Vocabulary Lesson 11

Vocabulary Lesson 11
Result (rihzuhlt) noun,verb
Reveal (rihveel) verb
To end in some particular way.
Make clear or visible.
Revise (rihviiz) noun,verb
Scan (skan) noun,verb
To change -- usually to make something better (as writing)
To glance at or read hastily.
Sequence (seekwuhns) noun,verb
Series (sihreez) noun
the order in which events take place
one after another, after another
Setting (sEHtihNG) noun,adjective
When and where a story takes place.
Significance (suhgnihfihkuhns) noun Meaning or importance of something; especially a
hidden meaning.
Simile noun a way of describing something by comparing it to something else using the
words like or as
Skim (skihm) noun,verb,adjective
Source (sawrs) noun
A person, book, statement, etc. that supplies information.
Spatial (spayshuhl) adjective
the order things appear in your surroundings or environment
Speculate (spEHkyuhlayt) verb
Stance (stans) noun
to move quickly and lightly over a surface
To think about or make guesses.
Attitude or position on an issue
Standard (standurd) noun,adjective A basis for comparison; a reference point against
which other things can be evaluated.
State (stayt) noun,verb,adjective
Statement (staytmuhnt) noun
Strategy (stratuhjee) noun
to say with words;
A fact or assertion offered as evidence that something is
A careful, overall plan.
Structure (struhkchur) noun,verb
Style (stiil) noun,verb
The way a poem or paper is constructed.
a way of doing or making something
Subjective (suhbjEHktihv) adjective influenced by personal opinion, biased
Subsequent (suhbsuhkwuhnt) adjective later; following; coming after.