Leadership AT Minutes 13aug14

ECE Leadership Action Team
August 13, 2014
Meeting Minutes
Members Present: Karin Dominguez, Adrianna Foss, Eileen Monahan, Raquel Valdez, Leslie Voss
Guests Present: Terri Allison
Staff Present: Joyce Stone
1. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by Chair Eileen Monahan at 9:20 a.m.
2. Approve Minutes of June 24, 2014 Meeting
Leslie Voss suggested a correction to the minutes regarding the evening activity for the Institutes,
which is an optional event. Adrianna Foss moved to approve the minutes of the meeting of June
24, 2014 as corrected; Raquel Valdez seconded the motion. MSC.
3. Further Planning for 2014
 Supports during summer break: Joyce Stone sent out one email to participants on July 1; Terri
Allison will follow up with an additional email once she returns from vacation.
 Regional meeting dates will be set by Terri and Joyce based on their schedules. Joyce will book
the conference rooms at First 5. Dates will be selected for late August or early September and
for late October.
 All books have been received and will be distributed at the regional meetings if possible.
4. Planning for 2015 and Beyond
 Reflective Practices Institute
o Contract: Members reviewed the contract template sent by Harvest Resources. Joyce
Stone will discuss it with Trudy Adair-Verbais to ensure it conforms to SBCEO protocols.
o Funding: The Board of the Pacific Coast Association for the Education of Young Children
approved funding of $5,000 towards the costs of the Institute. Joyce Stone will estimate
any remaining funding from the 2013-14 grant from the Orfalea Foundation that might
be allocated to the Institute. Members brainstormed other possible sponsorship
opportunities (see attached Task List).
o Target Audience: School principals, directors, site supervisors, preschool and
transitional kindergarten teachers in leadership roles, and emerging leaders. It was
suggested to limit attendance to five people from the same agency.
o Outreach: The preferred title is: Administrators to Innovators: The Reflective Practice
Institute. Joyce will draft a save the date message and work with Katrina Jackson to
Operating under the authority of the Santa Barbara Board of Supervisors and Santa Barbara County Education Office
design a flyer. Logos on the flyer will include CCPC, the Orfalea Foundation, PCAEYC,
and First 5. The message on the flyer will include: attendance per agency may be limited
due to limited space (120 to 150 maximum participants); sponsorships are being sought
and fees for attendees will be kept as low as possible. Joyce will contact Carla Flowers
from SBCEO re: contacting TK teachers.
Facilitators: Targeted outreach will be done to recruit facilitators, from PCAECY,
SBCCCPC and the ECE Leadership oarticipants. Leslie Voss will develop a 1/2-page form
for recruitment that will include qualifications and requirements; facilitators may get a
reduced fee and a professional growth certificate.
Venue: Eileen Monahan reported on her research into possible venues. The top picks
are UCSB, the Cabrillo Arts Center, and a Santa Barbara hotel such as the Fess Parker. It
was thought that Casa de Maria would not be suitable. Other suggestions include midCounty hotels such as the Hotel Corque in Solvang. Eileen and Leslie will meet to check
out possible UCSB sites, and Eileen will communicate information via email.
Budget: The budget template supplied by Harvest Resources was reviewed and
updated. Joyce will prepare an updated budget document.
ECE Units: Eileen will talk with Thesa Roepke about ECE units through Allan Hancock
College; if Thesa is unable to do it, she will contact Sharol Viker.
Questions from Harvest Resources: Leslie reviewed the questions forwarded by Deb
Curtis and will respond to her with a copy to Joyce.
5. Grant Proposal to Orfalea Foundation for 2015
 The Child Care Planning Council has been invited to submit a grant for ECE Leadership of up to
$20,000 for 2015. The grant proposal is due August 20, 2014.
 Proposal will include: the January Reflective Practice Institute; one follow-up countywide
luncheon in March 2015, with participants self-selecting topic areas for deeper learning;
establishment of regional Learning Communities with three meetings in both north and south
county; purchase of the book, “Reflecting in communities of Practice: A Workbook for Early
Childhood Educators” for attendees of the Institute.
 Budget: Funding for Institute; $3000 for countywide meeting plus facilitator costs; $3000 for
regional meetings (six at $500 each); purchase of books; staff salaries and benefits.
 The Action Team will act as a support network for current and emerging leaders, and an annual
gathering would be held each January. The content would be driven by the needs of the
participants, with leaders/facilitators identified at the March 2015 meeting.
6. Next Steps
Please see attached Task List.
7. Next Meeting Date: Late September – early October; to be determined by Doodle poll.
Operating under the authority of the Santa Barbara Board of Supervisors and Santa Barbara County Education Office