7322MED: Assessment Item – Major Essay: Criteria Marking Sheet Student Name: Description HD D C P PC F Critical Evaluation and Relevance of Discussion (70%) Knowledge and critique based on relevant important ideas, theoretical concepts and valid research findings. Original, cohesive and quality analysis and discussion. Evidence of insightful and critical understanding of issues. Critical evaluation is informed by the literature. Demonstrates well developed understanding of the topic and coherent development of ideas discussed to appropriate depth. Evidence of a good understanding of the issues. Offers perceptive opinion informed by the literature. Demonstrates good understanding of the topic and development of major ideas that are discussed to an adequate depth. Evidence of a sound understanding of the issues. Offers opinion informed by the literature. Demonstrates an understanding of the topic and consistently develops the major ideas. The discussion has depth in parts. Evidence of a satisfactory understanding of the issues. Offers opinion on some of the issues. Demonstrates an understanding of the topic. In parts, the discussion needs to be in more depth. Limited understanding or consideration of the issues. Describes rather than evaluates. Provided some reference to the topic and had some ideas about it. Discussion lacks clarity and depth. Has not demonstrated understanding or consideration of the issues. Has not demonstrated an understanding of the topic. Organisation, Structure and Written Presentation (20%) Clear, logical and evident structure to the organisation and presentation of the discussion in the paper. Demonstrates acceptable standards of written work (e.g. expression and grammar) The paper is well organised with a logical, clear and evident structure. Carefully edited with no errors. Accurate referencing. Appropriate length. The paper is appropriately organised with a logical structure. Carefully edited with few errors. Appropriate referencing and length The paper shows evidence of acceptable organisation and logical structure. Well edited but with some errors that may hinder readability. Appropriate referencing and length. The paper has a satisfactory structure with mostly logical presentation. Satisfactory editing, but a few errors that hinder readability. Appropriate referencing and length. The paper is poorly organised and lacks clear structure. Errors that hinder readability. Referencing incomplete, or inappropriate. Length -too long or too short. The paper is disorganised with no clear structure. Multiple errors hindering readability. Referencing incomplete and/or inappropriate. Length -too long or too short Use of Literature (10%) Quality of and use of supporting literature and references Academic reference style used correctly Excellent use of a wide variety of academically appropriate literature. References used an integrated manner that substantiates the assertions. Very good use of academically appropriate literature. References used appropriately to support assertions. Good use of literature to support discussion and assertions. Adequate use of literature to support some of the discussion and assertions. Limited use of literature to support discussion and assertions. Poor or no use of literature to support discussion and assertions. Total Marker: Date: Comments: /50