Report of the Public Account Committee [201011] CHAIRS FOREWORD The Report of Auditor General of Pakistan for the year 2010-11 was examined by the earlier Public Accounts Committee (PAC) except the Audit Paras pertaining to only two (02) Departments which were examined by the present PAC. I have a high regard for the former PAC which established role model example of the last functional performance for the coming entire Committees. That PAC has obtained the honor to complete examination of eight (08) Audit Reports and also passed it from the House after a detailed professing thinking. The PAC has admired the honor that it found the basic tradition of examining the recent Audit Reports rather the previous ones. The PAC always felt the need of effective internal audit control system in Government Departments, pleasurably some achievement has come in this regard but a lot of change for more is obviously required. I think if the Secretaries of the Government Departments produce continuity in the economical discipline of the Province by acting upon the decisions of PAC according to its spirit, handsome amount of national wealth will become safe rather flowing in waste cave. I expect the professional manner from all Principal Accounting Officers not to defend their Departments out of way rather to deface the irregularities present in their Department and to get effective and solid measures for their prohibition. It cannot be avoided to honestly appreciate the efficient performance of the Officers and staff of PAC Cell of Provincial Assembly Secretariat that showed their best functional performance under the leadership of Secretary Assembly Mr. Amanullah. I hope that the present PAC will follow the tradition of examining recent Audit Reports and shall strengthen the foundations laid down by the previous PAC for effective accountability. (ASAD QAISAR) Speaker/Chairman Public Accounts Committee PREFACE The Report of the Auditor General of Islamic Republic of Pakistan on the accounts of Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province for the year 2010-11 received in the Assembly Secretariat on 19-04-2012, was laid before the House on 07-05-2012 in pursuance of Article 171 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and under rule 198 of the Provincial Assembly of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Procedure and Conduct of Business Rules, 1988 the Report consisted of the Audit Report, Appropriation Accounts, Financial Statements, Audit Report on Revenue Receipts and Audit Report on Public Sector Enterprises. The Assembly referred it to the Public Accounts Committee for detailed examination on the same day. The Public Accounts Committee (PAC) examined the Audit Report in series of meetings spanning over Twenty Nine (29) sittings held in the Conference room of Assembly Secretariat, Peshawar and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa House, Abbottabad. In this Report the Audit Paras/observations pertaining to each Department of the Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa are arranged separately. Tables showing details of total Paras and recommendations of PAC thereon have also been added for ready reference. The drafting and preparation of this report has been made possible due to the concerted efforts of the Hon’ble Speaker, Members of the Committee and officers/staff of the Public Accounts Committee headed by Mr. Amjad Ali, Additional Secretary and under the guidance of Mr. Inamullah Khan, Deputy Secretary. I deeply acknowledge the active collaboration and contribution of the PAC Cell in arranging frequent meetings, facilitating the PAC and timely compilation of this Report. Their sincere and devoted endeavors deserve appreciation, acclaim and commendation. I am confident that this exerse will be a pole star for future inputs of the like nature. This report of PAC is presented to the Provincial Assembly of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa under Rule 161 of the Provincial Assembly of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Procedure and Conduct of Business Rules, 1988. (AMANULLAH) Secretary, Provincial Assembly of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa TABLE OF CONTENTS S.No. Department 1. Introduction Date of meeting Page No. 1-8 Audit Report 10/07/2012 9-64 3. Agriculture, Livestock & Cooperation Irrigation 11/07/2012 65-87 4. Local Govt:, Rural Development 12/07/2012 88-110 5. Information 16/07/2012 111-119 6. Higher Education, Archives & Library Department 16/07/2012 24&25/09/2012 120-165 18/09/2012 166-169 18&19/07/2012 05/03/2013 2,3&8/10/2012 170-202 9&10/10/2012 24&26/02/2014 270-310 16,17&22/10/2012 311-363 2. 7. Finance 8. Health 9. Food 10. Home & Tribal Affairs 11. Communication & Works 12. Environment 12&13/11/2012 364-395 13. Administration 28&29/01/2013 396-434 14. 25/02/2014 435-441 15. Elementary & Secondary Education Energy & Power ------- 442 16. Inquiry Reports ------- 443-444 17. Reports of Sub Committees ------- 445-526 18. Reports of Inter Departmental Committees (IDCs) 25/02/2014 527-531 25/02/2014 532 19. Leftover Business Of The Earlier Sub-Committees 203-269 INTRODUCTION In pursuance of Article 171 of the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, the annual report of the Auditor General of Pakistan on the Accounts of Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa for the year 2010-11, received in the Assembly Secretariat on 19-04-2012, was laid before the House on 07-05-2012 under rule 198 of the Provincial Assembly of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Procedure and Conduct of Business Rules, 1988. The House referred it to the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) on the same day for detailed examination. 