Erosion and Sediment Control for Regulators and Inspectors

Project Plan and NOI Review Checklist
File #: _______
Address: ________________________________ Proponent: ________________
Existing Conditions
___ Plan Basics
 Registered PE stamp and signature (or appropriate qualified individual)
 Date (of original plan and revisions)
 Scale
 Vicinity map
 North arrow
 Property bounds and property ownership
 Existing topography (1-2 foot contours)
 Existing vegetation, structures, and impervious areas
___ Wetland resource areas
 Wetlands, Riverfront Area, flood prone areas, etc. flagged and shown on the plan
 State buffers
 Local buffers
Proposed Conditions
___ Clear and detailed Narratives and Appendices (as applicable)
 Project scope, intent, methodology, etc.
 Riverfront alternatives analysis
 Phasing plan
 Stormwater checklist and analysis, with clear conclusions
 Stormwater monitoring and maintenance plan or SWPPP
 Dewatering plan
 Landscaping plan
 Contact list of the parties responsible for each aspect of construction
___ Proposed plans for each phase and final conditions (clearly overlaid on
existing or prior conditions)
 Limit of work (are natural areas being protected?)
 Erosion and sedimentation controls (e.g., diversion pipes, silt fence, construction
 Topography (1-2 foot contours) (e.g., sedimentation basins, drainage swales)
 Final proposed conditions (including stabilization, infiltration, etc.)
___ Stormwater Plans
 Stormwater checklist
 Pre- and post-construction sub-watershed areas and calculations
 All existing and proposed stormwater structures
 All proposed erosion/sediment controls (consider slope, treatment area, etc.)
 Detail sheets for all proposed erosion and sediment controls
Massachusetts Association of Conservation Commissions (MACC) 2012