K Unit 1 week 2 Fix It Duck ELL lessons

Unit 1 Week 2 Fix it Duck
Unit Theme: How do we live, work and play together? – How do the people and animals in this unit work together? – How can you work together
better with others?
ELL Planning Sheet
High Frequency Words: I, am
New Phonics Skills: Syllables
Grammar: Write our names
Amazing Vocabulary: repair, leak, steep. Ladder, puddles, shed
Story Tier II & III Vocabulary: job, “to call on someone”, problem, borrow
Activate Prior
Poster 2
Poster Activity Day 2
Poster 2
Develop vocabulary
Poster Talk-Through
Poster activities Day 1
(combine with HF
words lesson)
Video: Doing the Right
(Amazing Words
Story Vocabulary
Tier II and III)
Talk with me/Sing with
me Chart 2A/B:
Amazing Words repair, leak, steep,
ladder, puddles, shed
Talk with me Chart 2A
Amazing Words repair, leak, steep,
ladder, puddles, shed
Talk with me Chart 2A
Amazing Words repair, leak, steep,
ladder, puddles, shed
Story Vocabulary:
Use: Fix It Duck
job, “to call on
someone”, problem,
Story Vocabulary:
Use: Fix It Duck
job, “to call on
someone”, problem,
Read: Fix It Duck
Re-read: Fix It Duck
Setting: picture walk describe
Re-read: Fix It Duck
Setting: ID/describe
school setting
High Frequency
Act out
I, am
**act out*
(combine with Build
Knowledge lesson)
Flash Cards
I, am
** Listen** (combined
with Build Background
Develop Vocabulary
Flash Cards
Re-read: Fix It Duck
Setting: ID / describe
setting of duck and
sheep’s house
I, am
**Speaking Practice**
Flash Cards
Fix It Duck Retell –
graphic organizer
Unit Connection
I, am
Flash Cards
I, am
Flash Cards
Find HF words in
Decodable Reader:
Am I?
Unit 1 Week 2 Fix it Duck
Unit Theme: How do we live, work and play together? – How do the people and animals in this unit work together? – How can you work together
better with others?
Phonemic Awareness
Write our name
Write our names
Practice book pg. 20
Phonic Reader: Am I?
(keep to re-read on
Day 3)
Re-read Phonics
Reader: Am I?
Write names of
characters in Fix It
Duck. (worksheet. of
animal pictures –
write name beside)
Sentence Frame: I
am _______. I help
Decodable Reader:
Am I?
(keep to re-read on
Day 5)
Decodable Reader:
Am I?
Unit 1 Proposed Assessment Plan
High frequency words
Classroom teacher
Verbal retell
Classroom teacher
Writing CBM
ELL tutor
Unit 1 Week 2 Fix it Duck
Unit Theme: How do we live, work and play together? – How do the people and animals in this unit work
together? – How can you work together better with others?
Day 1
High Frequency Words: I, am
New Phonics Skills: Syllables
Grammar: Write our names
Amazing Vocabulary: repair, leak, steep. Ladder, puddles, shed Story Tier II & III Vocabulary: job, “to call
on someone”, problem, borrow
Tier II and III)
Poster 2
 Poster Talk-through – read aloud and point as you describe the poster. Have
students repeat the underlined words in the script, after you say them and
identify on the poster.
 Students need to respond to the following questions with one of the embedded
answer choices
 Error Corrections: If needed, model, test, and ask the same question at the end
of this section to retest.
o Who is helping frog jump, duck or goat? Duck is helping.
o Who is helping sheep on the swing, Mr. Frog or goat? Goat is helping.
o Who is helping Mrs. Sheep, Mrs. Goat or Mr. Duck? Mrs. Goat is helping.
 Let’s talk about how you help at home.
 Error Corrections: If needed, model, test, and ask the same question at the end
of this section to retest.
Do you help make your bed or wash the sheets? I help __________.
Do you help set the table or wash the dishes? I help __________.
Do you help pick up toys or vacuum? I help __________.
 Doing the Right Thing
Though it is an advertisement, students could be asked to identify examples of
helping another person
Display Talk with Me Chart 2A
“This week we will learn about how families cooperate to live, work and play together.”
 Point to the appropriate pictures on the chart. Ask the following questions.
