Cycle A Art and Design Autumn 1 Topic What makes me special? Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2 Light and Dark Fantasy and Knights and Castles Visit to Skipton Castle Dinosaurs and Plants Clay fossils (salt dough) Dinosaur models Observational drawing Printing fossils History Collage with natural materials- Andy Goldsworthy Transient Art (physical artwork) Summer 1 Dinosaurs and Summer 2 Plants The Great Fire of Fairytales animals London Area of Study Self-portraits- Van Gogh/ Picass Great fire of London scene- colour mixing and collaging. Fairytale scene collage Observational drawing of artefacts/ Heraldry Other subject links PSHCE- Ourselves Science- body parts Maths- symmetry History Literacy (Samuel Pepys parchment) Literacy History- Castle life PSHCE- family Autumn 1 What makes me Autumn 2 Light and Dark Spring 1 Fantasy and Spring 2 Knights and Castles Science Science Topic special? The Great Fire of Fairytales London Area of Study Other subject links Identify and name parts of the body Healthy eating and exercise Living and non-living Senses Observe changes across the four seasons- begin longitudinal study to continue throughout the year Music LiteracyFunnybones Geography Y1- Everyday Materials Y2- Changing materials- reversible and irreversible changes DT- make a container for Jack’s Egg Visit to Skipton Castle Y2- Properties of materials animals Carnivore/ Herbivore/ Omnivore (animals) Habitats and animals (food chains) DT- making bread Geography Plants Observe changes across the four seasons- finish longitudinal study to continue throughout the year Computing Topic Autumn 1 What makes me special? Autumn 2 Light and Dark Spring 1 Fantasy and Fairytales The Great Fire of Spring 2 Knights and Castles Visit to Skipton Castle Summer 1 Dinosaurs and Make leaflet about a Create a dinosaur knight- Purple Mash story- 2create a Summer 2 Plants animals London Area of Study Other subject links E-safety Creating and storing pictures- Purple Mash Science PSHCE E-safety Creating and storing pictures- Purple Mash Internet researchGreat Fire of London History Programmingroamers on fairytale maps Coding- Princess and the frog- Purple Mash Paint a palacePurple Mash Literacy story- Purple Mash Coding- Guard the Castle- Purple Mash Labelling parts of a plant- Purple Mash Drawing flowersPurple Mash Paint- Knight and Castle- Purple Mask Me as a knightPurple Mash History Literacy Science/ Art Geography Topic Autumn 1 What makes me special? Autumn 2 Light and Dark The Great Fire of Spring 1 Fantasy and Fairytales Spring 2 Knights and Castles Visit to Skipton Castle Summer 1 Dinosaurs and Looking at where Skipton Castle is based and why? Geographical features Literacy/ History Looking at Lyme Regis and describing features Summer 2 Plants animals London Area of Study Other subject links N/A Aerial photos/ mapping where the fire started Comparing London then and now History Making maps and exploring geographical features Literacy Science/ History N/A Design Technology Autumn 1 Topic What makes me special? Autumn 2 Light and Dark The Great Fire of Spring 1 Fantasy and Spring 2 Knights and Castles Visit to Skipton Castle Summer 1 Dinosaurs and Y1- Make a container for Jack to carry his egg and stop it from breaking Y2- Frozen puppets Literacy Science- materials Making our own bread Bags with dinosaur prints and sewing History History Science Spring 1 Fantasy and Spring 2 Knights and Castles Visit to Skipton Castle Summer 1 Dinosaurs and Fairytales Summer 2 Plants animals London Area of Study N/A N/A Other subject links N/A History Topic Autumn 1 What makes me special? Autumn 2 Light and Dark The Great Fire of Fairytales Summer 2 Plants animals London Area of Study History of our lives/ timelines The Great Fire of London Language of time What was it like to live in a castle? When did dinosaurs live? Other subject links PSHCE Science Literacy Literacy Literacy Literacy Science N/A Music Topic Autumn 1 What makes me special? Autumn 2 Light and Dark The Great Fire of Spring 1 Fantasy and Fairytales Spring 2 Knights and Castles Visit to Skipton Castle Summer 1 Dinosaurs and Summer 2 Plants Singing dinosaur songs Sound effects- How would different dinosaurs sound? Record. Science Singing songs about the season ‘Summer’ Summer 2 Plants animals London Area of Study Songs about ourselves and body parts Body percussion Handel fireworksmaking and recording music Sing songs related to literacy Sound effects for stories Medieval musiclistening and responding to music Other subject links Science History Literacy PE-dance Autumn 1 What makes me Autumn 2 Light and Dark Spring 1 Fantasy and Spring 2 Knights and Castles Visit to Skipton Castle Summer 1 Dinosaurs and Science PE Topic special? The Great Fire of Fairytales animals London Area of Study Dance Gymnastics Gymnastics Games Dance Gymnastics Dance Gymnastics Games Games Other subject links Science Art Literacy History History Science Science