Women's Fund of Western Massachusetts

Women’s Fund of Western Massachusetts
Leadership Institute for Political and Public Impact
2014-2015 Application
The Women’s Fund of Western Massachusetts invites you to apply to participate in the 2014-2015
Leadership Institute for Political Impact (LIPPI).
LIPPI’s mission is to provide the women of Western Massachusetts with the training and support they
need to become powerful and effective civic leaders. Now its fifth year, LIPPI focuses on areas such as
public speaking, effective negotiation, conflict management, board participation, the legislative
process and policy-making, community organizing, fundraising and campaigning, municipal and
nonprofit budgets, and running for office. LIPPI provides women with the tools and confidence they
need to become our region’s community leaders and elected officials.
Program Structure
LIPPI participants meet once a month on a Saturday from 9:30 AM-4:30 PM at Holyoke Community
College. Each session includes a guest speaker and an intensive training on a particular topic essential
to leadership development and running for political office.
2014-2015 Proposed Schedule
September 13  October 18  November 22  January 10  February 7  March 7  March
28  April 11 May 2 (snow date)  May 9  May 28
LIPPI welcomes all women living in the four counties of Western Massachusetts who are committed
to advancing their personal and professional leadership skills or running for political office to apply.
LIPPI is designed to meet the needs of a wide range of women with varying professional and political
goals and experience. The Institute provides outstanding leadership training for women who aspire to
run for office, women who currently hold political office, as well as women seeking to develop their
leadership skills, serve on boards, and influence outside the realm of political office.
To be eligible for the program, applicants must:
 Reside in one of the four counties of Western Massachusetts
 Be committed to attend and participate fully in the Institute, including all Saturday sessions
from 9:30 AM-4:30 PM and completing all evaluation components of the program.
 Have regular internet access and email.
To apply, please email your application materials to Kristen Elechko, Interim Director of Leadership
Institute for Political and Public Impact (LIPPI), mailto: mailto:kristene@womensfund.net by Friday,
June 27, 2014 by 5:00 PM.
Application checklist:
 Completed application
 Resume
Applicants will receive notification by Monday, July 21.
Tuition and Financial Aid
Tuition: $500 to be paid in full (a quarterly installment payment plan is available) at the time of the
first Institute session on Sept. 20, 2014. Tuition includes: all sessions, training materials and
instructors, meals, meetings with legislators, county meetings with LIPPI alumnae, and a May 28,
2015 graduation reception (location TBA).
Financial Aid: The Women’s Fund is committed to assisting applicants who would be unable to
participate without financial assistance. Financial burden should not be a barrier to participation. To
apply for financial aid, please send a letter with your completed application explaining your need for
financial assistance and the amount of tuition assistance you are requesting.
Continue to following page for the application.
Women’s Fund of Western Massachusetts
Leadership Institute for Political Impact
2014-2015 Application
Primary phone:____________________ Email:________________________
Street Address:___________________________________________
City:_________________________________ State:___________ Zip:____
Occupation/College Major/Course of Study:______________________________
Please use additional pages as needed.
What are your professional and personal goals for participating in the Institute? (300 words or less)
What skills and attributes do you think you have as a civic leader? (300 words or less)
What skills would you like to develop that will enhance your civic leadership? (300 words or less)
Have you ever worked on a political issue and/or political campaign either personally or
professionally? If yes, what was that experience like? (300 words or less)
Have you ever run for office in the past? If yes, for which office; what was that experience like? (300
words or less)
Have you served on a board before? If yes, which board(s)? Did you hold an office, eg, treasurer,
Please email your application materials to Kristen Elechko, Interim Director of the Leadership
Institute for Political and Public Impact (LIPPI), kristene@womensfund.net by Friday, June 27, 2014 by
Application checklist:
 Completed application
 Resume
 Request for financial aid, if applicable.
Applicants will receive notification by Monday, July 21, 2014.