2. The PAC examined the Audit Report for the year 2010-11 being the latest one pending for examination. It conducted a series of meetings spanning over twenty five (25) sittings which commenced from 6th to16th of July 2012, at the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa House, Abbottabad and 18th to 25th of September, 2012, 2nd to 23rd of October, 2012, 1st to13th of November, 2012, 28th to 29th of January, 2013 and 5th of March, 2013 in the Conference room of Assembly Secretariat, Peshawar. AUDIT REPORT 3. The Committee examined the Audit Report for the year 2010-11 consisting of two hundred and ninety one (291) Draft Paras. The Audit covered an expenditure of Rs. 23120.011 million out of total budget of Rs. 249710.723 million, which in terms of percentage is 18.23 of auditable expenditure. The following irregularities were noticed:1. Three (03) cases of embezzlement of public money amounting to Rs. 8.137 (M). 2. Fifteen cases of mis-appropriation of public money amounting to Rs. 287.195 (M) 3. Forty (40) cases of non-recovery of government dues amounting to Rs. 8942.292 (M). 4. Fifty two (52) cases of un-authorized expenditure amounting to Rs. 3802.83 (M). 5. Sixty two (62) cases of loss amounting to Rs. 2643.422 (M). 6. Eleven (11) cases of doubtful payment amounting to Rs. 173.827 (M). 7. One (01) case of non-obtaining of security amounting to Rs. 1.8 (M). 8. Two (02) cases of un-due financial aid amounting to Rs. 3369.494 (M). 9. Six (06) cases of un-verified expenditure amounting to Rs. 7867.899 (M). 10. Six (06) cases of un-authentic expenditure amounting to Rs. 1547.988 (M). 11. Twenty (20) cases of over-payment amounting to Rs.1341.399 (M). 12. Eleven (11) cases of wasteful expenditure amounting to Rs. 142.217 (M). 13. Five (05) cases of uneconomical expenditure amounting to Rs. 5321.058 (M). 14. One (01) case of un-justified expenditure amounting to Rs. 5.199 (M). 15. Twenty five (25) cases of irregular expenditure amounting to Rs.4570.182 (M). 16. Three (03) cases of non-accountal of store amounting to Rs.2399.016 (M). 17. Seven (07) cases of excess expenditure amounting to Rs.66.61 (M). 18. One (01) case of non-auction of store amounting to Rs 28.128 (M). 19. Six (06) cases of un-necessary obtaining of loan amounting to Rs.6701.59 (M). 20. One (01) case of double drawl amounting to Rs. 0.737 (M). 21. Two (02) cases of sub-standard work/supply amounting to Rs. 150.975 (M). 22. Two (02) cases of non-supply of store amounting to Rs. 280.077 (M). 23. Two (02) cases of blockage of public money amounting to Rs. 31.841 (M). 24. One (01) case of non-conducting of police training amounting to Rs. 54.333 (M). 25. Two (02) cases of non-submission of adjustment account amounting to Rs. 175.848 (M). 26. Three (03) cases of non-deduction of income tax amounting to Rs. 47.581 (M). 27. One (01) case of improper maintenance of record amounting to Rs. 159.594 (M). 28. One (01) case of extra expenditure on rent of building amounting to Rs. 1.078 (M). 4. The said violations/irregularities indicated that the Principal Accounting Officers did not have the adequate institutional capacity required to address financial management and control issues and the Principal Accounting Officers need to take necessary steps to institute, evaluate and strengthen the management, budgeting and accounting controls to achieve the following objectives that; whether the moneys shown as expenditure in the accounts were authorized for the purpose for which they were spent. to see that the expenditure incurred was in conformity with the laws, rules and regulations framed to regulate the procedure for expending public money. to see that every item of expenditure was done with the approval of the competent authority in the Government for expending the public money. to see whether the expenditure was incurred according to wisdom and economy and to bring to light cases of improper expenditure or waste of public money. to review, analyze and make recommendations on various policies relating to different sectors. 5. In order to overcome the said objectives and for future guidelines, the following recommendations were made:- 6. The compliance with directives of Public Accounts Committee by Principal Accounting Officers was poor and inspite of reminding them time and again, no improvement was made/shown in this regard. All Principal Accounting Officers should give special attention to this issue and develop mechanism to monitor compliance of directives of PAC in their departments. Departments need to strictly follow the provisions of GFR while handling public money whether they receive or spend it. They should deposit/retain the public money received by them in the Provincial Consolidated Fund and Public Account instead of depositing into unauthorized accounts in commercial banks. Meetings of Departmental Accounts Committee be held regularly. Instances of making payments by the department or their autonomous bodies/authorities to employees in contravention of rules