REVIEW FRQ’S AND TERMS, CHAPTERS 12-16 Chapter 12 per se will not be on the AP Test. However events and terms from Chapter 12 will creep into questions. 1. Analyze the factors that contributed to the disruption of the feudal equilibrium after 1300. What were the consequences of this disruption? Little Ice Age/Great Famine Black Death Hundred Years’ War 2. Explain how the peasants’ rebellions of the 14th century were in part caused by rising expectations that were not fulfilled, or at least could not be fulfilled peaceably. Fur Collar Crime Jacquerie Peasants Revolt in England in 1381 3. Examine the consequences of the Great Schism and the Babylonian Captivity on the Catholic Church. How successful was the Conciliar Movement in dealing with the problems of the Church? Great Schism Babylonian Captivity Conciliar Movement Confraternities Avignon Simony Pluralism Clerical Extravagance John Wyclif Jan Hus 4. Explain why the Hundred Years’ War was so prolonged. What were its most important results for both England and France? Salic Law Longbowmen Joan of Arc Henry V of England Charles VII of France Chapter 13: The Renaissance 1. Discuss how Renaissance ideas are expressed in the Italian art of the period, referring to specific works and artists. Humanism Individualism Ideal Renaissance Man Secularism Da Vinci Michelangelo Raphael Botticelli (It might be a good idea to review the Renaissance Art power point 2. Discuss how Renaissance ideas are expressed in the work of Renaissance philosophers. Pico della Mirandola Machiavelli Erasmus Thomas More 3. To what extent and in what ways did women participate in the Renaissance? 4. Using examples from at least two different states, analyze the key features of the “new monarchies” and the factors responsible for their rise in the period 1450 to 1550. Henry VII of England Court of the Star Chamber Royal Council Justices of the Peace Charles VII of France Gabelle Pragmatic Sanction of Bourges Ferdinand and Isabella Reconquista Coversos Inquisition Chapter 14: The Reformation 1. To what extent did economic and political circumstances of his day contribute to the success of Martin Luther as a reformer? Holy Roman Empire Charles V Elector of Saxony Archbishop Albert Leo X Diet of Worms German Peasants’ War Peace of Augsburg 2. The pictures below show the interiors of a Protestant church and a Roman Catholic church as each appeared in the first half of the seventeenth century. Using these pictures as a starting point, explain how these interiors reflect the differing theologies and religious practices of Protestantism and Catholicism at that time. Ulrich Zwingli Martin Luther John Calvin Salvation by Faith/Salvation by Faith and Good Works Biblical Authority/Biblical and Papal Authority Priesthood of all Believers/Church hierarchy Role of women in the church Predestination 3. Describe and analyze the ways in which sixteenth century Roman Catholics defended their faith against the Protestant Reformation. Tridentine Reforms 2 sacraments vs. 7 sacraments Jesuits 4. Compare and contrast the motivations for and the resolutions of the French religious wars and the religious wars in the Netherlands between 1570 and 1610. Huguenots St. Bartholomew Day’s Massacre War of the Three Henry’s Henry IV Edict of Nantes Phillip II Duke of Alva Council of Blook Union of Utrecht Elizabeth I Chapter 15: World Trade 1. Explain how economic, technological, political and religious factors promoted European explorations. Spice Trade Prince Henry the Navigator Caravel Magnetic Compass Astrolabe Bartholomew Diaz Vasco da Gama Christopher Columbus Treaty of Tordesillas Ferdinand Magellan Columbian Exchange Slave Trade Christianization Spanish Armada Chapter 16: Absolutism and Constitutionalism 1. Louis XIV declared his goal was “one king, one law, one faith.” Analyze the methods the king used to achieve this objective and discuss the extent to which he was successful. Intendants Nobility of the Robe Revocation of the Edict of Nantes Divine Right Mercantilism 2. Describe and analyze the changes in the role of Parliament in English politics between the succession of James I and the Glorious Revolution. James I Charles I Ship money Long Parliament Triennial Act Oliver Cromwell Restoration Charles II Test Act James II Glorious Revolution William and Mary English Bill of Rights 4. Explain the reasons for the rise in the Netherlands as a leading commercial power in the period 1550 to 1650. Merchant Oligarchy States General Stadtholder Protestant Work Ethic Religious Toleration Dutch East India Company