ANNEX I - TERMS OF REFERENCE 1. BACKGROUND United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) with the financial assistance from Department for International Development, DFID of UK, is engaged in development of urban water supply infrastructure in El Fasher, North Darfur. The scope of work includes design and construction of water source facilities, construction of pump station, a water transfer main, improvements to existing treatment facilities and other ancillary works. The projects will be implemented in close consultation with Urban Water Corporation (UWC) of North Darfur and Public Water Corporation (PWC) of Khartoum. In this connection, UNOPS intends engage suitably qualified / experienced consultancy firm or company in carrying out engineering and detailed topographic surveys for the work described under Scope of Services in Annex II & III, in the project area shown in Annex IV. 2. LOCATION El Fasher is the Capital of Darfur and the main administrative centre in the region. The town is situated in North Darfur and has an estimated resident population of 50,000 households and an IDP population. Golo reservoir located about 16km away from El Fasher town is the main source of surface water for the town water supply scheme. The requested engineering and topographical survey involves the proposed pipeline route (as shown in Annex IV) between Golo reservoir pump station and the water treatment plant located in El Fasher town, approximately 11 km long. 3. OBJECTIVE The existing water transfer mains from Golo reservoir to treatment plant in El Fasher including pumps and other electro-mechanical work are old and have deteriorated beyond repairs. As such, UNOPS intends to design & construct a new water transmission pipeline from above location to El Fasher town including construction of pump house at Golo and installation of electro-mechanical components. The objective of the requested surveying engagement is to provide necessary engineering & topographic survey input to the pipeline and pump station design process. Full of Scope of Services expected under the proposed engagement is in Annex II – Scope of Services. 4. DELIVERABLES The selected contractor shall be required produce following deliverables. Produce and handover to UNOPS a soft copy of pipeline route map surveyed along the route shown in the enclosed map from Golo reservoir to treatment plant in El Fasher in Auto CAD or similar surveying drafting software, indicating Golo reservoir, two Hafiars existing pump house at Golo and treatment plant land in El Fasher, showing all features of the route surveyed to a scale of 1;10000 or any other as appropriate and instructed by UNOPS and produce 3 sets of this map in A1 size paper. The map shall show all main features of the area surveyed including, but not be limited to surveyed sites, TBM’s and any other important data including true orientation of data surveyed. Produce and handover to UNOPS soft copy of pipeline surveyed in AutoCAD or similar surveying drafting software, drawn to the scale specified, showing longitudinal section of each pipeline with flat plan clearly marking North along with 3 sets of hardcopies printed in A3 scale. All electronic copies shall be prepared in such a way that pipeline from one node to the other (or to more nodes) shall be in one electronic file. Further, all electronic files and all drawings printed shall show the true North (UNOPS will submit a sample template to the selected contractor in this respect.) and true orientation of the pipeline route from starting point to the end on a site plan, with corresponding running distances (RD) marked. Produce and handover to UNOPS soft copies of all other features surveyed such as sites, bridges, cross sections and any other in AutoCAD or similar surveying drafting software along with 3 sets of hard copies printed in A3 scale. The contractor shall also submit to UNOPS a soft copy of the field data collected during surveying excel format with proper description. The contractor has to submit hard and soft copies of photographs of all bench marks established and used in the survey work. 5. SCHEDULE The selected contractor is required to mobilize resources to the site, within 14 days of signing the Contract. The survey works including final submissions of drawings shall be completed within six (6) weeks from the date of award of the contract. 6. CRITERIA FOR CONTRACTOR SELECTION The selection of the successful bidder will be based on the following criteria. Proof of registration under the legal and regulatory requirements of the country of registration The bidding firm/company shall have a minimum of one Registered/Certified Surveyor having not less than 5 years of experience in field survey and preparation of survey plans, electronic drawings & documentation of water related infrastructure projects including a minimum of 2 years experience in Total Station or similar The bidding firm/company shall have not less than 2 competent Survey Assistants working with the Registered/Certified Surveyor, who can effectively carry out surveying and leveling, and sufficient number of experienced Labours/Helpers/Chainmen as those required by the work to enable timely completion of the work The bidding firm/company shall have an established office with necessary hardware and software facilities for carrying out electronic drawings / plans of the works in a timely manner. Work Plan demonstrating works completion within 4 weeks as requested in above schedule Financial and operational resources capacity to execute the task successfully The equipment and facilities required for the proposed works shall include but not be limited to the following: Automatic Leveling Equipment Set and/or Dumpy Level set Total Station set with accessories Leveling Staff – minimum of 2 total Ranging Rods Chain Links, Distance measuring equipments, Tape measures etc as required for the task. For evaluation purposes, all bids shall be converted to US Dollars using the United Nations Operational Rate of Exchange in force at the date of bid opening.