File - Association for Theatre in Higher Education

Charlotte McIvor
Sam O’Connell
Sam O'Connell
Theatre History Focus Group (THFG)
promotes the study of theatre history within
colleges. Our goals include
encouraging and inspiring scholarly exchange
and production; cultivating the lively
discussion of ideas pertaining to the discipline
of theatre history; providing opportunities for
members to communicate results of their
research to one another and the larger theatre
community; and fostering dialogues with other
areas of study.
2013-2014 Officers
Chair and Conference Planner:
Charlotte McIvor
Focus Group Representative (FGR):
Tom Robson
Sam O’Connell
Jane Duncan
Brian Valencia
Dassia Posner
Graduate Student Representative:
Megan Geigner
Nominating Committee:
Ann Folino White
Eleanor Owicki
Jeanne Wilcoxson
Opportunities for Service
Join the leadership of the Theatre History
Focus Group! If you would like to be
considered for one of the positions below,
please see a current nominating committee
member or come to Saturday’s Theatre History
Focus Group membership meeting.
Graduate Student Representative
Stay up to date with THFG at
Join today and check in for regular
updates and resources!
Nominating Committee
Scottsdale, Arizona
The Fairmont Scottsdale Princess
July 2014
Wednesday, July 23
4:00-10:00PM- Theatre as a Liberal Art (TLA) and
Theatre History (TH) Joint Focus Group PreConference 1 – “Dreaming of Theatre History:
Pedagogy in the Trenches”
Designed as a way to share innovative practices and
approaches to teaching theatre history, the pre-conference will
feature roundtable discussions on strategies to address current
challenges in higher education, as well as sessions focused on
innovative assignments and approaches, pedagogical
Interventions, digital archive development in and for the
classroom, and survival strategies for curricular development.
Thursday, July 24
8:00AM-12PM- 4-00-10:00PM- Theatre as a Liberal
Art (TLA) and Theatre History (TH) Joint Focus
Group Pre-Conference 1 – “Dreaming of Theatre
History: Pedagogy in the Trenches” (Cont.)
1:30-3:00PM- Longing for What We've Left Behind
(And Dreaming Ahead?)
This panel features six scholars discussing research projects
that they've abandoned and a collaborative discussion of how
we might dream them ahead and back to life.
3:15-4:45PM- (Im)migrant Dreams I: The Pursuit of
Cultural Citizenship Through and Against Hegemonic
Theatrical Forms
We consider the politics of engagement with theatrical form in
(im)migrant bids for cultural citizenship within national
theatrical cultures including the United States and Ireland.
July 25
Friday, July 25 (Cont.)
4-5:30PM- Theatre History Debut Panel
This session present the 2014 winners of the Theatre
History Focus Group Debut Panel Competition with
respondent Dorothy Chansky (Texas Tech University)
Shelby Brewster (The Ohio State University), ‘"The
Apollo Belvedere of the Stage": Annie Hindle's Forgotten
Performance of Masculinity’
Kate Neff Stone (University of California, Irvine), ‘The
Uncanny Dream and Obscured Linearity: Rip Van
Winkle and American Temporality’
Sasha Kovacs (University of Toronto), ‘E. Pauline
Johnson's "Indian" Costume: Renegotiating "the most
difficult thing in the world’
5:45-7:15PM- Resistance, Renewal, and the NEH
Summer Institute on Roman Comedy in
Participants in the 2012 NEH Summer Institute on
Roman Comedy in Performance reflect on their experiences
in practice-based research and pedagogies.
Saturday, July 26
8:15-9:45AM- Enacting Diaspora: Transnational
Encounters, Collective Creation, and the Theatre
of Repair
Within the framework of collective creation studies, this
panel investigates the transnational encounters of wide
array of cultural workers collaborating across
national/cultural borders..
2:15-4:45PM- Our Sounds, our Laughs, our
Heroes: Performing the (Jewish-)American
Excavating the history of Jewishness on America’s stages,
this panel reveals how Shakespeare, the Marx Brothers,
and Superman served Jewish artists (re)negotiating
anxieties of assimilation.
Saturday, July 26 (cont.)
2:15-4:45PM- Utopic Dreams and Nightmare
Visions I: Re-imagining and Re-performing Angels in
America in the New Millennium
This panel investigates and challenges historic understandings
of how ‘Angels in America’ must be staged and recounts
exciting new performative interpretations of Kushner's opus.
This session is co-sponsored by the Lesbian, Gay,
Bisexual, Transgender, Queer Focus Group and the
American Theatre and Drama Society.
5:45-7:15PM- (Im)migrant Dreams II: American and
Other, Performing Cultural Citizenship
Papers consider the dramaturgy of theatrical and everyday
performances of Americanness, citizenship, and "the Other"
in moments of nation-making in the long 19th-century United
This session is co-sponsored by the Theatre and
Social Change Focus Group and the American
Drama and Theatre Society.
Sunday, July 27
11:30-1PM- "Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost
to me": Staging Stories of Immigration to the USA
Participants will investigate plays and musicals that feature
stories of immigration to the United States of America and
discuss their importance and relevance.
This session is co-sponsored by the Music
Theatre/Dance Focus Group and the American
Theatre and Drama Society.
11:30-1PM- Utopic Dreams and Nightmare Visions
II: Re-thinking and Re-imagining Angels in America
in the New Millennium
Juxtaposing history, nostalgia and futurity this panel reinterrogates ‘Angels in America’ proposing provocative new
readings and interpretations of Kushner's opus.
This session is co-sponsored by the Lesbian, Gay,
Bisexual, Transgender, Queer Focus Group and the
American Theatre and Drama Society.
8:30-10:00AM-Theatre History Membership
Meeting and Elections
This is the membership meeting of the Theatre History
Focus Group. Established and new/prospective
members are welcome!