BY: Jocelyn Ribeiro
8F Rm. 245
The school to prison pipeline is a system that starts in school where they make rules for public safety that pushes students out of school and into the criminal justice system.
This pipeline mainly targets youth of color and youth of disabilities more then any other youth.
The “Zero Tolerance” Policy is responsible for this pipeline. These rules state that anytime a student breaks a rule, they must be punished. It doesn’t matter if it was by accident, self defense, or if you didn’t even know the rule.
Consequences For
• Students can be suspended from school for a couple of days.
• Students can also be expelled from school.
• They can also be subjected to school based arrests.
Contribution to the pipeline from MCC
• Punishing students severely for little things. The punishment often doesn’t fit the crime.
• Giving “hearings” that the administrators don’t really listen to each sides stories. They just suspend them.
• Not giving students the help they really need in getting caught up in work after suspension.
• Misbehavior:
Talking in class, being disrespectful, not prepared for class(
Not having materials ready)
• Consequences: separated from the class in a isolated desk or even sent to another class .
• Misbehavior:
Skipping Class, leaving room without permission, and causing a disruption.
• Consequences:
Lunch detentions or after school detentions(Days depending on what you did)
• Misbehavior:
Vandalism, bringing weapons/drugs to school, fighting, inappropriate behaviors.
• Consequences:
Community service and In-school suspension( Days depending on what you did)
In my opinion, the “Zero Tolerance” policy shouldn’t even exist! This policy is one of the main reasons why students are more likely to drop out or go to jail. It doesn’t really even teach children a lesson about the consequences of their actions rather then punish them and make them less likely to succeed. It doesn't even give chances for those who made a mistake for the first time. It just gives kids punishments and that is what leads them on the road to destruction. Its almost like an adult prison, harsh punishments with very little rehabilitation!
Teachers should have a conference with a student when they feel that that student is slacking or not doing as well as they should. In that meeting, they should ask students how they feel or what's going on that they are acting that way. Teachers should also do their part in listening to that student and what they have to say. They shouldn’t cut students off because often times what the student is saying is the truth. Students shouldn’t be afraid to speak up! If something is going on don’t be afraid to say something to a teacher that can help. Just remember its your education and only you can make it worth it for yourself!
I hope from watching this and learning about this system, you get a better understanding of it so you don’t end up getting stuck in this difficult situation.