Am ending the Constitution

Am ending the Constitution
Which Article explains how an
amendment (change) is added to the
• Article 5
How many ways can the US
Constitution be proposed?
• Two ways
What are those 2 ways?
• Two-thirds vote of both Houses of Congress
• Or
• A National Convention called by Congress at
the request of two-thirds of the states
How can the proposed amendment
be ratified (approved)?
• Three-fourths of the state legislatures approve
• Or
• A special ratification convention must be held
in three-fourths of the states
What article of the Virginia
Constitution explain how it is ratified?
• Article XII
How is it amended?
• 1st method
• May be proposed in either the House of
Delegates or Senate
• Agreed by a majority of each house – then
sent to the people for a vote in an election
• 2nd method
• The General Assembly having two-thirds vote
of each house call for a convention to propose
the amendment to the Constitution