Exercise 1 The Geographic Grid and Earth-sun Relationships Important lines of Lat/Long: North Pole 90 N N Artic Circle 66.5 Prime Meridian 0 Longitude Tropic of Cancer 23.5 Equator N Tropic of Capricorn 23.5 Antartic Circle 66.5 South Pole 90 S S S Important Terms: Latitude of vertical sun: (LVS) The latitude at which the sun is directly overhead (90 degree angle) at noon. This latitude ranges from 23.5N to 23.5S Angle of Incidence: (AI) The angle at which the noon sun strikes the earth. This angle changes depending upon latitude. Important Dates: Summer Solstice, June 21 - 23. On this day, the latitude of vertical sun is 23.5N. It is the longest day of the year in the northern hemisphere. The northern hemisphere is tilted toward the sun. Winter Solstice: December 21 - 23. On this day, the latitude of vertical sun is 23.5S. It is the shortest day of the year in the northern hemisphere. The northern hemisphere is tilted away from the sun. Autumnal Equinox: September 21 - 23. On this day, the latitude of vertical sun is the equator. Everywhere on the globe experiences 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of night. The earth's axis is tilted neither to or away from the sun. 4) On each diagrams below (please do not forget to note the dates): a) Draw the locations of the equator, Earth's axis, Tropic of Cancer, Tropic of Capricorn, Arctic Circle, Antarctic Circle, and the circle of illumination (lightly shade the portion of the earth that would be in shadow (night)). b) Write the correct term associated with each date. c) Label the latitude (in degrees) at which the rays of the sun strike the earth at 90 (LVS) for each date. 5) A practical Application: Your rich uncle 4x removed just died and left you a huge emerald. However, there is a catch. You must travel to the Inn of a Thousand Stars on December 22 to pick it up. The only other information that you have is a list of five cities and the knowledge that the Inn lies in the city experiencing the most direct sun on this date. To which city do you travel to pick up your inheritance? ______ ______ ______ Freetown, Sierra Leone (8N, 12W) Baghdad, Iraq (34N, 42E) Sao Paulo, Brazil (23S, 50W) ______ ______ Quito, Ecuador (Equator, 79W) Cape Town, South Africa (35S, 18E) TIME ZONES Lines of longitude are (approximately) used as a basis for world time. The world rotates in a counterclockwise direction (west to east) about its axis once a day. Thus, the earth rotates 360 degrees of longitude every 24 hours. 1) a) How many degrees does the earth rotate every hour? ___________ b) A place 45 degrees east of Ellensburg will have sunset (sooner or later)? This time will be the time for those people living on the east coast (Eastern time zone). c) If it is noon on the prime meridian, What time is it in Alexandria, Egypt? (32N, 30E) Now, let’s examine time zones here in the continental US -- basically, there are four: EST CST MST PST Eastern Standard Time Central Standard Time Mountain Standard Time Pacific Standard Time As mentioned, there are approximately 15 of Longitude between each, however, due to political/demographic boundaries, 15 is only approximate. 2) 3) Give the time zone code and the standard meridian (in degrees of longitude) for the following places: Time zone Std. Meridian Cleveland, OH ________ ________ Las Vegas, NV ________ ________ El Paso, TX ________ ________ Chicago, IL ________ ________ Denver, CO ________ ________ Montreal, Quebec ________ ________ Vancouver, BC ________ ________ Atlanta, GA ________ ________ Moscow, ID ________ ________ Of the four time zones shown on the map, which one spans the greatest extent in longitude within the lower 48 states? _______________ The estimated maximum width of this zone in degrees of longitude is ____________. 4) Clock differences between cities: When it is 11 AM in Los Angeles, the time in Atlanta is _________. When it is midnight in Pittsburgh, the time in San Francisco is _________. When it is 3 PM in New York City, it is _________ in Honolulu, Hawaii. Standard Time throughout the world. Refer to the world map on the next page. Designate the zones in terms of hours fast (minus sign) and hours slow (plus sign). Greenwich time (zero hours) is based on the Greenwich (or Prime) Meridian (Zero Longitude). 5) Give the time zone for each of the following nations: Japan _________ Iceland _________ Iran _________ Chile _________ India _________ New Zealand _________ Greenland _________ 6) From how many different starting points on the globe would it be possible to travel 100 miles north, then 100 miles east (or west), then 100 miles south, and be exactly at the starting point? The southern hemisphere is simple, but can you solve this problem fully for the northern hemisphere? Briefly explain your answer. Use the two circles below to draw your solution to the problem for each hemisphere. The dots in the middle represent the south and north poles. Southern Hemisphere Explanation: Northern Hemisphere Google Earth portion To do this lab, you will need to load Google Earth onto your computer. To do this, goto http://www.google.com/earth/download/ge/agree.html , download, and install. No need to install Chrome. Objectives: 1) 2) 1) Learn how to use latitude and longitude to define the position of anywhere on the globe. Learn how the solstices and equinoxes relate to latitude, time of year, and the position of the sun relative to the earth. Locate the following cities on the globe and give the latitude and longitude for each. Round to the nearest degree Example: Manila, Philippines Perth, Australia Nairobi, Kenya Cairo, Egypt Warsaw, Poland Latitude 15N ________ ________ ________ ________ Longitude 121E ________ ________ ________ ________ Atlanta, GA Bogota, Columbia Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Anchorage, Alaska Vladivostok, SE Russia Karachi, Pakistan ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ Latitude Longitude 25N 60N 34S 17S 20N 47E 11E 18E 68W 158W 2) Write the name of the city at the following locations: _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ this lab and all others will be due by 5:00 on the Thursday of the week the lab was assigned. Put it in the mailboxy thing right outside my office (316 Dean). Late or emailed labs will not be accepted. 3 points.