Psychiatrist Job Description (shared via email) 1. Provision of

Psychiatrist Job Description (shared via email)
1. Provision of behavioral health care including psychiatric care to the adult patients of FCHC
a. Complete psychiatric evaluations
b. Behavioral health consultations, formal and “curbside”
c. Medication management of patients needing extended psychiatric care
d. Provide emergency services to outpatients of FCHC during the contracted hours
e. Facilitate the hospitalization of patients served who require inpatient care
f. Assist indigent patient with medication needs by being aware of and using free medication
g. Provide diagnosis and medication education to patients and their families
h. Maintain agreed upon level of productivity
i. Complete disability questionnaires for behavioral health patients who apply for disability if appropriate
j. Refer patients to appropriate resources in the community such as vocational rehabilitation
2. Interaction with the behavioral health care team, the primary care team, and administration
a. Attend regular meetings with the team for coordination of behavioral health care
b. Act as consultant to other members of the behavioral health team regarding diagnosis and
c. Participate in general health care staff meetings when pertaining to behavioral health