Students need to respond in complete sentence. Error Corrections: If needed,
model, test, and ask the same question at the end of this section to retest.
 I see a girl in a puddle. A puddle is a small pool of water. When it rains we can
see puddles on the ground.
o Have you ever stood in a puddle? Yes/no, I have stood in a puddle.
o Would your feet get wet in a puddle? Yes/no , my feet get wet in a
o Can you jump in a puddle? Yes/no, I can jump in a puddle
 This is a shed. It is a small building you can put things in.
o What is another word for a small building to put things in? A shed.
o I put a lawn mower in the shed.
o I put my bike in a shed.
o Would you put dishes or a hose in a shed? A hose goes in a shed.
o Would you put a shovel or a vacuum in a shed? A shovel goes in a shed.
Unit 1 Week 2 Fix it Duck
Unit Theme: How do we live, work and play together? – How do the people and animals in this unit work
together? – How can you work together better with others?
o Would you put a couch or a rake In a shed? A rake goes in a shed.
This person is trying to repair something. Say repair.
o To repair means to fix. What does repair mean? To fix
o What is another word for fix? Repair
 This is a ladder. What is this a picture of? A ladder
o You use a ladder to get to high places. What can you use to get to high
places? A ladder
 This picture shows a leak in a pipe. There is a hole in the pipe and the water is
able to leak or come out of the hole. What is this a picture of? A leak
 This part of the roller coaster is steep. Have students use their arms to show
steep. Say the word….steep.
Display Sing With Me Chart 2B That’s What Friends Do
 Read That’s What Friends Do
 Have students repeat the amazing words after you as you say and point to the
appropriate part of the poster.
Example: “…Let’s help Bill repair (have students repeat repair) a leak (have
students repeat leak)…..”
Display Fix It Duck.
 Think Aloud: “I see a duck (point to picture) with a tool box(point to picture).
The duck (point to picture) is holding a hammer (point to picture) in his hand.
 Read Fix It Duck
High Frequency I, am
 Use ELL poster 2
 Play Game to prompt use of High Frequency Words. Have students point out an
animal in the scene that is similar to themselves in some way . Use the
following frame to describe the similarity
 Model for the students first Say: ”I am like the (little frog). I am (jumping
rope).” Pantomime activity
o Have each student take a turn.
 Here are this week’s high frequency words.
This word is I. What word? I
This word is am. What word? Am
Second Time
When I touch under the word, say the word in your head.
When I tap under the word, everyone will say the word aloud.
Practice the word list until they read the list without errors.
Unpredictable individual turns (Not everyone will have an individual turn.)
Grammar and
 Today we will learn about syllables. When you say a word, you can listen for the
number of parts. The parts are called syllables.
 Say Syllables. Syllables.
 I will say a word and clap once for each part. “Shed” and clap once.
 Have students say shed and clap the part while saying the word.
 How many parts did you hear in shed? One
Unit 1 Week 2 Fix it Duck
Unit Theme: How do we live, work and play together? – How do the people and animals in this unit work
together? – How can you work together better with others?
Listen “Shed(clap when you say cat) has one syllable. Say it with me…repeat and
have students clap for the parts of the word.
Repeat for the words: ladder, leak, puddles
Day 2
High Frequency Words: I, am
New Phonics Skills: Syllables
Grammar: Write our names
Amazing Vocabulary: repair, leak, steep. Ladder, puddles, shed
“to call on someone”, problem, borrow
Tier II and III)
Story Tier II & III Vocabulary: job,
Poster 2 Day 2
 Review the poster pointing and naming key words: duck, frog, goat, sheep.
Have students repeat the words after you model.
 Students need to respond to the following questions with one of the embedded
answer choices.
 Error Corrections: If needed, model, test, and ask the same question at the end
of this section to retest.
o “ I am reading. I am sitting on a bench. Am I Mr. Frog or Mrs. Sheep?” I
am Mr. Frog.
o “I am yellow. I am holding a rope. I am helping frog jump. Am I duck or
goat?” I am duck
o “I am wearing a red shirt. I am by the swings. I am helping sheep swing.
Am I frog or goat?” I am goat
o I am sitting on a bench. I am wearing a purple dress. I am helping Mrs.
