May - Brecksville-Broadview Heights Bee Athletic Boosters

BEE Athletic Boosters Meeting
May 4, 2015
Attendees: Beth O’Donell, Mary Grace Dimitrijevs, JoAnn Farwell, Julie Seballos, Terri Speck, Linda
Carney, Cindy Klaus, Baljeet Khosa Seibert, Dan Kalinsky, Nanci Schlabig, and Janice Morgan.
Vice President, Ron Ring, called the meeting to order at 7:02.
President, Beth O’Donnell:
Thank you to all booster members for volunteering for the Easter Seals fundraiser and to Bob
Evans in Broadview Heights for donating coupons to pass out as people donated their items.
The donation truck was not as full as last year. The exact profit will be announced at the next
booster meeting.
A discussion was held as to how to increase participation in the fundraiser in the future.
Another Easter Seals fundraising event happened in Broadview Heights shortly before the
booster’s event. Easter Seals needs to do a better job communicating surrounding events to
eliminate competition in the same cities.
To increase donations next year, it was suggested that we contact visiting lacrosse teams before
the event and create a donation challenge. Last year more visiting teams participated.
Having Easter Seals hang a sign on their truck to inform everyone passing by that it is a clothing
donation truck could help increase awareness and donations.
Next year boosters need to get an announcement out earlier to stimulate interest and give
people time to clean out their closets.
Getting all of the BBH schools to publicize the Easter Seals donation dates ahead of time could
also increase donation quantity.
First Vice President, Ron Ring:
Golf outing is set for August 28 at Briarwood Golf Club in Broadview Heights.
Advertising for golf outing needs to start now. All flyers are made and being distributed.
The new slate of officers is attached. Terri Speck made a motion to approve the new slate of
officers. Nanci Schlabig seconded the motion. A voice vote was held. The motion carried.
Second Vice President, Chip Bell: (Not present)
The Bees Athletic Boosters Scholarship forms are in. Three members are needed to tally points
and read essay.
A suggestion was made that we rethink the awarding of the scholarships for next year. Only a
small number of students apply.
Secretary, Mary Grace Dimitrijevs:
Nothing to report.
JoAnn Farwell made a motion to approve the May Regular minutes. Nanci Schlabig seconded
the motion. A voice vote was held. The motion carried.
Treasurer, JoAnn Farwell:
Total equity is approximately $42,000.
One small check was written for March Madness this month.
Terri Speck made a motion to approve the May financials. Julie Seballos seconded the motion.
A voice vote was held. The motion carried.
Membership, Julie Seballos:
No new memberships this month.
Team Reports, Jennifer Starinsky:
Spring sports teams are having a great season so far.
Girls’ softball only has one loss and is ranked #1 in the state with Alexis Mac achieving the all
time record in Ohio for stolen bases.
Boys’ baseball is in first place in SWC with 16 and 4 record with only one conference loss.
Ranked 19th in state.
Girls’ track is doing exceptional. They won their past 3 SWC dual/tri meets and ended their
season with a 7-1 record. They have several top ten performers in school history.
High School Athletic Director, Dan Kalinsky:
May 13-14 is the SWC track meet hosted at BBHHS.
The new conference will be competitive for all sports beginning in the fall.
The new AD position should be selected and announced by next month. The process has
narrowed the field to the final 8 candidates. Administrators, students and parents will have
input. 70 people applied for the position.
Dan thanked the boosters and all parents for their continued support and involvement in the
high school athletics throughout the years.
May 28 is spring sports recognition night.
A discussion was held about how to generate more involvement in the boosters at the middle
school level. Suggestions were made to find a middle school rep to attend all booster meetings
and to hang a booster sign in middle school gym to advertise the booster website.
Allocation Requests:
Coach Ganim sent a letter to the boosters to request funds to help add storage room to auxiliary
gym in high school. The letter went to the district as well. The storage area would help house
gymnastics mats and equipment, which typically has to be transported from offsite locations for
home events. Other sports would also be able to store equipment there.
The future projects the boosters might be involved in include renovating the stadium,
renovating the tennis courts, finishing gymnasium sound system, and adding auxiliary gym
sound system.
A suggestion was made to reach out to University and Metro Hospitals for funds.
Old Business:
The Concessions position will be divided into 3 parts to make it more manageable.
1) Scheduler/Team Rep position
2) Purchaser
3) Event Coordinator/Team Rep. Trainer
Concessions positions will evolve next year. Changing the structure of the position will be fluid
with continuous evaluation and adjusting as required.
A Google blast will go out to all team reps to search for additional concessions people.
Lacrosse has worked their own meets and are restricted when no workers volunteer.
Suggestions were made as to how to get more concessions workers. Perhaps Key Club, Choirs,
or other clubs would want to work to raise money. Coaches might be more impactful if they
emailed parents and asked for volunteers rather than the parent volunteers hounding other
parents. Making it mandatory for all teams to work and assigning them games could increase
participation. Now the concessions position get their children’s teams to work, but some
teams don’t participate at all. Perhaps sign ups could be open to all teams on a first come, first
serve basis. Then, left over games could be assigned to teams that did not sign up. Currently,
some coaches have players work concessions to help offset their pay to play.
Easter Seals was April 24-25. Thank you to everyone that volunteered and donated.
The Golf Outing has a PayPal button on website. The event is August 28 at Briarwood Golf
The BAB banners will be ordered for high school and middle school to advertise our
organization and website.
New Business:
Picnic tables in pavilion are falling apart. One is supported on a rock. Can we purchase new
ones? There is money in the Mr. Fulton Fund.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:05.