Lesson Plan/Calendar Unit 2 Classical Civilizations (Persians, Greeks, Romans, Han, Indian Religions) Required: Articles & Study Guides. Always recommended for those of you who want 4s or 5s on the exam or just deeper knowledge of the topic: read the textbook pages. Videos: may replace or augment reading—be sure to note which one. Also, please note that you are expected to read the articles prior to class if it say “Due.” That means that a pop quiz could occur—and also that I will talk less if you can talk more! Optional assignments this unit include a Unit 2 Timeline and a Roman Feast project (it involves food:0p !). You can do one, both, or none of these. Week 4 Instruction & Activities Homework Standards EQ Monday Reading Day: SG 9 (articles/ pp.93101) if needed; Greek readings & SG 10 (pp.99, 102110)—take SPICE Notes Quia assigned on Unit 1 Test day; due Sep1 11:59 on Articles, SG 9 (pp.93-101); also EdPuzzle on Persia Topics: Cyrus Darius I Zoroastrianism Government structure In what ways does Zoastri anism influen ce other religion ? Aug 31 HW: finish SG 10 (pp.99, 102110) & articles (Pre-Classical & Classical Greece, Ancient Greek Drama and Theater, Greek ThoughtSocrates, Plato, & Aristotle) Quia due Thurs. @ 11:59 Begin Ch.3 “Delight of Wine” in A (KC 1.3, 2.1, 2.2) Format ive Asses sment History of the World in 6 Glasses (pp.4368). Open Note/ Open Book quiz on Friday in class. HW: Tuesday SEPT 1 Persia- slides on website Due tonightQuia on Persia (Pages 93-101)* Wednesday Greeks SEPT 2 (Pages 99-110)* Achievements Stations w/ documents incorporated Stations 1-9 HW: Topics: Continue reading assigned (SG 10) on Greeks in Bulliet text, articles & Ch. 3 History of the World in 6 Glasses Achievements of the Greeks using Documents and stations Online slides on Greek technology (on website) Polis Technology: Fighting style (phalanx) & trireme (2.1, V, A) Philosophy Greeks (Pages 99-110) Thursday SEP 3 Finish Stations 1-9 Due tonight: Quia on SG 10 articles & readings Topics: Athens and Sparta Foundation of democracy (KC 2.2) What are the technol ogical innovat ions which allowed the Greeks a military advanta ge? What was the Greek contrib ution to philoso phy? What foundat ions of democr acy did the Greeks contrib ute to the making Formati ve Assess ment: Study Guide 9 & 10 Quiz of the modern world? Friday SEP 4 Ch 3 Open Note/Open book Quiz on Ch 3. (pp. 43-68) “Delight of Wine” in History of the World in 6 Glasses Citizenship & education in Athens v. Sparta (mini-DBQ w/ thesis) (graded/due at end of class if time permits) HW: Study Guide 11 (accompanying articles & website) on website Distinctiveness of Greek tragedy (KC 2.1) Crash Course Video EdPuzzle.com Begin Ch. 4 “The Imperial Vine” from History of the World in 6 Glasses Quiz Sep 16 What were the two types of theatre perform ances? What was distincti ve about Greek tragedy ? Optional assignment: Roman Feast on Thursday, Sep 17) Week 5 Monday Sep 7 Labor Day Finish SG 11 (SG 11 & SG 12 reading quiz this week in class) Continue Ch. 4 “The Imperial Vine” from History of the World in 6 Glasses (Quiz Sep 16) HW: Start Study Guide 12: Topics: What social Write thesis stateme nt regardin g3 achieve ments Tuesday SEPT 8 Accompanies articles on Rome Persia/Greeks Republic, The World According Compare/Contrast to Rome Roman Persians & Greeks Empire, Reasons Alexander Mini-Q for the Fall of Rome, Jewish (Pages 111-116) Diaspora, Establishment & Fundamentals of Christianity, Archeological Note on Crucifixion Must Know Dates for Quiz assigned. Quiz on 9/ Persian Wars Social structure Peloponnesian War Alexander Hellenistic Civilization (KC 2.2) structur es emerge in the Persian Empire ? In what way were the Greeks superio r to the Persian s? In what ways are the Persian s superio r to the Greeks ? Is Alexan der deservi ng of the monike r “Great” (based on the