RECC - MINC Communication SLO

Name of Teacher/Therapist
HCPSS Student Learning Objective
MINC Sample Communication
Student Learning
Objective (SLO)
100% of students in the target group will demonstrate developmental
progress in the area of communication as measured by the Behavioral
Language Assessment (BLA).
4-6 students receiving direct special instruction at least 10 (18, 20,
25…) hours/week for at least 6 months of the 2013-14 school year.
Special circumstances may result in changes in target population (new
students, caseload changes, child illness or unavailable for
Each student’s communication skills (verbal and non-verbal means)
will be measured on a scale of 1-5 using the BLA in the following
communicative intent areas:
- Requesting (manding)
- Motor imitation
- Vocal play
- Vocal imitation
- Match to sample
- Receptive
- Labeling
A total score is determined by adding individual area scores.
(Students who enter at a high BLA score may need other measures.)
The Functional Communication Checklist may also be utilized.
6-9 months of the 2013-2014 School year
Learning Content
Instructional Interval
Evidence of Growth
Student growth will be measured using the BLA and/or a Functional
Communication Checklist 3-4 times/year. Pre and post data will be
gathered at the start of the school year (or instructional interval if
child enters later) and end of the school year (or instructional interval
if child exits early).
Data on BLA/checklist from previous year and/or updated checklist
given input from teachers and parents in order to establish a baseline
at the beginning of the school year or instructional interval.
(Attach class roster to share students’ scores on Beginning-of-the-Year
Assignment/Performance Task/Assessment.)
This SLO is a sample. Targets need to be adjusted based on your students’ data. Student growth should be
achieved for all students.
Rationale for Student
Learning Objective
Students need to become effective communicators in a variety of
situations with different audiences and formats so they can develop
school readiness and succeed socially and academically in the
classroom and in home and community settings.
Based on BLA:
100% of students in the target population group will demonstrate > 5
point increase in total score over 6 months of intervention. (Students
who enter at a high BLA score may need other measures.)
Based on Functional Communication Checklist: Students will have
gained at least 3 new communicative intents using one or more
communicative modalities on the Functional Communication
*Please note: Students identified by IEP teams as having significant
cognitive disabilities will have individual targets.
Criteria for Effectiveness
Full Attainment of
90% or more of
students will meet
or exceed target or
5/6 students meet
or exceed target.
Partial Attainment
of Target
75-90% of students
will meet target or
4/6 students meet
Insufficient Attainment
of Target
Less than 75% of
students meet target or
3/5 students or less
meet target.
Adult/peer modeling
Verbal/visual cues
Prompt hierarchy
Assistive technology
Intensive structured teaching
Natural Environment Teaching (NET)/Incidental teaching
Environmental engineering
Universal Design for Learning strategies
Parent /teacher training
Parent support and education
Para-Educator/student assistant training
This SLO is a sample. Targets need to be adjusted based on your students’ data. Student growth should be
achieved for all students.