Minutes - Santa Barbara County Education Office

Santa Barbara County Child Care Planning Council
ECE Leadership Action Team
November 4, 2014
Meeting Minutes
Members Present: Trudy Adair-Verbais, Adrianna Foss, Eileen Monahan, Raquel Valdez, Leslie Voss
Staff Present: Joyce Stone
1. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by Chair Eileen Monahan at 1:14 p.m.
2. Approve Minutes of October 1, 2014 Meeting
Adrianna Foss moved to approve the minutes of the meeting of October 1, 2014 as presented. Trudy AdairVerbais seconded the motion. MSC.
3. Review Task List from October Meeting
The task list was reviewed and updated.
4. Further Planning for 2014
 Post Test and Evaluation for November 14: Joyce Stone will work with Terri Allison to develop an
evaluation for the 2014 Series, and it will be emailed to those who are unable to attend the last training
on November 14.
 Regional Meetings: Regional meetings are being held in Santa Maria on November 5 and in Santa
Barbara on November 6. Terri Allison will attend both to answer questions about Reflective Practice.
5. Further Planning for 2015
 Reflective Practice Institute
o The Contract with Harvest Resources has been finalized and signed by all parties.
o Budget Update: The budget was reviewed.
o Sponsorships Update: Sponsorships have been confirmed either verbally or in writing from
PCAEYC, First 5 Santa Barbara, the Santa Barbara Foundation, Community Action Commission,
Lakeshore and Kaplan. Team members decided to offer Kaplan and Lakeshore each one of the
two days to highlight their sponsorships. It was also decided to continue fundraising.
o ECE Units Update: Santa Barbara City College is unable to provide units. Members will continue
exploring the possibilities.
o Table Facilitators Update: Very few applications have yet been received; the applications will be
distributed again at the Child Care Planning Council meeting and sent out with the registration
o Develop Registration Materials: Joyce Stone will work with the graphic designer to complete the
registration materials.
Operating under the authority of the Santa Barbara Board of Supervisors and Santa Barbara County Education Office
Set Fees: Current sponsorships will allow the registration rates to be set at $40 (for
table facilitators and PCAEYC members) and $50 (for all others). A separate fee of $5 –
10 will be collected at the event for the evening social hour on January 30.
Set Timeline: Registration for table facilitators will be due December 5, 2014; all others
will be due December 12, 2014.
Planning for 2015 Post-Institute: The countywide luncheon will be set for March 13, March 20 or March
27 at the Hotel Corque. Joyce Stone will confirm the date with the hotel staff.
6. Next Steps
 Eileen Monahan will explore sponsorship opportunities with Cox Media and Montecito Bank & Trust.
 Joyce Stone will complete the grant application to the Santa Barbara Foundation.
 Leslie Voss will research possible donations for the social hour refreshments and will check on the
tables needed at the venue.
 Joyce Stone will contact Debbie Lebo about the hours for January 29 and about reimbursement for
travel costs.
7. Next Meeting Date:
Monday December 8, 2014 from 2 pm to 4 pm. Joyce Stone will book a venue.
Operating under the authority of the Santa Barbara Board of Supervisors and Santa Barbara County Education Office