Sheep. I am holding yarn. Am I duck or goat?” I am goat
Use Talk with me Chart 2A
“This week we will learn about how families cooperate to live, work and play together.”
 Point to the appropriate pictures on the chart. I see a girl standing in the puddle.
What is the girl standing in? a puddle
 This is a shed. A shed is a small building we can put things in. What is this a
picture of? A shed
 This person is trying to repair something. Say repair.
o To repair means to fix. What does repair mean? To fix
o What is another word for fix? Repair
o I broke a chair. It needed to be fixed. I helped repair the chair, when I
fixed it or put it back together.
o What have you helped to fix or repair?
 This is a ladder. What is this a picture of? A ladder
o You use a ladder to get to high places. What can you use to get to high
places? A ladder
o I use a ladder to get to the roof on the house. I climb a ladder to get
into the attic.
o What would you use a ladder to get to? I use a ladder to get to____.
Unit 1 Week 2 Fix it Duck
Unit Theme: How do we live, work and play together? – How do the people and animals in this unit work
together? – How can you work together better with others?
This picture shows a leak in a pipe. There is a hole in the pipe and the water is
able to leak or come out of the hole. What is this a picture of? A leak
 This part of the roller coaster is steep. Have students use their arms to show
steep. Say the word….steep.
Display Fix It Duck. Pgs 4-5
 Think Aloud: Duck is sitting in a chair reading the newspaper. He notices that
there is water dripping into his cup. He thinks that there is a leak in the roof so
he grabs his tools to fix the leak.
 Ask students to tell you what they remember about the book.
High Frequency
Grammar and
Do a picture walk through the story. Help students Identify and describe the setting.
Point to specific items in the illustrations and use one or two words to name each. Have
students repeat the names of the items as you point to them
 Example: pg 6-7 “ I see ducks house is by itself. There are not other homes
or neighbors by duck’s house.
 Pg 18-19 “I see a field. A farmer grows food in a field. I see lots of hills and
land. I do not see any buildings, sidewalks or stores. Have students repeat
filed and hills.
 Pg 22-23. I see lots of dirt roads. Have students repeat dirt roads.
 Pg 28-29 I see water, this is a pond. Have students repeat pond.
Read the story.
I, am
( This lesson was combined with Building Background Knowledge lesson)
Second Time
When I touch under the word, say the word in your head.
When I tap under the word, everyone will say the word aloud.
Practice the word list until they read the list without errors.
Unpredictable individual turns (Not everyone will have an individual turn.)
Saying our names
 Students need to respond to the following questions with one of the embedded
answer choices.
 Error Corrections: If needed, model, test, and ask the same question at the end
of this section to retest
o “ I am Mrs./Mr. __________. Mrs. /Mr. ___________ is my name.”
o Point to one of the students and ask, “What is your name?”
o Students need to respond, “My name is_________.”
o Repeat with every student.
 Have students write their name on worksheet provided. As time allows, have
them complete a self-portrait.
 “Syllables are the parts of a word.”
 Model clapping twice as you say carrot. “ I clapped twice when I said carrot
(model again as saying carrot). There are two parts or syllables.
 Do it with me, You say carrot and clap the parts or syllables. Student say carrot
while clapping
 Do it by yourself. Carrot – while clapping
Unit 1 Week 2 Fix it Duck
Unit Theme: How do we live, work and play together? – How do the people and animals in this unit work
together? – How can you work together better with others?
 Listen – Carrot has two syllables. Say it with me “Carrot has two syllables.”
Repeat using the following words: repair, house, rain
Phonics Reader : Am I?
Keep reader to re-read on Day 3
Unit 1 Week 2 Fix it Duck
Unit Theme: How do we live, work and play together? – How do the people and animals in this unit work
together? – How can you work together better with others?
Name __________________________
Unit 1 Week 2 Fix it Duck
Unit Theme: How do we live, work and play together? – How do the people and animals in this unit work
together? – How can you work together better with others?
Day 3
High Frequency Words: I, am
New Phonics Skills: Syllables
Grammar: Write our names
Amazing Vocabulary: repair, leak, steep. Ladder, puddles, shed
“to call on someone”, problem, borrow
Tier II and III)
Story Tier II & III Vocabulary: job,
Display Talk With ME Chart 2A
“This week we will learn about how families cooperate to live, work and play together.”
