File - CCHS

Syllabus: 9th Grade Literature
Our Motto: I Will Strive for Excellence!
Instructors: Mrs. Jordan Baysore
Ms. Kirsten Avret
Course Description
9th Grade Literature is a high school English class designed to expose students to various genres and time periods of grade level
literature. The course will also help students to improve writing skills, critical thinking skills, vocabulary skills, and reading skills.
Short stories, novels, nonfiction literary works, drama, poetry, and research skills serve as the focus for reading and writing activities.
These genres of literature and composition and the emphasis on research and performance tasks (projects) prepare students for the 9th
Grade Georgia Milestone and most importantly to become College and Career ready through the rigorous exposure to literary
Course of Study
Textbooks: Mirrors and Windows: (classroom set only)
Common Core Literature: (copy issued per student)
First Nine Weeks: A Journey of Understanding
Reading Focus: Literary (Selected Short Stories and To Kill a
Writing Focus: Argumentative (Formal Letter to the EditorPerformance Task One)
Evidences of Learning: Formal Letter to the Editor
Teacher Determined Assessments: Chapter Quizzes and Unit
Enduring Understandings:
Students understand characterization in narrative works
Students identify figurative language
Students understand the basic components of literature
Second Nine Weeks: Journey Outside of Self
Reading Focus: Nonfiction (Selected folktales from the textbook
and The Odyssey)
Writing Focus: Informational/ Explanatory (Research PaperPerformance Task Two)
Evidences of Learning: Research Paper explaining the lives of
Greek Gods and Goddesses
Teacher Determined Assessments: Quizzes and Unit Tests
Enduring Understandings:
Make connections to the theme and topics of folk
Understand how myths portray universality human
Gather evidence to support research
Third Nine Weeks: Journey of Beliefs and Values
Reading Focus: Literary (The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet;
Excerpts from Bless Me, Ultima; Purgatory; The Seven Ages of
Writing Focus: Informative/Explanation (Student created skitPerformance Task Three)
Evidences of Learning: Students will complete a layered
curriculum assignment based on Romeo and Juliet
Teacher Determined Assessments: Quizzes and Unit Tests
Enduring Understandings:
Effective writers use standard conventions to
communicate effectively.
Effective literature is focused, detailed, organized, and
sequenced for effective understanding.
Analyzing texts for viewpoint allows an effective
reader to gain insight.
Fourth Nine Weeks: Journey through Tribulation
Reading Focus: Non-Fiction
Writing Focus: Argumentative (Students research various aspects
of World War II and create a cited paper and presentationPerformance Task Four)
Evidences of Learning: Students research various aspects of
World War II, follow writing process to create a cited paper, and
create a presentation to deliver to the class
Teacher Determined Assessments: Quizzes and Unit Tests
Enduring Understandings:
Use of literary devices in nonfiction to affect deeper
understanding of themes
Non fiction’s role in promoting deep and reflective
comprehension of human experience
Reflecting is different from remembering
End of Course (EOC) Assessment:
The A+ Educational Reform Act of 2000 mandates that the State Board of Education adopt end-of-course assessments in grades nine through twelve for core
subjects to be determined by the State Board of Education. The main focus of the EOC is to improve both teaching and learning. The EOC aligns with the curriculum
standards and include assessment of specific content knowledge and skills. The assessments provide diagnostic information to help students identify strengths and areas
of need in learning; therefore, improving performance in all high school courses and on other assessments. Any students enrolled in and/or receiving credit for an EOC
course, regardless of grade level, will be required to take the EOC upon completion of that course. (Georgia Department of Education) The EOC will count as 20% of a
student’s final grade for the year.
Daily Framework:
The standards along with a particular element of concentration, an essential question for the day, the work period, and the class closing are posted each day
in the classroom. These pieces of information help students and classroom visitors to know what is expected each day for the student to learn.
Classroom Grading Percentages:
Daily Grades/Homework
Note: Writing grades will be dispersed at the discretion of the teacher based upon length and requirements. Formal essays can be scored as tests.
Required Materials:
Three ring binder
Loose leaf paper
Blue/black pens
#2 pencils
Flash drive/jump drive
2 Composition Notebooks (1 per semester)
Pocket Dictionary and Thesaurus
Note: Additional supplies may be needed for certain tasks.
