HLTH-110-Syllabus.doc - University of Alaska Fairbanks

Tanana Valley Campus
Department of Allied Health
Course Syllabus
HLTH F110 Professional Skills/Workplace
Spring 2009
Class location:
Class hours:
Class dates:
Office hours:
Christa Bartlett, CMA (AAMA)CPC/Assistant Professor
TVCC Rm 409
Tuesday/Thursday 1-3pm
January 22th – March 05th
(907) 455-2887
M, W 9 – 11 or by appointment
Course Description: Although hands-on technical skills remain a high priority in the health care
field, good character, a strong work ethic, and personal and professional traits and behaviors are
becoming increasingly important. Regardless of job title or discipline, every health care student
and worker must understand the importance of professionalism and the need to perform in a
professional, ethical, legal, and competent manner. This course describes the professional
standards that apply to all health care workers and the common ground that everyone shares in
providing the highest quality of health care services for patients.
Text Book: “Professionalism in Health Care” 3rd Edition, Author Sherry Makely
Grading: Your grade will be determined by the total number of points you receive in each of the
following categories, and the percentage that each category represents in the final grade
calculation. A traditional grading scale will be used to determine your final grade. A = 90 – 100,
B = 80 -89, C = 70-79, D = 60 – 69, F = < 60.
Attendance/Participation: It is important that you are present in order to understand and
interact in all aspects of the class. Professionalism involves demonstrating behaviors and
attitudes important in the medical workplace and participation involves actively responding to the
classroom activities and assisting in creating a positive environment. Therefore 10% of your
grade will consist of Attendance/Participation.
Quizzes: Quizzes will be given as designated on the syllabus. The quizzes will constitute 20%
of your grade. If you miss a quiz it must be made up before the next class period.
Final Exam: The final exam will be held during regular class time on enter date here and will be
worth 20% of your grade. No make-up finals given.
Homework/Class work: During the semester you will be assigned homework as well as class
work. It is your responsibility to follow the syllabus and turn in all work on time. All late
homework will be docked 5 points for each day it’s late. Homework/ Class work will be worth
30% of your grade.
Project: You will be responsible for completing a resume in this class and meeting with Career
Services for review of your resume and a mock interview. This project will consist of 20% of
your final grade.
Due to the confidential and medical/legal issues incorporated in the content of the class and the
medical field, it is imperative to maintain discretion and confidentiality. The honor code of the
University of Alaska will be strictly enforced.
Instructional Methods: This class consists of lecture, case studies/scenarios, group discussion,
videos and writing.
Disability accommodations: Any students requiring special accommodations for a disability
should contact student services at 455-2800.
Additional help: Please see me if you need additional help understanding assignments or course
content. In additional, the TVC student learning center in the TVCC building can help you with
writing assignments. Assistance with enrollment and financial aid can be obtained in the TVCC
students assistance office in the TVCC building.
Please turn off any cell phone or beeper prior to coming into class. You may have beverages
during class, but no food.
Course Objectives:
Upon completion of this course students will be able to:
 Explain why professionalism is important in health care and how to identify a health care
 Describe the characteristics and behaviors that demonstrate an employee’s commitment to his
or her job.
 Discuss the importance of character, values, morals, ethics, and other personal traits.
 Outline the elements of effective interpersonal relationships, teamwork, and working well
with others.
 Explain how personal image and personal skills affect one’s professional reputation.
 List the factors involved in professional growth and advancement.
 Assess personal levels of professionalism and identify strengths, weaknesses, and plans for
 Apply course concepts in developing and strengthening professional traits and behaviors.
Course Schedule
January 22, 2009
Review Syllabus
Video “Focus on Professionalism”
January 27, 2009
Review Chapter 1 “Making a
Commitment to your Job”
January 29, 2009
Review Chapter 2 “Personal Traits of the
Health Care Professional”
Chapter 1 & 2 Quiz
Video “Right to Die”
February 03, 2009
Read chapter 1
Complete SelfAssessment, Next-Step
Action Plans
Read chapter 2 Complete
Self-Assessment, NextStep Action Plans
Read chapter 3
Complete SelfAssessment, Next-Step
Action Plans
February 05, 2009
February 10, 2009
Review Chapter 3 “Working with Others”
Video “Communicating Between
Career Services
Guest Speaker
February 12, 2009
Review Chapter 4 “Personal Skills and
the Health Care Professional”
Video “The Joy of Stress”
February 17, 2009
Chapter 3 & 4 Quiz
Review Chapter 5 “Career Planning and
Video “Resume Writing”
Guest Speaker
February 19, 2009
February 24, 2009
Review Chapter 6 “The Practicum
February 26, 2009
Over the course of this week you must
call Career Services @ 474-7596 and
make an appt to bring in your resume and
do a mock interview.
Chapter 5 & 6 Quiz
Mock Interviews
Final Exam
March 03, 2009
March 05, 2009
Read chapter 4
Complete SelfAssessment, Next-Step
Action Plans
Read chapter 5
Complete SelfAssessment, Next-Step
Action Plans
Read chapter 6
Complete SelfAssessment, Next-Step
Action Plans
Resumes are due for the
next two classes
110 Eielson Bldg.