 Point to the appropriate pictures on the chart. I see a girl standing in the puddle.
What is the girl standing in? a puddle
 This is a shed. A shed is a small building we can put things in. What is this a
picture of? A shed
 This person is trying to repair something. To repair means to fix. What does
repair mean? To fix
 This is a ladder. What is this a picture of? You use a ladder to get to high places.
What can you use to get to high places? A ladder
Display Fix It Duck. Help students find examples of the following vocabulary words in the
story: puddle, shed, repair, ladder
 Refer to chart. This picture shows a leak in a pipe. There is a hole in the pipe
and the water is able to leak or come out of the hole. What is this a picture of?
A leak
o Look at page 4-5 in Fix It Duck. Water is dripping into duck’s cup. There
is a leak, or a hole in the ceiling.
o Why is water dripping into duck’s cup? There is a leak.
 Refer to chart. This part of the roller coaster is steep. Have students use their
arms to show steep. Say the word….steep.
o Look at page 6-7 in Fix It Duck. Duck cannot climb to the roof. It is too
high and steep.
o I cannot climb this wall (point to wall in room). It is too steep.
o Can you climb the wall? No, it is steep.
Display Fix It Duck.
Ask students to tell you what they remember about the book.
Think Aloud: When we read a story, we can think about where a story happens or the
 Re-read pg 4. The setting of this part of the story is at duck’s house.
 Where is the setting of this part of the story? The setting is at duck’s house.
 Ask students to what duck’s house is like. Support and encourage use of English
 Look at page 10-11. The setting of this part of the story is at sheep’s house.
 Where is the setting of this part of the story? The setting is at sheep’s house.
 Ask students to what duck’s house is like. Support and encourage use of English
Re-read Fix It Duck
Unit 1 Week 2 Fix it Duck
Unit Theme: How do we live, work and play together? – How do the people and animals in this unit work
together? – How can you work together better with others?
High Frequency
I, am
First Time
Have students stand up and say “I am __(their name)__.”
Grammar and
Second Time
When I touch under the word, say the word in your head.
When I tap under the word, everyone will say the word aloud.
Practice the word list until they read the list without errors.
Unpredictable individual turns (Not everyone will have an individual turn.)
K.1 Practice book page 20 - Grammar
 “Syllables are the parts of a word.”
 Model clapping twice as you say window. “ I clapped twice when I said window
(model again as saying window). There are two parts or syllables.
 Do it with me, You say window and clap the parts or syllables. Student say
window while clapping
 Do it by yourself. window – while clapping
 Listen – Window has two syllables. Say it with me “Window has two syllables.”
Repeat using the following words: steep, borrow, rattle, creak
Re-read Phonics Reader : Am I
Unit 1 Week 2 Fix it Duck
Unit Theme: How do we live, work and play together? – How do the people and animals in this unit work
together? – How can you work together better with others?
Day 4
High Frequency Words: I, am
New Phonics Skills: Syllables
Grammar: Write our names
Amazing Vocabulary: repair, leak, steep. Ladder, puddles, shed
Story Tier II & III Vocabulary: job,
“to call on someone”, problem, borrow
Tier Two Story Vocabulary: job, “to call on someone”, problem, borrow
“This week we will learn about how families cooperate to live, work and play together.”
 Job is when you do work. What does job mean? When you work.
o What is it called when you do work? A job
o What are some jobs you do at home?
o What are some jobs we do at school? (example: class chore chart,
Tier II and III)
reading in reading groups, writing names on papers, playing games in
o Display Fix It Duck. What jobs does duck try to do? (fix roof, fix window,
hitch sheep’s trailer ….
 Display and read page 31 in Fix It Duck.
o “ If only he hadn’t come calling on me.” To call on someone means to
visit them. Duck called on or went to visit sheep.
o When you visit someone, what are you doing? Calling on them
o Have you ever gone to visit someone or call on someone? Yes/no
o Who have you called on? I call on ___________.
 A setting is a place a story happens at. Display Fix It Duck. Pgs. 28-29. Where is
the setting of the story on these pages?
 Ask students to tell you what they remember about the book.
 Re-Read Fix It Duck.
High Frequency I, am
First Time
When I touch under the word, say the word in your head.
When I tap under the word, everyone will say the word aloud.
