Speech Language-Functional Communication SLO

Name of Teacher: _______________________________________ School:__________________________________________
HCPSS Student Learning Objective
Speech Language Pathology – Functional Communication
Student Learning
Objective (SLO)
100% of students will demonstrate developmental progress in
the area of functional communication based on the Early
Childhood Skill Development Guide’s Language and Literacy
section: Speaking Vocabulary and Controlling Language.
Five students receiving direct instruction at least weekly who
will receive speech-language services through the 2013-2014
school year.
Learning Content
Student’s communication skills (verbal and non-verbal
means) will be measured using a Functional Communication
Checklist in the following communicative intent areas:
 Gives greetings/farewells
 Gains attention
 Requests objects/actions
 Requests assistance
 Responds to questions
 Asks questions
 Informs about self
 Makes comments
 Communicates with peers and adults
 Negates/protests
 Makes choices
 Initiates/participates in discussions
 Indicates yes/no
Students are rated for the presence of various communicative
intents using one or more communicative modalities which
may include speech, signs, gestures, pictures, low/high tech
communication devices.
Instructional Interval
2013-2014 school year
Evidence of Growth
Student growth will be measured by using a Functional
Communication Checklist used by the SLP on a quarterly
basis. Pre and post data will be gathered at the start of the
school year and end of the school year.
This SLO is a sample. Targets need to be adjusted based on your students’ data. Student growth should be
achieved for all students.
SLP will review data on checklist from previous year and then
update checklist given input from teachers and parents in
order to establish a baseline.
(Attach class roster to share students’ scores on Beginningof-the-Year Assignment/Performance Task/Assessment.)
Rationale for Student
Learning Objective
Students need to become effective communicators in a
variety of situations with different audiences and formats so
they can succeed socially and academically in the classroom.
Students will have gained at least 3 new communicative
intents using one or more communicative modalities on the
Functional Communication Checklist.
*Please note: Students identified by IEP teams as having
significant cognitive disabilities will have individual targets.
Criteria for
Full Attainment of
Partial Attainment
of Target
More than 90% of
students meet
agreed upon
learning objectives
4/5 students will
meet or exceed
Between 75% and
90% of students
meet agreed upon
learning targets
3/5 students will
meet or exceed
Attainment of
Less than 75% of
students meet
agreed upon
learning targets
2/5 students or
less will meet the
Adult/peer modeling
Verbal cues
Gestural prompts
Tactile prompts
Parent /teacher training
Para-Educator/Student assistant training
This SLO is a sample. Targets need to be adjusted based on your students’ data. Student growth should be
achieved for all students.