Unpacking Outcomes - North East School Division

North East School Division
Unpacking Outcomes
Unpacking the Outcome
Investigate  properties and applications
Outcome (circle the verb and underline the qualifiers)
MS 7.3 Investigate the properties and applications of solutions, including solubility and concentration.
Vocabulary – solid, liquid, gas, solvent,
solute, soluble, insoluble, particle, theory,
matter, solution, dilute, concentrated,
saturated, supersaturated, quantitative,
qualitative, accuracy, precision, honesty,
interpolating, extrapolating, solubility
Quantitative measures – parts per million
[ppm], g/L, g/ 100mL
How to:
 Design and implement an
 Generate a solubility curve
 Gather information
 Analyze effects, inventions and
Technological inventions or processes –
water softeners, water treatment plants,
solution mining, agricultural sprays,
insecticides, bleaches, drain cleaners
That accuracy, precision and honesty are
essential when collecting and reporting
data in order for good science to occur
That solutions occur in solid, liquid and
gaseous form
Solutions have solvents and solutes and
their concentrations can be measured
quantitatively and qualitatively
There are a number of factors that
determine the speed of dissolving
There are a number of place to gather
information about solutions and
concentrations, science disciplines and
engineering fields
Experiments help us answer questions
Temperature impact solubility
Patterns in data inform us in science
Technological inventions and processes
affect us, our communities and the
There are science careers that apply
solution-related information
Provide examples of solid, liquid and gaseous
Identify which substance is the solute and which is the
solvent in each solution
Describe characteristics of solutions, using correct
terms, using the particle model of matter
Create and describe the concentration of studentprepared dilute, concentrated, saturated, and
supersaturated solutions, using qualitative term and
quantitative measures
Value accuracy, precision and honesty when
collecting and reporting data
Investigate factors that determine how quickly a solute
dissolves in a solvent
Gather and interpret information from various
resources related to solutions and concentrations of
Design and implement and experiment to investigate
the effect of temperature on solubility
Predict the solubility of a solute by interpolating or
extrapolating from student-generated solubility curves
Analyze the effects of technological inventions or
processes related to solutions on self, community,
Research how various science disciplines and
engineering fields apply scientific knowledge related to
Why are accuracy, precision and honesty so important in science?
How do solutions occur?
What do we know about solutions?
How is dissolving impacted by various factors?
Where can I go for information? Why are a variety of sources important?
Why experiment?
How does temperature impact solubility?
What can we learn from data?
How do technological inventions and processes impact us, our communities and the environment?
How do science careers use solubility and concentration in their work?