Practice the word list until they read the list without errors.
Unpredictable individual turns (Not everyone will have an individual turn.)
Second Time
Pass out Decodable Reader - Am I?
Have students find and underline the sight words I and am in the story.
Grammar and See teacher worksheet. Have students write characters names beside character
 “Syllables are the parts of a word.”
 Model clapping twice as you say jeep. “ I clapped once when I said jeep (model
again as saying jeep). There is one part or syllable.
 Do it with me, You say jeep and clap the parts or syllables. Student say jeep
while clapping
 Do it by yourself. jeep – while clapping
 Listen – jeep has one syllable. Say it with me “Jeep has one syllable.”
Unit 1 Week 2 Fix it Duck
Unit Theme: How do we live, work and play together? – How do the people and animals in this unit work
together? – How can you work together better with others?
Repeat using the following words: squeak, problem, stuck, inside
Decodable Reader : Am I?
Keep reader to re-read on Day 5
Unit 1 Week 2 Fix it Duck
Unit Theme: How do we live, work and play together? – How do the people and animals in this unit work
together? – How can you work together better with others?
Name ____________________________
Unit 1 Week 2 Fix it Duck
Unit Theme: How do we live, work and play together? – How do the people and animals in this unit work
together? – How can you work together better with others?
Day 5
High Frequency Words: I, am
New Phonics Skills: Syllables
Grammar: Write our names
Amazing Vocabulary: repair, leak, steep. Ladder, puddles, shed
“to call on someone”, problem, borrow
Story Tier II & III Vocabulary: job,
Tier II and III)
Tier Two Story Vocabulary: job, “to call on someone”, problem, borrow
“This week we will learn about how families cooperate to live, work and play together.”
 Display Fix It Duck. Duck had a problem he needed to fix. Duck’s problem was
the leak in the ceiling. Sheep had lots of problems. Sheep’s window was stuck.
 Encourage students to use the vocabulary word in a complete sentences. Model
and have students repeat as necessary.
o Display pg 16-17. What are the problems on this page? One problem is
the flat tire. One problem is hooking sheep’s trailer to Duck’s truck.
o Display pg. 22-23. What is the problem on this page? The problem is the
trailer is not hooked to the truck.
o Display pg 28-29. What is the problem on this page? The problem is
sheep’s trailer is in the water.
 Borrow means to take and use something that is someone else’s. When you
borrow something you will use it and give it back.
 Model borrow, by asking to use a student’s pencil, “May I borrow your pencil?”
Use it and return it. “I borrowed your pencil and gave it back.”
 Display and read pg 6-7. “…So he drives round to borrow a ladder from sheep.”
 What did duck want to borrow? Duck wanted to borrow a ladder.
 Why did duck want to borrow the ladder? Duck wanted to borrow the ladder to
fix( repair) the leak.
 What do we call it when you take and use something and give it back? borrow
 What are some things we borrow at school? (books, crayons, pencils,
Display Fix It Duck.
 Display story retell graphic organizer.
 Prompt students to retell the story.
 Record students’ responses.
High Frequency
I, am
How did the animals in this story co-operate (work/play) together?
When I touch under the word, say the word in your head.
When I tap under the word, everyone will say the word aloud.
Practice the word list until they read the list without errors.
Unpredictable individual turns (Not everyone will have an individual turn.)
Grammar and
Complete sentence frame work sheet. I am _____________. I help______________.
Draw picture as time allows.
Unit 1 Week 2 Fix it Duck
Unit Theme: How do we live, work and play together? – How do the people and animals in this unit work
together? – How can you work together better with others?
“Syllables are the parts of a word.” Let’s count the syllables in our names.
Model clapping as you say your name. “ I clapped____ when I said _____
(model again as saying jeep). There is/are ______ part(s) or syllable(s).
 Do it with me, You say _____and clap the parts or syllables. Student say (your
name) while clapping.
 Do it by yourself. ______ – while clapping
 Listen – ______ has ___syllable(s). Say it with me “_____ has____ syllable(s).”
Repeat using students names
Decodable Reader : Am I?
Unit 1 Week 2 Fix it Duck
Unit Theme: How do we live, work and play together? – How do the people and animals in this unit work together? – How can you work together
better with others?
I am______________.
I help ____________.