptation to Climate Change: Water management system modifications that address
anticipated climate
Climate Change Adaptation
This project allows the City to effectively remove debris from the storm drain system as an essential
preventative measure to mitigate for localized flooding. Climate change vulnerabilities for the region
suggest that more extreme storm events may contribute to the intensification of regional flooding. This
project significantly contributes in adapting to these conditions.
GHG Emissions Reduction
The project would purchase a new vactor truck and street sweeper that are cleaner vehicles with lower
emissions than the existing, less effective equipment. The purchase of this equipment would assist the
City in meeting street-level air quality management district standards.
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Project Status and Schedule
The project is aligned with the City of Wheatland’s Storm Drain Master Plan and is ready to proceed.
Project Technical Feasibility
Provide any related documents that describe and confirm the technical feasibility of your project.
a. List the water planning documents
that specifically identify this
b. List the adopted planning
Wheatland General Plan Update
documents the proposed project is Storm Drain Master Plan
consistent with (e.g., General
Plans, UWMPs, GWMPs, Water
Master Plans, Habitat Conservation
Plans, etc.)
c. List technical reports and studies
supporting the feasibility of this
If you are an Urban Water Supplier: N/A
1. Have you completed an Urban
Not Required – Wheatland’s is not considered an Urban
Water Management Plan and
Water Supplier (UWS) since its current water use is below
submitted to DWR?
DWR threshold for UWS.
2. Are you in compliance with
3. Do you comply with the water
meter requirements (CWC Section
If you are an Agricultural Water Supplier: N/A
1. Have you completed and submitted N/A
an AWMP?
If the project is related to groundwater: Yes
1. Has GWMP been completed and
Yes – See Yuba County Water Agency Ground Water
submitted for the subject basin?
Management Plan.
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