Valliere Road, London, NW10 6AL 0208 969 4497 Tuesday 15th September 2015 Dear Parents and Carers, Welcome to another year at Kenmont. We have so many exciting things planned for this term and this letter will tell you everything that you need to know about autumn term in Year 2. Please ensure that you read all the information below and look at the school website. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask. playground or email me You can find me in the If you would like to arrange a longer meeting please contact the school office. As you are aware mornings are very busy and teachers have to get the children into school for registration. Year 2 Learning and Curriculum English: Speaking and listening, Story writing, Poetry, Science & Topic writing, instruction writing, non-chronological reports and recounts. We will also be focussing more on spelling, punctuation & Grammar (SPaG) this year as required by the new national curriculum. Maths: Place value, numbers and the number system, addition and subtraction, multiplication and division, shape, measure, fractions, geometry and time. Science: Habitats, life processes, Materials and plants. Look out for our ‘Heath Beasts’ trip to Hampstead Heath in October. Topic: This includes many aspects of the curriculum but with a focus this term on Geography for the first half term and history for the second. We will be looking at our local geography and that of the UK and London, map work and fieldwork. In addition to this, we will visit Buckingham palace! In history we will be looking at significant events beyond living memory such as The Great Fire of London. Art: London’s Landscapes- The children will learn about famous landscape artists and perspective resulting in their own landscape artwork. R.E: Buddhism Computing: This term we are very excited to be learning about computer coding and debugging programmes, as well as creating simple instructions to control devices such as robots and big tracks cars. P.E for Year 2 this year will take place on Mondays and Wednesdays. The children are expected to have their P.E kits on a Monday ready for the week. This must include a KPS P.E t-shirt, black or dark grey shorts, leggings or tracksuit bottoms, trainers or plimsolls and a different pair of socks. It is essential that your child has a full kit. Homework: As part of the school agreement appropriate homework must be set and completed by the children. This will include weekly spellings which are linked to phonics and some topic based spellings .Also, a piece of maths homework linked to the previous weeks learning. Spellings must be learnt off by heart and written into full sentences to ensure that the children can use the word and understand the meaning of it. We will be also be introducing some fun homework projects soon for children to deepen their learning in a fun way at home. If your child is finding the work too tricky it is essential that you speak to me, my door is always open to you. Homework will be given out every Wednesday and is due in on every Monday at 9:00am. Reading Books: Your child’s reading day will be the same day as last year in year 1, but please check the day with me if you are unsure. Your child will be given a banded reading book to take home every week. This will be recorded in their reading records and must be signed by a parent/carer each week with a comment if necessary. Please ensure the books are returned on the correct days and are looked after. Dates to Remember: Year 2 Topic Trip to Buckingham Palace- Wednesday 9th September 2015 Year 2 Science trip to Hampstead Heath Wednesday 14th October 2015 I hope that this gives you a good idea of the children’s learning for this term, feel free to email or speak to me in person if you have any further queries. I will update you on more outdoor learning trips later in the term. Kind regards, Mrs Phillips Year 2 Teacher & KS1 Leader.