Constitutional Intake Form Name_______________Date_____

Constitutional Intake Form
Name_______________Date_____ Phone__________e:mail______________
Sometimes nausea in mornings
__ Sometimes nausea in evenings
Sometimes excess salivation
__ Mouth frequently too dry
__ Duodenal ulcer
Stomach ulcer
__ Sometimes foul burps
__ Butterflies in stomach
__ Seldom eat breakfast
__ Often don’t finish meals
__ Often eat to calm down
__ Receding gums
__ Frequent use of alcohol
__ Frequent poor appetite
Strong, demanding hunger
__ Bitter taste in morning
__ Dragon breath in morning
__ Acid indigestion at night
__ Frequent mouth or cold sores
__ Sometimes difficulty in swallowing
__ Indigestion after eating
Stools loose with gas
__ Constipation with gas
__ Frequent constipation
Digestion unusually rapid
Loose stools when tired/stressed
__ Light colored, hard stools
Dark, soft stools
Quick defecation after eating
__ Intestines often bloated
__ Constipation with hemorrhoids
__ “
w/painful defecation
__ “
w/hard, marbly stools
__ “
w/ fully formed stools
__ “
alternate w/diarrhea
__ Frequent need for laxatives
__ Tongue often coated
__ Floating stool, fat floats in water
__ Undigested food particles in stool
__ Greasy, smelly stools
__ Dry, flaky skin
__ Night blindness
__ Hard bumps on the back of the arm
__ Bruises easily
__ Frequent urination, small amounts
Infrequent urination, copious
__ Sometimes dribbles urine afterwards
__ Frequent bladder infections
__ Demanding and sudden need to
__ Mucus in urine
__ Benign prostatic hypertrophy (males)
__ Dull ache after urination
Dry, even scaly skin
Moist, sometimes oily skin
Hives from food or drugs
Hay fever or asthma
Reactions to VOG
Craves proteins, fats
Craves sweets, or fruits
Frequent trouble digesting fats
Acne on face and buttocks
Seems to have low blood sugar
Had hepatitis in past
Frequent use of alcohol
Work with solvents
Frequent minor illnesses
Fever w/sweat when sick
Don’t sweat when sick
Craves shade
Craves sun
Nails split, brittle, weak w/ridges
Facial twitches
Blurred vision
Eyes often red, inflamed
Tremors in hands or neck
Standing too quickly makes pulse roar
in ears
Standing too quickly causes faintness,
Wakes up at night to urinate
Frequent blushing or flushing
Water retention with change of weather
Moderate high blood pressure, craves
Moderate low blood pressure, craves
Frequent thirst
Craving for salt
Urine always light colored
Urine usually darker
Frequent masturbation
Sexual desire increased
Sexual desire decreased
Chronic lower back pain with sore knees
Impaired hearing
Joints hurting when weather changes
Dry skin
Depressed for long periods
Sweat freely with strong scent
Oily skin, facial acne
__ Dry skin, cold hands and feet
Cycle more than 28 days
Cycle less than 28 days
Water retention before menses, hips,
Water retention before menses, feet,
Craves fats, proteins before menses,
Craves sweets before menses, usually
Sides of breasts tender before menses
Miss some periods
Menses slow starting with cramps
Palpitations before menses
Menstruation lengthy, frequent cramps
Menstruation short, defined, few
Frequent Class II Pap Smears
History of PID(pelvic inflam.disease),
Miscarriages, problem pregnancy
Period early with altitude change
Period late with altitude change
Tried, but couldn’t handle birth control
Frequent candida/type infections
Frequent vaginal herpes
Frequent cannabis use
Pain or ache after orgasm
Benign prostatic hypertrophy
Difficulty maintaining erection even if
in mood
__ Shortness of breath when standing or
__ Tobacco smoker
Easy coughing of mucus
__ Difficulty swallowing mucus
__ Rapid, shallow breather
__ Sometimes wake up gasping for breath
__ Yawns frequently
Sometimes hyperventilates
__ Frequent chest colds
Frequent nose bleeds
__ Face, eyes get puffy
Slow, strong pulse
__ Fast, light pulse
Frequent physical activity
Warm bodied
__ Cold bodied
__ Sometimes dizzy or faint
Hands warm, sweaty
__ Hands cold, clammy or dry
Palpitations as an adolescent or before menses
Hypertension, responds to diuretics