and in disregard of the employees entitlement need to be checked by effecting recoveries where due and taking disciplinary action against the official involved in overpayments. Departments need to comply with the provisions of Public Procurement Rules 2004 for procurement of goods and services. Departments need to strengthen internal controls to ensure that lapses of the kind reported in this report are pre-empted and fair value for money is obtained from public spending Reconciliation of expenditure needs to be carried out regularly. Unspent balances need to be deposited into government treasury. Inquiries need to be held to fix responsibility for losses, fudged payments and wasteful expenditure. The Committee examined the Audit Report in its twenty five (25) sittings and dropped unconditionally seventy five (75) Draft Paras, where the explanation of the Department was found plausible or relevant record was produced and duly verified by the Audit, while in thirty two (32) Draft Paras, where the Government funds were proved to have been mis-appropriated or have been embezzled, it recommended for affecting recovery after fixing responsibility on the culprits in pursuance of the relevant laws on the subject. Forty two (42) Draft Paras, where record needed to be verified, were dropped conditionally subject to verification of record. Fifty seven (57) Draft Paras were referred for departmental action, fifteen (15) Draft Paras were referred to Inter Departmental Committees (IDCs) and sixty two (62) Draft Paras pertaining to various Departments were kept pending. 7. Sub-Committees were also constituted to probe into the issues mentioned in eight (08) Draft Paras which needed detailed deliberation. 8. The following table shows the detail of total draft paras pertaining to all Administrative Departments and recommendations of PAC thereon:Departmen Total Dropped VOR/Ph. Recover Depttl: t DPs Verificatio y Action n Agriculture 33 09 07 03 14 SubIDC Pending Committe e ---- Irrigation 14 11 01 -- 02 -- -- -- Local Govt: 20 -- 04 07 06 -- 02 01 Information 04 -- 02 -- 02 -- -- -- Higher Education Finance Health Food Home & Tribal Affairs C&W 29 08 07 03 03 02 -- 06 02 19 40 39 02 03 07 11 -04 09 -- -03 06 01 -06 11 01 -02 03 08 -01 02 -- --02 18 38 17 06 02 05 01 -- 7 Environmen t 22 11 -- 02 07 -- -- 02 Establishment 25 & Administration Elementary 04 & Secondary 07 02 06 -- -- 10 -- 02 01 01 -- -- -- -- Edu: Energy & Power 02 -- -- -- -- -- -- 02 Total 291 88 43 34 57 16 15 38 GENERAL OBSERVATIONS 9. During examination of Audit Report for the year 2010-2011, in addition to the observations on each para incorporated in this report, the PAC also made the following General Observations:CLUBBING OF AUDIT PARAS PERTAINING TO DIFFERENT ORGANIZATIONS. 10. The Committee observed that contrary to its clear cut instructions to avoid clubbing the Audit Paras pertaining to different organizations into a Draft Para. The advance paras pertaining to different Institutions were clubbed which created confusion and wasted the time of the Committee. The Audit should have made separate audit paras in respect of each transaction to make examination of the accounts simple and to facilitate the job of the members of the Committee. The Members were feeling great trouble while examining different audit objection clubbed in one Para. This practice was strongly objected to by the Members. The Committee showed its displeasure over such non-responsive attitude of the Audit Department. It therefore, directed the Audit Department to stop forthwith such practice and to frame Draft Paras involving single issue pertaining to an organization. APPRECIATION TO SECRETARY AGRICULTURE. 11. The Public Accounts Committee (PAC) while examining the Audit Paras for the year 2010-11 pertaining to Agriculture Department commended the laudable services of Mr. Muhammad Afsar Khan, Secretary, Agriculture Department, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa who made bold decisions in the Pre-PAC meeting against those involved in the mis-management and mis-appropriation. Despite facing hurdles from his subordinates he managed to decide the issues on merit. During the series of meetings he did not defended the mis-deeds committed by his subordinates and brought the factual position before the PAC resultantly the PAC was facilitated in discharge of its function. WIDE PUBLICITY WHILE FLOATING NIT. 12. The PAC noted that most of the Departments while inviting NIT did not mention the specifications of the items and prepare tender documents in a way to extend benefit to certain blue eyed people, resultantly the practice of fair competition was badly suffered. The Committee therefore, directed the Departments to follow the prevailing Procurement and General Financial Rules in its true spirit while making procurements. POOR WORKING PAPER. 13. The working papers supplied by few Departments were found very poor as it was not on proper format neither properly binded in a book form nor accompanied by supporting documents resultantly most of the time of the PAC was wasted to search out the relevant documents. Most of the documents asked for by the Committee during the meeting were not found available which created embarrassing situation. The Department was therefore, directed to avoid such laxity in future while furnishing working paper to the PAC being the highest forum dealing with the financial oversight of the Government. POOR FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT AND INTERNAL CONTROL SYSTEM. 