The Renaissance ~1485 - 1660 Tudor Line Henry VII – Welsh

The Renaissance ~1485 - 1660
Tudor Line
 Henry VII – Welsh nobleman who seized the throne after the War of the _______________
Lancaster = red
Henry combined to make the “_______________ Rose”
York = white
 Henry VIII
 Edward VI – 16 when king, died young
 Mary I – “Bloody Mary,” killed over _______________ Protestants
 Elizabeth I – amazing, the “_______________ Queen"
 the rejection of the _______________ and the Italian churchmen
 a time of internal reform in the church and criticism from those who chose to break away
 Pope Paul III investigated the selling of indulgences (religious pardons) and other abuse.
English Renaissance
 Late 1400s
 few people could _______________ or _______________
 French word meaning “_______________”
 changes in values, beliefs, and behaviors
 Most people were _______________ _______________.
 renewed interest in classical learning (the writings of ancient Greece and Rome)
 People learned Greek and reformed the Latin that they read, wrote, and spoke.
 People became more curious about themselves. It brought a renewal of human spirit,
curiosity, and creativity.
People of the Renaissance
 Leonardo da Vinci - widely considered to be one of the greatest _______________ of all
time & revered for his _______________ ingenuity
1. Mona Lisa
2. The Last Supper
 Galileo - a Tuscan physicist, mathematician, astronomer, and philosopher who played a
major role in the _______________ Revolution
 Columbus - was a navigator, colonizer and explorer whose voyages across the Atlantic
Ocean (funded by Queen Isabella of Spain) led to general European awareness of the
American continents
 Michelangelo – Pope Julius II commissioned him to paint the _______________
_______________ in Vatican City
 Johannes Gutenberg – a German who invented printing with _______________ type
printing press
This allowed the first ______________ of a complete ______________ around 1445
Humanists (ism)
 They gave new answers to the questions: “What is a human being?” “What is a good life?”
 The aim of life is to attain _______________, not success, money, or fame, because virtue
is the best possible possession and the only source of true _______________.
 Two of the most famous Renaissance humanists:
1. Thomas More – wrote Utopia (a book of famous insights on human society)
2. Desiderius Erasmus
Martin Luther
 1483 – 1546
 Monk who founded a new _______________ based on his personal understanding of the
Bible, not what the pope said
 German _______________
King –vs- Pope
 King VIII wanted to _______________ his wife
 Pope would not grant it
 King Henry declared himself _______________ of the Church of England
 Henry appointed a new archbishop of Canterbury who _______________ the marriage
 Thomas More (and many others) did not recognize Henry as the head of the church
Henry had his friend _______________ by beheading!
Queen Elizabeth
 Her cousin Mary was in line for the throne
 Plotted for 20 years to have the Queen _______________
 The queen finally had her _______________
Other Rulers
 Queen Elizabeth died _______________
 Her 2nd cousin, James VI of Scotland was her successor (1603 – 1625)
He was the son of _______________ _______________
 Followed by his son, Charles I
Powerful subject had him _______________ in 1649
 England was ruled by Parliament & Puritan dictator _______________ _______________
 Charles II returned from exile in France, 1660, to rule
Renaissance – the end
 _______________ _______________ was the last great writer of the Renaissance
Famous for Paradise Lost
 _______________ truths were soon to challenge long-accepted _______________ beliefs.
 Thus ends the Renaissance…
The Renaissance ~1485 - 1660
Tudor Line
 Henry VII – Welsh nobleman who seized the throne after the War of the Roses
 Lancaster = red
 York = white
 Henry combined to make the “Tudor Rose”
 Henry VIII
 Edward VI – 16 when king, died young
 Mary I – “Bloody Mary,” killed over 300 Protestants
 Elizabeth I – amazing, the “Virgin Queen"
 the rejection of the pope and the Italian churchmen
 a time of internal reform in the church and criticism from those who chose to break away
 Pope Paul III investigated the selling of indulgences (religious pardons) and other abuse.
English Renaissance
 Late 1400s
 few people could read or write
 French word meaning “rebirth”
 changes in values, beliefs, and behaviors
 Most people were Roman Catholic.
 renewed interest in classical learning (the writings of ancient Greece and Rome)
 People learned Greek and reformed the Latin that they read, wrote, and spoke.
 People became more curious about themselves. It brought a renewal of human spirit,
curiosity, and creativity.
People of the Renaissance
 Leonardo da Vinci - widely considered to be one of the greatest painters of all time &
revered for his technological ingenuity
 1. Mona Lisa
 2. The Last Supper
 Galileo - a Tuscan physicist, mathematician, astronomer, and philosopher who played a
major role in the Scientific Revolution
 Columbus - was a navigator, colonizer and explorer whose voyages across the Atlantic
Ocean (funded by Queen Isabella of Spain) led to general European awareness of the
American continents
 Michelangelo – Pope Julius II commissioned him to paint the Sistine Chapel in Vatican City
 Johannes Gutenberg – a German who invented printing with moveable type printing press
 This allowed the first printing of a complete book around 1445
Humanists (ism)
 They gave new answers to the questions: “What is a human being?” “What is a good life?”
 The aim of life is to attain virtue, not success, money, or fame, because virtue is the best
possible possession and the only source of true happiness.
 Two of the most famous Renaissance humanists:
 1. Thomas More – wrote Utopia (a book of famous insights on human society)
 2. Desiderius Erasmus
Martin Luther
 1483 – 1546
 Monk who founded a new Christianity based on his personal understanding of the Bible, not
what the pope said
 German Protestant
King –vs- Pope
 King VIII wanted to divorce his wife
 Pope would not grant it
 King Henry declared himself head of the Church of England
 Henry appointed a new archbishop of Canterbury who annulled the marriage
 Thomas More (and many others) did not recognize Henry as the head of the church
 Henry had his friend executed by beheading!
Queen Elizabeth
 Her cousin Mary was in line for the throne
 Plotted for 20 years to have the Queen killed
 The queen finally had her beheaded
Other Rulers
 Queen Elizabeth died childless
 Her 2nd cousin, James VI of Scotland was her successor (1603 – 1625)
 He was the son of beheaded Mary
 Followed by his son, Charles I
 Powerful subject had him beheaded in 1649
 England was ruled by Parliament & Puritan dictator Oliver Cromwell
 Charles II returned from exile in France, 1660, to rule
Renaissance – the end
 John Milton was the last great writer of the Renaissance
 Famous for Paradise Lost
 Scientific truths were soon to challenge long-accepted religious beliefs.
 Thus ends the Renaissance…