docum ents)? Wednesday SEPT 9 SLO testing Continue Ch. 4 “The Imperial Vine” from History of the World in 6 Glasses (Quiz Sep 16) Thursday Sep 10 SG11/12 Quiz Hellenistic Synthesis: images of Gandhas Budda & sculpture (Pages 116-120) Mini-DBQ on Alexander the Great (thesis w/ outline) Case study: Convergence of Greco-Roman culture and Buddhist beliefs as seen in Afghanistan’s Gandhara Buddhas (2.2, V, C) How is the Gandha s Budda an exampl e of Helleni stic synthes is? Thesis stateme nt w/ outline & two POV Topics: How did the Roman beliefs influen ce the govern ment of the Roman Republi c? What allowed Julius Caesar to emerge as a leader? TOTD: MiniDBQ on Athens v. Rome citizens hip (which one is better) Grandpa’s Fish Story exercise & “Rude” Friday SEPT 11 Rome (Pages 123-138)* Due: Roman Republic article Athens v. Rome mini DBQ on Citizenship HW: Engineering & Architecture slides or “Engineering an Empire: Rome” (90 minutes) on youtube Roman Republic Belief systems Failure of the Republic Rise of Caesar Due Tuesday Sep 15 Week 6 Roman Empire Monday HW: Topics: Video Enrichment: Roman Empire Roman Empire Lost Civilizations: Empire culture Map Study Guide 11 & 12 Quiz (8 questio ns- 2 points a piece) SEPT 14 Rome Study Guide 13 Qin & Han Empire Quia online due by Thursday 11:59pm Tuesday Rome SEPT 15 Roman Empire Rome Jigsaw: Roman Beliefs, Carthage, Punic Wars Due: World According to Rome, Roman Empire HW: The Byzantine State Under Justinian due Thurs. by classtime & EdPuzzle.com on Fall of the Roman Empire Due Sep 16 @ 11:59pm Greco-Roman culture (2.1, II, E) Roman architecture (2.1, V, B) Topic: Transition of Rome to an Empire ( 2.1, 2.2) Augustus’s Reforms & Transition to an Empire How do the Roman beliefs and the Punic Wars contrib ute to Rome’s transiti on to an Empire ? What events contrib ute to the final transiti on of Rome to an Empire ? Why did August us’s reforms allow for the period known as the Pax Roman a to emerge ? Quiz on Imperial Vine Wednesday SEPT 16 Early Christianity & Jewish Diaspora Mini-lecture on Jewish Diaspora HW: EdPuzzle.com on Fall of the Roman Empire Due: Tonight 11:59pm Topic: Persecution of Jews and Christians during Roman Empire Critical Thinking Exercise on Early Christianity Roman Feast (Optional Assignment) Thursday SEPT 17 Fall of Rome/Byzantine Empire SG 13 (Readings/ articles ) w/ Quia due tonight 11:59pm. Topics: Fall of Empire Continuity of Rome via Byzantine Empire Justinian Code Nika Revolts Hagia Sofia Fall of Rome MiniQ Imperial China Friday SEPT 18 (Pages 139-146, 146-148) HW: Begin Study Guide 14, Slides on Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism as well as article on Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism Topics: Rise of Qin Dynasty Han What contrib uted to The Fall of the Roman Empire (at least the western portion) ? Week 7 Monday SEPT 22 Imperial China Focus: Han China and Roman Empire Compare and contrast the Han and Roman Empires (Pages 139-146, 146-148) Empire organization (2.2, II, A) Compare/Contrast Han & Roman Empires chart (Jigsaw) Empire military power (2.2, II, B) Success of empires (2.2, II, C) Unique social and economic dimensions of Empires (2.2, III, A-D) Quiz on “Must Know” dates from Unit 2 Tuesday India SEPT 23 Excerpts from Indian religious texts Optional timeline for Unit 2 due Focus: Indian religious beliefs (Vedic Age, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism) (Pages 150-160)* Slides on Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism Wednesday India Focus: SEPT 24 Excerpts from Indian epics How religions affected gender roles (2.1, III) Images of Indian architecture (Pages 150-160) Impact of Indian epics on Persia and South Asia (2.1, V, Formati ve Assess ment: Compar e/Contr ast Chart A) Indian architecture (2.1, V, B) Thursday Sept 25 Friday Sept 26 DBQ #1 (25 points) Test Unit 2