__ Hypertension, not responding to diuretic
Bad dreams
Recuperates quickly if ill
__ Recuperates slowly if ill
Injuries heal quickly
__ Injuries heal slowly
__ Eczema, dermatitis
__ Asthma or hay fever
__ Arthritis or rheumatism
Digests fats easily
__ Digests fats poorly
__ Frequent low level infections
__ Depression, Frustration
Skin eruptions superficial, come to a head
Skin eruptions deep, not coming to a head
Skin on trunk is dry
Oily scalp or hair
Dry scalp or hair
Cracks, fissures on heel, feet, slow healing
Nails brittle, split
__ Sores, cracks, on mouth, anus, vagina
__ Lips often dry, chapped
__ Food often causes intestinal pain
__ Feelings of hunger without desire to eat
__ Gets sore throat easily
__ Gum problems
__ Frequent nose bleeds
__ Hot spells, feverishness esp. in late afternoon
__ dry throat with thirst, dry tongue,
dehydration, fatigue, mental & physical unrest
__ Heat in cheeks, soles, palms or sternum
__ Heat exhaustion
__ Diabetes
__ Peri menopausal syndrome
__ Chronic low grade fevers
__ Constipation with small, hard dry stool
__ Scanty, delayed or absent periods
__ Postpartum women
__ dry, irritating, unproductive cough,
chest pain, headache
__ Sensitive to hot weather
__ Excessive intake of spicy food
__ Excessive physical activity
__ High stress levels
__ Insufficient water intake
__ Feelings of hunger without desire to eat
Constitutional Intake Form
Name_______________Date_____ Phone__________e:mail______________
Warm, moist skin
__ __ Over weight
Mild tachycardia
__ __ Lethargic during day
__ __ Troubled short sleep
Rapid respiration
Rapid transit time under 15hr. with loose
__ Dry skin, waxy, dry scalp
__ Hair stops growing and splits
__ Slow transit time (constipation)
__ Long cycles, over 38 days
__ Sluggish eyes
__ Depression
__ __ Manic-depressive duality
__ Poor concentration
Frequent urination
Dramatic extroverted personality
__ Introverted personality
__ Fatigue
__ Chronic constipation
__ Varicose veins, hemorrhoids
__ Heaviness in legs, dull ache after prolonged
__ Edema, pigmentation around ankles
__ Leg cramps at night
__ Skin rashes, eczema
__ Under tongue veins large & purple
__ Cold extremities
Gum problems
Awakens & can’t go back to sleep
Thinning/falling hair
Weak vision esp. at night
Easily dizzy
Floaters in the eyes
Scanty, delayed, irregular, or absent periods
Chronic fatigue, low vitality
Long term stress or debility (postpartum)
Weight loss
Tendency, seemingly, to anemia
Recurring, chronic infections
Tendency to depression
Dry or withered skin
Pale lips, nails, & lower eyelids
Cold extremities
Emotional apathy
Mental dullness
Fingernails split from top to bottom
Weak, saggy skin
__ Rheumatoid arthritis
__ Lupus
__ Fibromyalgia
__ Asthma, semi-asthma, wheezing
__ MS
__ Stuffy nose before bedtime, congested sinuses
__ Leaky gut, toothpaste squeezing stool
__ Dull ache when eating on right side, bloated colon
__ Eczema, psoriasis
__ Sore joints/knees/ shoulders
__ Elevated liver enzymes, reddish tongue
with red tip, flushed face
__ White/yellow coated tongue with raised bumps
in the back
Mark conditions that are frequent. If it is mild, mark
“1”; if it is a dominant condition, Mark “2”
Aluminum cooking vessels
Brown spots, bronzing of skin
Can’t gain weight
Can’t lose weight
Can’t get started without coffee
Chemical or spray poisoning
Cry easily without seeming cause
Eat often or else faint/nervous
Headaches in the morning, wearing off
Heart palpitations when hungry
Heart palpitations after eating
Highly emotional
Highly controlled
Recent increase in weight
Lack of sensation somewhere in the body
Likes depressants
Likes stimulants
Frequent muscle cramps
Pollution heavy in work or home environment
Ringing in ears
Pulse speeds up after eating
Sensitive to cold weather
Sensitive to hot weather
Sensitive to high humidity
Sensitive to low humidity
Stuffy nose during the day
Stuffy nose in evening, night
List the herbs, supplements, pharmaceutical
medication you are currently taking:
List significant family health history:
Additional things you wish to mention: