Conditions for obtaining reproductions

Royal Museum of the Armed Forces and of Military History
Conditions for reproduction
Conditions for obtaining reproductions
General conditions
1. The Royal Military Museum can supply reproductions of items and collections on
paper in its possession in view of upgrading these collections and spreading
2. The items include all two and three dimensional RMM collection pieces. The
collections on paper include all collections on paper larger than A3 size. Pictures are
taken in the photo studio: bills, maps, etchings, notices, drawings, watercolours and
pictures. A specific rule applies to archive documents and collections on paper
smaller than A3 size (see § D).
3. Requests are made through the “Request for the reproduction of collection pieces
belonging to the RMM” form. The forms can be downloaded from the RMM internet
4. Requests are handled in order of reception.
5. Upon reception of a request, the RMM will check its feasibility. If the request
cannot be met (e.g. for technical reasons), the applicant will be notified as soon as
6. The usual term for realization and dispatch of reproductions is four weeks. For
urgent requests (i.e. within ten working days) fees are doubled.
7. Reproductions will be delivered upon settlement of the invoice sent by the RMM.
The mentioned amounts cover the rights for usage of digital reproductions.
8. For copyright and all other possible rights, the applicant has to comply with all
current rules and regulations. The RMM declines responsibility in the matter. The
applicant is to obtain all authorizations from the author, his beneficiaries or the
association representing the author. This applies mainly to pieces subjected to
copyright (paintings, pictures, drawings, etc.). Copyright normally does not apply to
three-dimensional objects (exception made for paintings and works of art).
For Belgium, the organisations mentioned hereunder are representative:
a. SABAM (works of art but sometimes also pictures) : rue d’Arlon 75-77, 1040
Brussels, tel. : 02/ 286 82 11
b. SOFAM (pictures) : avenue Frans Courtens 131, 1030 Brussels, tel. : 02/ 726 98
9. Each published reproduction has to carry the caption: “Collections Royal Military
Museum, Brussels”, followed by an inventory number, the name of the photographer
and the year of request.
E.g.: Collections Royal Military Museum, Brussels, inv. n° 100568, picture John
Williams, 2014.
10. Within one month of publication the applicant will put two free copies at the
disposal of the RMM:
a. per language in which the article, folder, book, cd-rom was published
b. of the DVD of the movie or TV broadcast
c. per language used on a bill.
Copies are to be sent to the RMM.
11. For publication on the internet: the complete internet address featuring the
images has to be transmitted. The person in charge of the website has to mention
clearly that the images cannot be used without prior consent from the Royal Military
B. Requests for publications, presentations or educational ends
If the requested items are meant for publication, presentation or educational ends we
can supply digital reproductions (TIFF or JPEG, 300 dpi, print on A3) under the
following conditions.
By publication we mean “the reproduction for the public by means of a book or ebook, magazine, cd-rom, DVD, bill, on line posting or use in an exhibition, movie or
television broadcast”.
The amounts mentioned include VAT (21%).
1. Fees for pieces and collections on paper, size over A3
1. Charge per digital shot is € 70,-.
2. If several shots of a same piece have to be taken (e.g. different angles, front and
back views,…) complementary pictures are charged € 35,- each. For specific shots
(specific requests), a fixed fee of € 35,- will be charged.
3. Fees are based on a single use of the reproduction. A second use of the same
reproduction (second edition or in another publication) will have to be authorized by
the RMM. A discount of 50% will then be applied to the amounts mentioned in 1 and
4. If the reproduction is meant for the internet a special RMM authorization has to be
obtained. Each digital image used on the internet will be charged € 70,- in addition to
the amounts mentioned above. This surcharge is to be paid annually for as long as
the pictures are present on the internet.
5. If the reproduction is used on the cover or on a bill, each image is charged € 350,-.
A repeated use benefits from a 50% discount.
