Well System Monitoring Rehabilitation Project WTLD-08 I. Project Sponsor Contact Information Lead Agency/Organization Name of Primary Contact(s) Mailing Address Email Address Phone II. General Project Information Project Title Project Total Budget Project Funding Match Project Funding Request Can a detailed cost estimate be provided upon request? Project Location: Latitude Longitude Could you provide a map of the project location including boundaries upon request? Project Location Description: County City/Community Watershed/subwatershed Groundwater Basin Project Type III. City of Wheatland Dane Schilling 111 C Street, Wheatland, CA 95692 Schilling@coastlandcivil.com 530-633-2761 Well System Monitoring Rehabilitation Project $210,000 25% Local Match/ possibility of attaining DAC status waiver $210,000 Yes City of Wheatland Sphere of Influence 39.0076372 -121.4288639 Yes-Provided with application City of Wheatland Yuba County City of Wheatland Bear River Watershed/Dry Creek Yuba Groundwater Basin, South Yuba Sub-basin Facility Construction Restoration Study/Assessment Monitoring Project Description The City of Wheatland currently operates six (6) deep groundwater wells, which supply water to the City’s two storage tanks. The storage tanks have a capacity to hold up to 732,000 gallons of water. The wells are controlled by a computer system (SCADA) which monitors on/off status, flow rate, pressure, chlorine residual level, and well casing pumping water level at each site. The current monitoring Page 1 of 4 systems in use for each of the wells are deficient and/or are no longer working. The City proposes to conduct a full assessment to determine the extent of deficiencies to each of the monitoring systems. It is currently assumed repairs and/or replacement equipment would include sensors and a SCADA telemetry radio system. In addition, the project would install continuous recording devices and update to the monitoring software including operator training. IV. Project Rationale/Issues Statement City staff has determined the monitoring systems for the six deep groundwater wells have fallen into poor condition and require rehabilitation. The project will repair, replace, and retrofit aging groundwater well infrastructure to ensure adequate and reliable water supply for the City of Wheatland. The project addresses the following identified issues for the region: Infrastructure Develop new infrastructure as well as repair, replace and retrofit aging infrastructure to ensure adequate and reliable water supply Groundwater Promote integrated management of groundwater and surface water Regulatory Compliance (Water Quality) Mitigate for the impacts of regulatory compliance on water management decision-making and processes, including increased costs and decreased opportunities for collaboration V. Goals/Objectives/Performance Metrics Goals Addressed by the Project Well System Monitoring Rehabilitation Project will ensure an adequate and reliable water supply that meets the needs for the City of Wheatland. Specifically, this project addresses the following Plan Goals: Goal 1: Ensure adequate and reliable water supply that meets the diverse needs of the region Goal 2: Protect, restore and enhance water quality for water users and in support of healthy watersheds Objectives Addressed by Project Well System Monitoring Rehabilitation Project is targeted to improve the water supply system for the City of Wheatland by upgrading and retrofitting again infrastructure. Specifically, the project addresses the following Plan Objectives: 1.1 Improve water supply system capacity, flexibility and efficiency, including, but not limited to, optimizing existing water storage; upgrading and retrofitting aging infrastructure; and, developing new infrastructure, where necessary Page 2 of 4 2.6 Support regulatory compliance with current and future state and federal water quality standards What performance metrics will be used to demonstrate that objectives are being met? Wherever possible, provide a quantitative measurement reflecting successful project outcomes. VI. The project success will be measured by completing the construction and/or rehabilitation of the existing monitoring systems for each of the six deep groundwater wells. Resource Management Strategies Increase Water Supply Conjunctive Management and Groundwater Improve Water Quality Drinking Water Treatment and Distribution VII. The project incorporates Conjunctive Management and by allowing the City to monitor the wells, evaluate the monitoring data to develop local management objectives, and use of monitoring data to establish and enforce local management policies. The project will improve water quality through better, more reliable monitoring of chlorine residual. Statewide Priorities Drought Preparedness Efficient groundwater basin management Protect Surface and Groundwater Quality Protecting and restoring surface water and groundwater quality to safeguard public and environmental health and secure water supplies for beneficial uses Climate Change Adaptation The project will rehabilitate and upgrade the well monitoring systems and City will use the monitoring data to establish and enforce local management policies. The establishment of local management policies will assist to the regional effects of climate change by efficiently managing the use of the groundwater basin by the City of Wheatland. GHG Emissions Reduction This project would reduce GHG emissions by increasing the energy efficiency of the wastewater treatment plan by upgrading pumps, reducing peak hour energy use, and by developing the capability for water reuse and recycling. Page 3 of 4 VIII. Project Status and Schedule Project Stage Planning Design Environmental Documentation (CEQA/NEPA) Permitting Tribal Consultation (if not applicable, indicate by N/A) Construction/ Implementation Description of Activities in Each Project Stage Identified through CIP No design required N/A categorically exempt Planned/Actual Start Date Planned/Actual Completion Date N/A N/A Awaiting funding IX. Project Technical Feasibility a. List the water planning documents that specifically identify this project. b. List the adopted planning Identified in Capital Improvement Program documents the proposed project is consistent with (e.g., General Plans, UWMPs, GWMPs, Water Master Plans, Habitat Conservation Plans, etc.) c. List technical reports and studies supporting the feasibility of this project. If you are an Urban Water Supplier: N/A 1. Have you completed an Urban Not Required – Wheatland’s is not considered an Urban Water Management Plan and Water Supplier (UWS) since its current water use is below submitted to DWR? DWR threshold for UWS. 2. Are you in compliance with N/A AB1420? 3. Do you comply with the water N/A meter requirements (CWC Section 525)? If you are an Agricultural Water Supplier: N/A 1. Have you completed and submitted N/A an AWMP? If the project is related to groundwater: N/A 1. Has GWMP been completed and Yes – See Yuba County Water Agency Ground Water submitted for the subject basin? Management Plan. Page 4 of 4