Assessment number Unit Value Title Due date Task 1 Other instructions Presentation guidelines: Use the assessment template provided In the assessment template, type in your details as prompted, complete the academic misconduct declaration as prompted and work through the checklist as prompted Complete the footer as prompted i.e. last name, first name, student number, assessment numbering Format your assessment with 1.5 line spacing, size 12 point Arial font and page numbering A minimum 5 peer-reviewed journal articles or texts not be more than 5 years old. Use APA referencing 1500 word limit does NOT include end-of-text reference list Use headings to signpost your work Save the final version of your paper using the filename of lastname_studentnumber_XXX_assessment 1 XXX333 This assessment task is worth 40% of the final grade for this unit Written: Paper Reflective practice Week 4 Use Gibbs reflective model as a framework to reflect on an experience you have had as an undergraduate XXXXXX that has impacted on your philosophy of practice. Assignments MUST be submitted via Learnline system When writing your paper ensure that you follow the following 3 documents as this is what your markers will be following: 1. The assignment task (as above) 2. The marking rubric (attached below) 3. The APA referencing guide Code XXX333 Semester 2, 2014 - Assessment 1 Marking Rubric Presentation Organisation & structure Content Research & referencing Needs development Competent Exemplary 0-1 2-3 4-5 Greater than 2 presentation guidelines not abided by (Assessment template used and completed; formatting; word limit; filename). Less than 1 - 2 presentation guidelines not abided by (Assessment template used and completed; formatting; word limit; filename). Follows ALL presentation guidelines accurately (Assessment template used and completed; formatting; word limit; filename). Insufficient attention to correct spelling, grammar punctuation and syntax. Demonstrates consistent attention to correct spelling, grammar punctuation and syntax. Excellent attention to correct spelling, grammar punctuation and syntax. 0-1 2-3 4-5 Attempts an introduction, body and conclusion However one or more of these stages are weak or ineffective; Attempts to utilise Gibbs 6 stage model; Provides an illogical or random progression of ideas throughout the paper. Has an introduction (Topic sentences, Statement of intent); Utilises Gibbs 6 stage model to provide a logical progression of ideas throughout the body of the paper. Main points are present and directly related to the topic, but one or more points may lack enough detail and development. Conclusion summarises most of the main points in the paper. Has an effective introduction (Topic sentences, Statement of intent); Utilises Gibbs 6 stage model to provide a smooth progression of ideas in the body of the paper by using transitional devices (Headings, Linking sentences). Points are well developed and directly related to the task. Conclusion effectively summarises the main points in the paper (no new data). 0-9 10-15 16-20 Demonstrates limited understanding of the topic; Limited reflection on own knowledge/ skills/ attitude. Demonstrates considerable understanding of the topic; Demonstrates competence in reflecting on own knowledge/ skills/ attitude. Demonstrates thorough understanding of topic; Demonstrates excellence in reflecting on own knowledge/ skills/ attitude. 0-4 5-7 8-10 Less than 5 peer reviewed journals or texts are used to build and support argument; Some journals and texts are more than 5 years old; The use of direct quotes is significant (>5); APA guidelines are poorly adhered to for in-text referencing and the end-oftext reference list (>5 errors). 5 peer reviewed journals or texts are used to build and support argument; No more than 1 journal or text is no more than 5 years old; The use of direct quotes is minimal (≤ 5); APA guidelines are used to format in-text referencing and the end-oftext reference list (≤5 errors). A minimum of 5 peer reviewed journals or texts are used to build and support argument; Journals and texts are no more than 5 years old; The use of direct quotes is minimal (≤ 3); APA guidelines are used to format in-text referencing and the end-of-text reference list (≤ 3 errors). Code