Guidelines for the ISS Project folders at N:\Academic-Services\ISS\PMO\PDS\Projects Document structure Naming Convention: Project name (in future 20 characters max) and (Project Nr). Any name changes (by PMs or SGLs only): please inform the PO. Do not change the project name too often; this is a scope creep opportunity and also very labour intensive as any change needs to cascade through all files/systems and the teams! You have to stick to the given folder structure, but further subfolders are possible. However, once in execution, you can adapt the folders under “2 Execution” to suit your milestones Please see the project document folder structure at the end of this document for the location of key documents. Ensure that the locations outlined for key documents in the diagram are adhered to and not cluttered with other documents or several versions of the same document. E.g. the root of “1 ProjMan” should only contain a maximum of 3 files: o the approved project specification o the project definition/business case and o the PID. Approved versions of documents should be clearly labelled “approved” and saved in PDF format. Only the current version of a key document should be kept in this location. Until approved by ISPG or the project delivery group, all specification/definitons/PIDs should have a DRAFT watermark. The PO will remove the watermark before submitting documents to ISPG and set the version for ISPG documents to 1.0 After ISPG approval, the approved documents will be turned into PDF files by the PO. Project Specifications New Mandates being prepared for ISPG should be kept in the shared ISPG folder on the N drive at N:\Academic-Services\ISS\PMO\ISPG\xxdatexx. Please save in the folder with the relevant ISPG meeting date. New folders Once a specification has been approved, a new project folder will be created by the PMO before work starts on the definition/business case with the agreed folder structure already set up – please ask the PO for a project nr and folder when you are being asked to prepare a project definition. Permission defaults for project folders PMO/Exec and PMs: IS projects: IT projects: Rest of ISS: modify SAP/SIMS/Web/T&D teams modify PMs modify read only Any changes to these permissions: SGLs/SLs/PMs only, please email the helpdesk. Try to group changes together, not 1 at a time. Please stick to “read only” permissions whenever possible. For IT projects, as per default, only the PMs have modify rights to the IT project folders, the rest of ISS have read only. If you require whole teams to have modify access to an IT project folder (e.g. the network team for a network project), the PM needs to email the helpdesk once the PO has set up the folder. The following teams exist as groups in DS and can be given “group modify” access on request: Cluster-Techs DST DST-COs Network team SIMS team SAP Team Web-Team TS&D SANTEAM-USERS Security-Team UNIX Team PC-Server Any other ISS people and people from business areas/outside of ISS will need to be listed in the helpdesk request with the required access level. Your Project Delivery Group members should have “read only” access to your project folder. Large files Before moving/creating any large files (i.e. >1GB) to the Projects area, please inform the PO. We need to manage the folder size to avoid possible disruption to everyone. Document Version Control in project folders For main project documents, like specification/definition/PID/PCW and Project Plans etc, only the current version should be kept in the relevant area of the project folder. Older versions should either be moved to the Archive folder (folder number 4) or you can create a “pervious versions” subfolder in the relevant directory so that only a single, upto-date version of the main documents is in the live folders (not several). You can create subfolders in the archive folder to make it easier to find older versions, if needed. Naming convention for PCWs Specification, Definition and PID Preparation versions: During these stages, the current PCW should be called PCW – Project name – Specification/Definition/PID During execution stage: The current PCW name should include 1. Project Name 2. PCW 3. EXE 4. WIP e.g. “WISP PCW Exe 0910 WIP”. For further info see PCW guidelines. IS ONLY: Every month end, once both staff and non-staff actuals have been entered into the PCW and reforecasting has been done, please drop a copy of your PCW into the central PCW Month End folder so the PO and Finance can use these for their reports to IS Management and ISPG: N:\Academic-Services\ISS\PMO\PDS\Projects\IS\PCWs Month End Archiving files after completion of project: Once the EPR is received by the PO, the PMO will agree with the PM on a date for the project folder to be archived. The PO will then move the folder to the PO archive at N:\Academic-Services\ISS\PMO\PDS\Programme Office\5.0 Archived Projects by year. The archive folder in PO area will contain 3 folders for 1. Internal projects 2. IS projects 3. IT-US projects These folders will have yearly subfolders, e.g. 08_09 or 07_08. Projects spanning 2 years will be archived in the year folder they end in. Confidential data: Confidential data like tender documents should not be stored in this area. Please store those in secure network place where only you and your project delivery group can access them. This document is now owned by the PO and located on the PO website in Tools & Guides. If you have any queries or if you need changes to be made to this document/process, please contact the PO. ISS Project Document Structure Location of Key Documents 1 folder for each live Project containing the following file structure at: N:\Academic-Services\ISS\PMO\PDS\Projects\IS or N:\Academic-Services\ISS\PMO\PDS\Projects\IT-US Project Name and Project Number 1 ProjMan 2 Execution 3 Closure 4 Archive Project Specification (in root) 2.1 AnalysisSpecsDesign End Project Report (in root) Project Definition and Business Case, incl NPV (in root) 2.2 DevNotes Post implementation Review (in root) Project Initiation Document (in root) 2.3 Testing 3.1 AssocDocs Business Case (notes) 1.1 Finance (PCW+Bens) 2.4 Training Costing workbook Project plan 1.2 Plan+Resources 2.5 DeployHandover Estimates 1.3 AssocDocs 2.6 AssocDocs PM Tools 1.4 LogsRisksIssues Change requests Legend: 1.5 CommsStholderMan Stakeholder analysis Folder 1.6 Reports(HLRs) Highlight Reports Key Document 1.7 Meetings Project Delivery Group agenda Project Delivery Group minutes