Textbook Information:
Our course currently will be using a new Pearson Common Core aligned textbook as our main textbook and we will be supplementing our curriculum with
Mirrors & Windows, Connecting with Literature, Level IV. There will be a replacement cost if the assigned textbooks are not properly returned to the teacher. Fees are
also charged if the textbooks are damaged in any way. The textbooks may also be accessed online. An information sheet will be sent home with your student when they
are issued their books.
Classroom Rules and Consequences
Come to class on time and be prepared
Be an active participant in all classroom activities including group work, pairs, class discussions, readings, etc.
Respect yourself, others, and your surroundings
Do not disrupt the learning environment/process
Observe all rules and regulations in the Code of Conduct book and the Student Handbook
If rules are not followed the following consequences will take place:
 Verbal Warning
 Parental Contact (Documented with date and time)
 Detention (Documented with date and time)
 Office Referral (Note: Severe violations will result in an immediate referral i.e. fighting, etc.)
Acceptance of Late/ Missing Work:
Assignments are due on the given date. Points will be deducted for any late work. Special arrangements must be made in advance to make up any missing
work. Late/missing work is NOT to be completed during regular class time. They day after an assignment is due is the ONLY day you are permitted to turn in late work
with points deducted. After that zero points will be awarded for late work. In the case of excessive missing work teacher may determine a make-up program for that
specific student.
Arrangement of Conferences/Classroom Visits:
Parent/teacher conferences play a vital role in your child’s educational process. The most effective way to schedule a conference is to contact the guidance
secretary and to secure a time that will be most convenient to your schedule. Conferences are NOT scheduled on Thursday afternoons due to faculty meetings. Please
make sure to inform the secretary if you wish to meet with all of your student’s teachers or certain ones. An administrator is usually able to attend if prior arrangements
have been made.
Any form of classroom visits must be scheduled through the front office staff. They may refer you to an administrator before you visit. Therefore, it is highly
recommended that you call in advance to schedule this visit. All parents/visitors MUST check in with the front office staff before coming to a classroom.
Parent/Teacher Communication:
Parent/teacher communication is important for the purposes of communicating positive aspects of your child’s educational experience here at CCHS as well
as those times when areas of improvement must be addressed. Therefore, it is important that an open line of communication remains open at all time. Kindly inform the
school of any changes in your address, employment, or phone numbers so that proper notification can be made on your child’s record.
Student Accommodations:
Please inform your child’s teacher as well as guidance if you are aware of any accommodations that may be needed to make your child’s experience here at
CCHS a pleasant one. It is imperative that you provide us with copies of any forms that you may have showing certain expected classroom accommodations. Your
guidance counselor will be happy to assist you with any of these areas. Also, please note that you or your child should bring any doctor’s notes to our school nurse of
any medical accommodations that may be needed as well.
Plagiarism is taking the ideas of others and presenting them as if they were the student’s original thoughts. The student will learn and develop the current
techniques to reference material from other authors and sources. Cheating is talking or passing papers between students during a test, or giving and/or receiving
answers. Cheating will NOT be tolerated. If any portion of an assignment is created or obtained through cheating or plagiarism, the teacher will assign a “0” for the
assignment with no opportunity to improve the grade. THINK FOR YOURSELF AND DO YOUR OWN WORK!
Finding Success!
It is our sincere hope for every child to find academic success and personal growth as we unlock the riches within 9th Grade Literature. We will provide numerous
opportunities for each child and parent to have access to available resources within our school and the district as we continue on our journey for success and
“Commitment to Graduate!” Good luck Class of 2019!
Student Information Sheet
Student’s Full Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________
Name You Prefer to be Called: _____________________________________
Age: _____________ Date of Birth: ____________________________________________________________
Home Address: __________________________________________________________________________________________
Home Phone: ___________________________________
Mother’s Name: ___________________________________ Cell Phone: _____________________________________
Mother’s Place of Employment and Phone Number: _______________________________________________________
Father’s Name: ___________________________________ Cell Phone: _____________________________________
Father’s Place of Employment and Phone Number: ________________________________________________________
Name of Class
Teacher’s Name
Room Number
I have read the attached syllabus and understand its contents. I also am aware that the contents of the proposed curriculum may be altered as the needed arises. I am also
willing to make the teacher/school aware of any changes in my address and/or contact information during the school year.
(Student’s Signature)
(Parent/Guardian’s Signature)
Extracurricular activities the student is involved in: _______________________________________________________
Additional information you would like the teacher to know about your student: _________________________________