Middle Ages part 2 study Guide

Middle Ages part 2 study Guide
November 25th, 2013
Middle Ages part 2 Study guide
William the conqueror
King Henry II
Magna Carta
Hundred Years War
Hugh Capet
Hundred Years War
8. Joan of Arc
9. Ferdinand and Isabella
10. Charles V
11. Ivan the Great
12.The Czar
13. Orthodox Church
14. Pope Urban
15. Jerusalem
16. Crusaders states
17. Saladin
18. Constantinople
19. Nobles and Pope
20.Mediterranean area and Middle East
21. Christians, Jews and Muslims
22. The Byzantine Empire
23. The Mongols
24. The Ottoman Turks
25. Constantinople
26. Bubonic plague/Black Death
27. Labor
28. Feudal Obligations
29. The Church
31. Church Scholars
32. Monasteries
33. Latin
34. Philosophy, Medicine and Science
35. Universities
36. arable land
37. Offered explanations of natural
phenomena, human qualities, and
life events
38. Oligarchy (rule by a small group) Rigid social
structure Militaristic and aggressive society
39. Caused in part by competition for control of
the Greek world: Athens and the Delian League
versus Sparta and the Peloponnesian
League((431–404 B .C . [B .C .E .)
40. Homer
41. Blend of Greek and oriental elements Spread of
Hellenistic culture through trade
42. Centrally located in the Mediterranean Basin
and distant from eastern Mediterranean powers
43. Symbols and images in literature, art,
and architecture
44. Patricians: Powerful nobility (few in number)
Plebeians: Majority of population Slaves: Not
based on race
45. Rome and Carthage were in competition for
trade. ((264–146 B .C . [B .C .E .])
46. Spread of slavery in the agricultural system
Migration of small farmers into cities and
unemployment Civil war over the power of Julius
Caesar Devaluation of Roman currency; inflation
47. Two centuries of peace and prosperity under
imperial rule Expansion and solidification of the
Roman Empire, particularly in the Near East
48. Popularity of the message Early martyrs
inspired others Carried by the Apostles,
including Paul, throughout the Roman Empire
49. The Emperor Constantine converted
to Christianity and made it legal
50. Technology: Roads, aqueducts,
Roman arches
51. 476 A.D