Reclaimed Water Feasibility Study WTLD-04 I. Project Sponsor Contact Information Lead Agency/Organization Name of Primary Contact(s) Mailing Address Email Address Phone II. General Project Information Project Title Project Total Budget Project Funding Match Project Funding Request Can a detailed cost estimate be provided upon request? Project Location: Latitude Longitude Could you provide a map of the project location including boundaries upon request? Project Location Description: County City/Community Watershed/subwatershed Groundwater Basin Project Type III. City of Wheatland Dane Schilling 111 C Street, Wheatland, CA 95692 530-633-2761 Reclaimed Water Feasibility Study $150,000 $37,500 $112,500 No City of Wheatland Sphere of Influence 39.0076372 -121.4288639 Yes City of Wheatland Yuba Counties City of Wheatland Bear River Watershed Yuba Groundwater Basin, South Yuba Sub-basin Planning Study/Assessment Project Description The City of Wheatland will assess the feasibility of constructing a recycled water distribution system to provide recycled water for existing and future landscape, agricultural, commercial, and industrial uses in and around the City of Wheatland. This project also provides an important complement to a separate by related project to upgrade and recertify the waste water treatment plant. Improvement to the waste Page 1 of 5 water treatment plant would include incorporating the capability for tertiary treatment and distribution of recycled water. IV. Project Rationale/Issues Statement The project addresses the region’s water conservation needs by studying the feasibility of constructing a recycled water system for the City of Wheatland. The project specifically addresses the following identified issues: Infrastructure Develop new infrastructure as well as repair, replace and retrofit aging infrastructure to ensure adequate and reliable water supply Water-use Efficiency and Conservation Promote and implement policies and practices to increase water use efficiency and water conservation in municipal and agricultural sectors Groundwater Protect groundwater and groundwater-dependent ecosystems, especially to address the projected impacts of climate change Climate Change Respond to projected climate change impacts on water supply reliability, water quality, public safety and watershed health and develop regional and inter-regional adaptive management strategies V. Goals/Objectives/Performance Metrics Goals Addressed by the Project The objective of the feasibility study is to ensure an adequate and reliable water supply that meets the needs of the City of Wheatland. The project specifically meets the following Plan goals: Goal 1: Ensure adequate and reliable water supply that meets the diverse needs of the region Objectives Addressed by Project Goal 6: Address climate vulnerabilities and reduce greenhouse gas emissions The objectives of the feasibility study is the understanding the potential to improve the water supply system capacity by development of new infrastructure. The project specifically addresses the following objectives: 1.1 Improve water supply system capacity, flexibility and efficiency, including, but not limited to, optimizing existing water storage; Page 2 of 5 upgrading and retrofitting aging infrastructure; and, developing new infrastructure, where necessary 1.2 Promote water conservation and water use efficiency by instituting various techniques including, but not limited to, groundwater recharge, conjunctive management, irrigation efficiencies, municipal water conservation, water recycling and reuse 1.6 Preserve water supplies that support recreational opportunities and agricultural uses 6.1 Support efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the region, particularly those related to water management operations 6.3 Increase system flexibility and resiliency to adapt to climate variability What performance metrics will be used to demonstrate that objectives are being met? Wherever possible, provide a quantitative measurement reflecting successful project outcomes. VI. The project success will be measured by implementation of the project constructing recycled water infrastructure to enhance water conservation. Number of city staff, elected officials and members of the public informed and educated about feasibility of developing a recycled water program. Resource Management Strategies Reduce Water Demand Urban Water Use Efficiency Increase Water Supply Conjunctive Management and Groundwater Recycled Municipal Water VII. Potential implementation could substantially reduce urban water use. Investigate potential re-charge of groundwater supply. The project incorporates Increased Water Supply strategies by studying the feasibility of constructing a recycled water system for the City of Wheatland. Statewide Priorities Drought Preparedness Promote water conservation, conjunctive use, reuse and recycling Achieve long term reduction of water use Efficient groundwater basin management Use and Reuse Water More Efficiently Increase urban and agricultural water use efficiency measures such as conservation and recycling Climate Change Response Actions Page 3 of 5 Adaptation to Climate Change: Use and reuse water more efficiently Reduce Energy Consumption: Water recycling Ensure Equitable Distribution of Benefits Contain projects that address safe drinking water and wastewater treatment needs of DACs Climate Change Adaptation The project will assist in adapting to regional effects of climate change by giving the City of Wheatland an understanding and anticipated costs to construct a recycled water system allowing for reuse of water thereby increasing water conservation for better drought preparedness and water system resiliency in response to climate variability. GHG Emissions Reduction The project advances the implementation of a municipal recycled water program for the City of Wheatland that would increase conservation and reduce long term water use, thus saving the energy and emissions related to its delivery. Additionally, the feasibility study will consider GHG emissions reduction as one of its criteria when selecting among project alternatives. VIII. Project Status and Schedule This feasibility study constitutes the preliminary planning and design aspects of advancing a recycled water program in the City of Wheatland. The project is, therefore, ready to proceed. IX. Project Technical Feasibility a. List the water planning documents that specifically identify this project. b. List the adopted planning documents the proposed project is consistent with (e.g., General Plans, UWMPs, GWMPs, Water Master Plans, Habitat Conservation Plans, etc.) c. List technical reports and studies supporting the feasibility of this project. If you are an Urban Water Supplier: N/A 1. Have you completed an Urban Water Management Plan and N/A City of Wheatland General Plan City of Wheatland – Water Master Plan Not Required – Wheatland’s is not considered an Urban Water Supplier (UWS) since its current water use is below Page 4 of 5 submitted to DWR? DWR threshold for UWS. 2. Are you in compliance with N/A AB1420? 3. Do you comply with the water N/A meter requirements (CWC Section 525)? If you are an Agricultural Water Supplier: N/A 1. Have you completed and submitted N/A an AWMP? If the project is related to groundwater: Yes 1. Has GWMP been completed and Yes – See Yuba County Water Agency Ground Water submitted for the subject basin? Management Plan. Page 5 of 5