Streamkeepers’ Proposal to Develop a Stormwater Sampling Plan Component II of Comprehensive Stormwater Management Program Clallam County EPA Grant, FY2009-2011 Monitoring and Measuring: The project will include development and implementation of a comprehensive stormwater monitoring plan, which will initially inform the development of the stormwater management plan and associated ordinances, and will subsequently assess the performance of those regulatory instruments, enabling adaptive management to adjust regulations and other activities if goals are not being met. This plan will be implemented in stages: Year 1: Devise a comprehensive stormwater monitoring plan. To do this, gather existing data on problem areas, identify data gaps, fill those gaps as possible with a pilot monitoring plan, and write and get approval on the final plan and QAPP. Year 2: Implement the monitoring plan, manage the data, and report on: o Stormwater impacts on water quality and their relation to current human activities o Projection of stormwater impacts at build-out under the no-plan scenario o Projection of stormwater impacts with proposed BMPs Year 3: Continue implementing the monitoring plan, and report on the above topics, plus impacts of already-implemented BMPs. Years 4+ (post-grant): Continue monitoring and reporting as part of the adaptive management component of the plan. Indicators that will be monitored cannot be specified until the monitoring plan is completed, but components will likely include flow regime, sediment movement, turbidity, nutrients, petroleum products, pesticides, and heavy metals, using a combination of grab- and automated-sampling and accredited laboratories for analytes. Progress toward water-quality goals will be measured by statistical trend analysis. Land-use parameters will be quantified through GIS analysis of geographic and land-use data already available, such as remote-sensing, County Assessor, and zoning data.