14. While examining the accounts of Agriculture Department, PAC observed poor financial management and negligible internal control system in the Agriculture Research Wing, resultantly number of cases of embezzlement, misappropriation, fraud, etc; were reported in the Auditor General’s Report, which involved loss of millions of rupees to public ex-chequer. Main reason for such irregularities was the defective and non transparent procedure adopted by the Department contrary to the procurement rules. In most of the cases, the ex-Director General has reportedly shown as the principal accused, who has already been retired from service. NO RESEARCH IN ANIMALS BREEDING etc. 15. The Committee while examining the Audit Report pertaining to Directorate of Livestock & Dairy Development of Agriculture Department was astonished to know that no new bread of animals have been introduced by the Directorate since its creation. Neither the local breads of animals have been improved nor was it properly handled the imported breads despite utilization of funds in millions being allocated in every year’s budget. The Committee was of the considered opinion that such laxity of the Directorate towards its job assignment is not tolerable. The Department was therefore, directed to focus on its assigned job so that better results and value for public money could be achieved. NON-SUBMISSION OF WORKING PAPER IN TIME. 16. Non submission of working paper by the Higher Education Department to the Committee in time was noted with grave concern. The Department was directed to conduct enquiry and initiate action within one month against all those officers who failed to prepare and submit the working to the PAC in time i.e. 10 days before the meeting as instructed by the PAC from time to time and asked for by the PAC Cell of the Provincial Assembly since the Auditor General”s Report is laid before the House. UN-AUTHENTIC WORKING PAPER 17. The PAC noted with grave concern that despite clear-cut instructions from time to time the Health Department failed to submit working paper in time and on proper format. The working paper was neither signed by the Administrative Secretary nor Chief Executive concerned. The text of Draft Para exhibited in the working paper was not in conformity with the Audit Report rather the text of Advance Para instead of Draft Para was reflected in the working paper. The working paper was therefore, termed as faulty. The Members strongly objected to such casual attitude of the Department. The Department was directed to avoid such attitude and to provide working paper on proper format in time to the Assembly Secretariat in future otherwise strict disciplinary action will be recommended against the responsible. RENTING OUT GOVERNMENT ACCOMMODATIONS. 18. While examining the accounts of Administration Department, the Committee noted that Government accommodations meant to facilitate the Government servants in discharge of their duties were allotted to un-authorized persons on market rates. It therefore, directed the Department to stop forthwith such practice of renting out the Government accommodation to un-authorized person (s) on market rates as the Government was not in the business of real estate. STEREOTYPE COMMENTS OF FINANCE DEPARTMENT 19. The Committee observed with grave concern that the comments of Finance Department on the working paper were inadequate and could not facilitate the job of PAC. Most of the time was wasted to find out the financial issue involved in the Para. Had the Finance Department gone through all the relevant record and offered realistic comments on the issue(s) involved in each Para, the job of PAC would have been facilitated; therefore, the Finance Department was directed to properly go through all the relevant documents and record realistic comments on the working paper in future and avoid stereotype remarks. WEAK INTERNAL CONTROL 20. Total (38) Draft Paras were framed against the Home & Tribal Affairs Department out of which 34 Draft Paras were against the Police Department. In all these Paras, two issues that is construction of buildings and purchase of equipments for Police were involved and in all cases it was noticed that the Department had not adopted proper procedure, rules/regulations and failed to fulfill the codal formalities, the Department was found un-aware of mis-deeds till it was pointed out by the Audit Department which clearly indicates the non existence Internal Control System/Weak Financial Management System in the Department. 21. The Department was, therefore, directed to establish Internal Control System with in the Department and to abide by the Financial Rules while spending Government money in future. POOR WORKING PAPER 22. The working paper furnished by the Home Department was found incomplete as no supporting documents were found attached with it nor it could be produced during the meetings resultantly most of the time of Committee was wasted on non-issues. The Department should inquire into the matter as to whether it was intentional or otherwise and to take appropriate action against the concerned. The Department was further directed to furnish working paper complete in all respect duly supported by documentary proof in future.