Apply for 2015-2016 LIPPI class

Women’s Fund of Western Massachusetts
Leadership Institute for Political and Public Impact
2015-2016 Application
The Women’s Fund of Western Massachusetts invites you to apply to participate in the 2015-2016 Leadership
Institute for Political Impact (LIPPI).
The Women’s Fund seeks bright, self-motivated, women from all four western Massachusetts counties with a history of
personal and professional achievement who are ready to deepen their leadership skills to serve on nonprofit boards, run for
public office, and influence public policy. LIPPI is designed to meet the needs of a wide range of women with varying
professional and public service goals.
 Reside in one of the four counties of Western Massachusetts (Berkshire, Franklin, Hampshire, Hampden)
 Demonstrate meaningful involvement in the workplace and/or community
 Demonstrate ability to leverage networks and create groups working toward a common goal
 Strong personal vision and ability to inspire others
 Commitment to participating in the LIPPI learning community including all sessions, evaluations and alumnae
 Commitment to support change for a just and equitable society for women and girls
 In addition to the above criteria, in order to reflect the diversity of the region, participants will be selected to ensure
representation among age, geographic location, race, sexual orientation and other demographic traits. The
Women’s Fund welcomes and honors participation from individuals who identify on the gender continuum.
 Interviews may be requested by the selection committee
Tuition: Tuition is $2,500 to be paid in full by the fourth session (Nov. 21, 2015). Please note we increased tuition in order to
keep this important program sustainable through the long term. However, the Women’s Fund remains committed to
education access and therefore encourages anyone interested to apply regardless of tuition cost. If you are admitted, we
will work with you to make the program affordable. Tuition includes: all sessions, meals, program training and materials,
trainers, transportation as needed, county meetings with LIPPI alumnae, and two tickets to May 24th celebration banquet
honoring graduates.
Leadership Grants: Thanks to the generosity of the Women’s Fund donors, corporate partners, and LIPPI alumnae, up
to16 leadership grants are available to cover tuition costs. Apply for one of these leadership grants by including a statement
indicating the grant size you require. Selection for LIPPI is need-blind and leadership grant requests are reviewed only after
participants are finalized.
Payment options: The Women’s Fund is committed to ensuring participation of all highly qualified applicants. Payment
plans can be arranged as requested.
Please email your application materials to by 5 p.m., Friday, July 17, 2015.
Provide all information requested. Incomplete applications will not be considered. We encourage you to submit your
completed application as early as possible. Class size is limited to 40. Please note we often have more qualified applicants
than seats available. Waitlisted applicants will be given first right of refusal for the 2016-2017 LIPPI class. Applicants will
receive notification by July 31, 2015.
Application checklist:
 Completed application
 Resume
 Employer/Sponsor form (if applicable)
 One professional recommendation
Primary phone:
Twitter handle:
Mailing Address:
FB username:
Other Social media:
In addition to your attached resume, please complete the following information:
Mailing Address:
Business phone:
Supervisor name, title, and contact phone:
If not employed, describe your current course of study/major, and/or your occupation/career interests.
Please include all professional, civic, or personal awards, accomplishments or recognition.
Describe all political, policy advocacy, community, internships, church, school, and extracurricular or professional activities.
Include dates, leadership roles, responsibilities and whether you played a role in recruitment or enlisting additional
volunteers or members.
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Why is LIPPI the right program for you at this point in your career? (150 words or less):
What are your leadership goals and personal vision? (150 words or less)
Give an example of how you have inspired others (150 words or less):
Describe the skills, attributes and resources you will bring to the LIPPI learning community (150 words or less):
Describe your personal background and how it relates to your leadership goals and personal vision (250 words or less):
Please note participants will be selected primarily on merit. However, to ensure the each cohort represents the diversity of
the region – please provide the information below:
Birthdate (optional):
Race/Ethnicity (optional):
Sexual orientation (optional):
Primary spoken language (optional):
Other languages (include fluency level):
Physical disability or impairment:
To be considered for a Leadership Grant, please complete the following:
1. Personal contribution:
2. Employer contribution: $__________
3. Leadership Grant request: $__________
Total (lines 1-3):
I, (name of applicant), understand that LIPPI is a learning community of women committed to social change through political
and policy leadership. I honor this community by accurately, and truthfully, representing myself in this application.
Applicant Signature
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