6. If the reproduction concerns educational ends, i.e. a publication without
commercial ends, the amounts mentioned above will benefit from a 50% discount.
The decision whether or not to apply the discount lies with the RMM.
C. Requests for research or for private ends
1. If the reproductions are needed for research or private use, we can supply low
resolution images (JPEG, 72 dpi, print on A5). The use on internet is not
considered as a private use.
2. A 50% discount is applied to all amounts mentioned above (B 1.1 and B 1.2).
3. The applicant commits to not making the digital images public or not passing
them on to a third party.
D. Requests for archive funds and collections on paper, size A3 or smaller
Specific rules apply to archive documents and collection on paper size A3 or smaller.
1. Visitors can photocopy archive documents, books, magazines, pictures, etc.
(fees: € 2.5 for 10 copies; € 5.5 for 25; € 8.5 for 50 and € 16 for 100). No
specific request has to be made.
2. With the acquisition of a reader’s card and a small fee it is possible to make
pictures of texts using a personal digital appliance (not for pictures, prints,
maps, etc.). The use of a personal scanner is not permitted.
3. For a professional shot of these collections on paper (size A3 or smaller) fees
mentioned above (see § B) are reduced by 50%. Discounts cannot be
4. Following fee is applicable to archives: per document (size A3 or smaller): €
15,- for publication, € 10,- for personal use. If the documents are larger than
A3 size: fees for objects (see above § B).
Applied fees: summary
Type of request
Commercial ends
Three-dimensional objects 70 € /picture
+ 35 € /additional picture
+ 35 € /specific shot
350 € /picture for cover or bill
+ 70 € for use on the internet
Educational end
35 €
17,5 €
17,5 €
175 €
35 €
Private research
35 €
17,5 €
17,5 €
Second use
35 €
17,5 €
17,5 €
175 €
35 €
Paper carrier > A3
70 € /picture
+ 35 € /additional picture
+ 35 € /specific shot
350 € /picture for cover or bill
+ 70 € for use on the internet
35 €
17,5 €
17,5 €
175 €
35 €
35 €
17,5 €
17,5 €
35 €
17,5 €
17,5 €
175 €
35 €
Paper carrier ≤ A3
35 € /picture
+ 17,5 € / additional picture
+ 17,5 € /specific shot
175 € /picture for cover or bill
+ 35 € for use on the internet
90 €
17,5 €
90 €
17,5 €
Archives > A3
70 € /picture
+ 35 € /additional picture
+ 35 € /specific shot
350 € /picture for cover or bill
+ 70 € for use on the internet
35 €
17,5 €
17,5 €
175 €
35 €
35 €
17,5 €
17,5 €
35 €
17,5 €
17,5 €
175 €
35 €
Archives ≤ A3
15 €
10 €
10 €
10 €
Photocopy card:
2,5 € for 10
5,5 € for 25
8,5 € for 50
16 € for 100
Royal Military Museum (RMM)
Conditions for reproductions
Request for the reproduction of collection pieces belonging to the RMM
I .............................................................................................................................................................
(complete address) ................................................................................................................................
E-mail: ..................................................................................................................................................
Acting for ...............................................................................................................................................
Address, tel. and e-mail: .......................................................................................................................
declare to observe all conditions for reproduction and in particular the regulations regarding
I ask the RMM to supply me with the reproductions listed in the “List of requested
reproductions”, according to the conditions and fees mentioned above.
I am aware of the fact that the work will only be executed after settlement of the invoice
delivered by the RMM.
Reserved to Museum administrative services
Date reception
N° invoice and date
Date dispatch repro
N° order.
Date payment
List of requested reproductions
Private use or research*
If publication : probable date of publication: ...................................................................................................
Editor: ............................................................................................................................................................
Telephone .......................................................... E-mail: ................................................................................
One of the reproductions will be used on the cover or on a bill*.
Remarks: ..........................................................................................................
* cross out if not applicable
N° inventory:
Remarks picture
Signature and date: