
SPED 5110/6110: Behavior Support Strategies for Students with Mild/
Moderate Disabilities
Who I am...
Who you are...
What I’m planning to do (syllabus)
What would you like to do?
Course website materials’neill/
Other issues/questions?
Additional context: The Behavior Analyst Certification Board
o Task/content list
Review for the day (BCBA content)
Positive reinforcement
N____________________________ reinforcement
o NPR story
o Unconditioned and c__________________________ reinforcers
Describing/defining problem behavior
o Different labels over time
o How would you define? (In-class Activity #1 – 5 pts.)
Definition of challenging behavior (Univ. of Minn.)
Where do problem behaviors come from?
o And why should we care?
Describing/defining emotional/b__________________________ disorders
o How would you do it? (In-class Activity #2 – 5 pts.)
Federal: P.L. 94-142/IDEA
National Mental Health and Special Education Coalition (1993?)
DSM???: Conduct Disorder
Utah Special Education Rules (2011)
Some possible characterics
o Hyperactivity (short attention span, impulsiveness)
o A__________________________________________ or self-injurious
behavior (acting out, fighting)
o Withdrawal (failure to initiate interaction with others, retreat from
exchanges of social interaction, excessive fear or anxiety),
o Immaturity (inappropriate crying, temper tantrums, poor coping
o Learning difficulties (academically performing below grade level)
o Distorted thinking
o Excessive anxiety
o Bizarre motor acts
o Abnormal mood swings
o P__________________________________
o Schizophrenia
“Emotional disturbance”is used as a generic term to cover two types of
behavior difficulties which are not mutually exclusive but which adversely
affect educational performance:
o (1) E_____________________________________ refers to behavior
problems that are directed outwardly by the student towards the
social and physical environment and are usually considered
behavioral excesses.
Some Utah data (50,000?)
o .5% of children with disabilities ages 3-5 have EBD as their primary
o 7.9% of those ages 6-11
o 7.7% of those ages 12-17
o 5.2% of those ages 18-22
o 7.2% of students with disabilities ages 6-22 have emotional
disturbance as their primary disability.
o (2) Internalizing refers to a class of behavior problems that involve
more “internal” challenges and issues and often involve what are
considered behavioral deficits.
Classification over time (Walker, et al.)
Other approaches to defining or classifying
o Models of social/behavioral competence
o More functional (our focus...)
Approaches to assessment/ eligibility
o Before classifying a student as emotionally disturbed, it must be
determined that the student is not behaving as an emotionally
disturbed student because of: (a) an inappropriate classroom
discipline system, (b) breakdown of classroom discipline, (c)
inappropriate academic instruction or materials, (d) vision or hearing
impairments, or (e) other m___________________________
o Disclaimer information may include data in cumulative records,
interviews, classroom observations and/or evaluation.
o Multiple measures of behavioral, social, and academic areas.
 Documentation that behavior has occurred over long period to
a marked degree and adversely affects performance
 3 observations on behavior pinpoints.
 Academic performance.
 Social/adaptive behavior √list or rating scales.
 Document referral behaviors.
National Trends and Issues (Osher, 1994)
o Academic: lowest grades, most often retained, lowest GPA (1.7)
o Student placement: 17% in regular classes vs. 33% for all kids with
o Graduation rates
 42% of youth with E/BD obtain diplomas
 57% of all youth with disabilities
 76% of the general population
o Dropout rates
 55% of youth with E/BD
 36% of all youth with disabilities
 24% of all students
Encounters with juvenile justice
 20% arrested at least once before leaving school
 74% of dropouts arrested within 5 years of leaving
Identification and SES
 Some ethnic minority and lower SES groups overrepresented
 Females underrepresented?
Longitudinal outcome research
 Poor with regard to social/marital relationships, substance
abuse, criminal activity, psychiatric diagnoses, vocational
outcomes, etc.
The glass is half full! (or partway at least!)
 R___________________________________, etc.
Newest federal definition of E/BD
o “Mad, bad, sad, and can’t add…” 
National Strategic Targets (Osher, 1994; CEC)
o Expand positive learning outcomes and results
o Strengthen school and community capacity
o Value and address d_________________________________
o Collaborate with families
o Promote appropriate assessment
o Provide ongoing skill development and support
o Create comprehensive and collaborative systems (“wraparound
Cross-cutting themes
o Focus on prevention
o Support in culturally sensitive and respectful manner
o Services must empower all s________________________________
o School-related challenging trends and issues?
Let’s talk...
Perspectives from Arthur Levine (2006)
o Education schools are blamed for the students they recruit…
o Education schools are expected to turn out “finished products”…
o Education schools are expected to rescue failing school systems…
Components of effective behavioral support in schools
Designing School-Wide Systems for Student Success
Changes in the way we look at providing behavioral support
o Paying attention to broader o___________________________
o Understanding why problem behaviors are happening (functional
assessment and analysis - IDEA)
o Assessment-based support plans with multiple strategies
o Separating “crisis management” from behavioral support
o Strategies that are “doable” in real settings (goodness-of-fit)
o Support with humility...
Being Proactive: General Classroom Organization and Management
 Overall flow of behavioral support process
Important aspects of classroom organization and management
o Let’s talk…
Student perspectives on helpful and unhelpful teacher behavior
o Teacher-student communication
o Openness, humor, clear academic and behavioral expectations
o Flexible academic programming
o Content, extra credit, presentation style, homework
o Flexible behavioral programming
o Tolerance, rewards, “repair”
Teacher r____________________________
o Procedural rigidity, rigid academic and behavioral expectations,
content and presentation
o Punitive discipline
o Overuse, negative affect