The Big Festival Quiz Returns!

The Big Festival Quiz Returns!
Canterbury Festival invites you to test your brainpower once again in the Big Festival Quiz – an evening
of wine, wit and wisdom!
That’s right – it’s time to start putting your teams together for the most entertaining quiz night of the year, a fun-filled evening
of brain teasing conundrums hosted by the Canterbury Festival on Friday 5 April 2013.
The always entertaining rounds will include classics such as History, Sport and Music as well as some surprises along the
way – and don’t forget to play your Joker if you think you really know your stuff!
Teams can be made of as few as 2 people or as many as 8, so there’s no excuse not to come along and join in the fun. Tickets
are £7.50 per person, there will be a wine bar on offer and teams are welcome to bring their own picnic dinner.
Held in the King’s School Dining Hall (entrance Mint Yard Gate, Palace Street, Canterbury) doors open at 7pm with the Quiz
starting at 7:30pm.
With a maximum of 18 teams for the evening book early to avoid disappointment!
To book a team all you have to do is fill out your details and send them, along with a cheque or cash payment to Joshua Ryan,
Canterbury Festival, 8 Orange Street, Canterbury, Kent, CT1 2JA.
TEAM NAME……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
TEAM CAPTAIN ……………………………………………………………………………………………… NO IN TEAM ……………
CONTACT TELEPHONE NUMBER ………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Cheques should be made out to Canterbury Festival and if you have any questions you can contact the Festival office on
01227 452853 or email Joshua Ryan at