Minutes - Santa Barbara County Education Office

Santa Barbara County Child Care Planning Council
Steering Committee
Minutes of Meeting of October 29, 2014
Union Bank, 2010 Mission Drive, Solvang, CA 93463
Members present: Terri Allison (by telephone), Jennifer Bergquist, Becky Grant, Thesa Roepke
Members absent: Trudy Adair-Verbais, Michelle Graham, Eileen Monahan
Staff present: Joyce Stone
Call to Order
Chair Jennifer Bergquist called the meeting to order at 2:22 p.m.
Public Comment Period
There was no public comment.
Approval of Minutes of September 15, 2014
Becky Grant moved to approve the minutes of September 15, 2014 as presented. Terri Allison
seconded the motion. MSC.
Public Policy/State Budget Update
Joyce Stone reported that Cecelia Fisher-Dahms from CDE/EESD gave a presentation at the CA Child
Care Coordinators Association Conference in San Diego on October 17. Joyce will share the
presentation at the November 12 Council meeting and will lead a discussion on the implementation
of the new funding initiatives.
Review of Amended 2014-15 Internal Plan
Joyce Stone presented a revised version of the 2014-15 Internal Plan, based on the discussion at
the Council meeting on October 8. Members approved the revisions and the revised plan will be
sent out to Council members.
Review of the Updated Committee Roster
Joyce Stone presented an updated Committee Roster. The Quality Ad Hoc Workforce Committee
and the Advocacy/Public Policy Committee have not convened meetings since the September
Retreat. Thesa Roepke pointed out that the QWAC does need community college representation,
and she would be willing to facilitate the meetings if they could be held at Allan Hancock College.
Joyce will contact the committee members.
Development of Council Training Plan for 2014-15
The members reviewed the suggestions made on the Retreat evaluations and at the October 8
Council meeting. The training at the November 12 meeting will be an update from CDE/EESD
provided by Joyce Stone. Joyce will draft a training plan and send it to the Steering Committee
members before presenting it to the full Council.
Review of Agency Annual Report and Summary of Self-Evaluation Findings
Joyce Stone presented a draft of the Annual Report and Summary, which will go to the Council for
approval on November 12. It is due to CDE on November 15.
Update on Federal Preschool Expansion
Joyce Stone reported that the CDE submitted an application for the federal funding on October 14.
CA is eligible for up to $35 million in funding. CDE put out a call for sub-grantees and received 200
applications; 12 were selected, including Santa Barbara Co. First 5 Santa Barbara is the lead agency,
with partners including the Community Action Commission, SBCCCPC, SBCEO Child Development
Dept. and Special Education, and the Santa Maria-Bonita and Lompoc school districts.
Needs Assessment Update
Joyce Stone will convene a meeting of the Needs Assessment Ad Hoc Committee before the end of
November. Thesa Roepke mentioned that she may have students to assist with collecting data.
Update on ECE Leadership Project
Joyce Stone reported that the Leadership Action Team will meet on November 4. The Team has
been engaged in a sponsorship campaign for the Reflective Practice Institute in January 2015, to
help keep participant fees as low as possible. As soon as the final sponsorship levels are confirmed,
the registration materials can be finalized and distributed. The Regional Directors Support Group
meetings will be held in Santa Maria on November 5 and in Santa Barbara on November 6. The next
countywide Leadership Luncheon, the final in the 2014 Series on Reflective Practice, will be held on
November 14.
Coordinator’s Report
Joyce Stone presented a written report of her activities since the September Steering Committee
ECED Updates
This item was tabled due to the absence of an ECED representative.
Agenda for November 19, 2014 Steering Committee Meeting
Agenda items will include: Public Policy/State Budget update; ECE Leadership update; Needs
Assessment update; ECED updates; review of training calendar; discussion of communication with
committees & possible need for committee chair training.
Agenda for November 12, 2014 Council Meeting
Agenda items will include: Approval of minutes of meeting of October 8; approval of Agency Annual
Report and Summary of Self-Evaluation Findings; presentation on CDE/EESD updates and discussion
of implementation; setting committee meeting dates; report on the Reflective Practice Institutes,
Other Business/Announcements
Jennifer Bergquist inquired about any updates to discussions with the Santa Barbara Foundation.
Joyce Stone reported that there has been interest expressed in supporting the Reflective Practice
Institute in January, and in getting updated needs data.
Chair Jennifer Bergquist adjourned the meeting at 4:00 p.m.