2014-2015 Tennessee School Improvement School Name

2014-2015 Tennessee School Improvement
Accountability Priority
Analysis of last Areas of Greatest Progress:
year’s final
 Algebra I- 16.4% gain
 U. S. History- 17.6% gain
 English I- 22.5% gain
 English II- 8.4% gain
Proficient/Advanced Improvements
Algebra I
All: 2013- 3.1% 2014-20.5%
English I
All: 2013-4.2%
English II
All: 2013- 3.6% 2014-12%
U.S. History
All: 2013-65.3% 2014-82.9%
Underlying Reasons for Progress:
Goals for
school year:
Areas of Greatest Challenge:
Biology-1.8% loss
Algebra II- 2.5% loss
English III- -4.4% loss
Graduation rate dropped
from 52.6% in 2013 to 47.8%
in 2014
Underlying Reasons for Challenge:
Common Assessments
 Increased number of SWD
needing support
Common planning
 Revolving student enrollment
Data reviews in PLCs and
 Increased student
departmental meetings
 Tutoring during and after
 Limited use of technology
integration in all courses
 EOC Saturday Academy
Teachers need more training
 CPS-Classroom Performance
with implementation and
System to monitor student
utilization of technology
based district assessments
 Master teacher and Learning
and interventions
Coach provide support to
new teachers and struggling
* Please consult with your district regarding goals and AMO targets for
Achievement and Gap Closure.
AMO targets for Growth
AMO targets for Gap Closure
Algebra I- 9.2%
Algebra I- Econ.Disad.-22.5%, SWD-6.1%
Algebra II- 6.3%
Algebra II- Econ.Disad.-2.7%,SWD-3.1%
English II- 9.6%
English II-Econ.Disad.-12.4%, SWD-3.3%
English III- 11.8%
English III-Econ.Disad.-2.7%,SWD-1.8%
Goal 1: Northwest Prep Academy’s goal is to increase the percentage of all
students taking the Algebra II EOC test who meet or exceed the state’s AMO
by 10% from 4.8% to 14.8% by 2015.
Goal 2: Northwest Prep Academy’s goal is to increase the percentage of all
students taking the Biology EOC test who meet or exceed the state’s AMO by
10% from 8.3% to 18.3% by 2015.
Goal 3: Northwest Prep Academy’s goal is to increase the percentage of all
students taking the English III EOC test who meet or exceed the state’s AMO
by 10% from 0% to 10% by 2015.
Plan for this
school year:
Key strategies to achieve goals:
1. Strategy: Teachers will participate in weekly departmental meetings
and common planning periods
Implementation Plan: Teachers will discuss and prepare lesson plans,
review student data to determine instructional strategies, and share
best practices.
Desired outcomes: Student achievement will increase on Discovery
Education Assessment, common assessments, and End of Course
Projected costs and funding sources: $0
Describe how this specific strategy will help you achieve your goals
for the 2014-15 school year and address areas of challenge from the
past year:
The challenge in the past was that teachers did not have a common
planning to meet and discuss student data and best practices. It was
difficult to administer common assessment s, or an EOC Blitz.
Currently common planning has provided the opportunity for teaches
to focus on the areas of need through departmental and PLC
meetings; teachers develop interventions and support with a
collective effort towards raising academic achievement. Also
teachers are communicating with parents in a collaborative effort to
increase parental involvement through various on-campus
educational nights (Senior parent meetings, EOC Prep night, annual
Title I meeting, PTO meetings).
2. Strategy: Extended day, extended contract, extended year
Implementation Plan: Teams of teachers create weekly assessments
to assist SPED students by providing small group interventions,
additional one-on-one assistance, yearlong tutoring with EOC classes,
and differentiated lessons.
Desired outcomes: Students’ academic progress will increase with
additional support and instruction. Teachers will differentiate lessons
and provide individual support as needed. Teachers will have more
time to teacher for understanding and mastery of skills.
Projected costs and funding sources: $2,500 Title I
Describe how this specific strategy will help you achieve your goals
for the 2014-15 school year and address areas of challenge from the
past year:
Students that are enrolled in EOC classes will receive additional
tutoring and EOC prep sessions through small group instruction,
remediation, and enrichment. In past years the revolving student
enrollment has negatively affected the instructional practices for
teachers. Due to student absenteeism and limited instructional days,
teachers have had limited opportunities to effectively assess students
and provide re-teaching and remediation.
3. Strategy: Implementation of EOC Saturday Academy and tutoring
Implementation Plan: Saturday Academy is offered two Saturdays a
month to students in EOC classes, students receiving low progress
report grades and report card marks. Additionally, teachers will
provide a scheduled time of support before, during, and after school,
two times a week.
Desired outcomes: Students receiving additional instructional
support in needed areas will result in greater achievement in
classrooms and assessments. With increased teacher and student
instruction, technology will provide support and enrichment to online students and computer based assessments.
Projected costs and funding sources: $7,000 is provided to teachers
from the title I budget and earmarked for teacher stipends.
Describe how this specific strategy will help you achieve your goals
for the 2014-15 school year and address areas of challenge from the
past year:
Our Saturday Academy attendance is expected to increase due to
teachers calling the parents of students that are in need of additional
help. Teachers are required to contact at least ten students that are
at risk of receiving a failing grade. Make-up assignments, on-line
classes and enrichment are available to students. This year we are
allowing students to participate in out of uniform days, light snacks,
and classroom points as incentives for student participation. It is
expected that participating students will perform better on school
reports, state assessments, and increase the graduation rate.
for progress
on strategies:
Provide professional development training
opportunities for the staff on various district
initiatives (ACT, PLAN, PSAT) and web based
Instructional and technical
training- September 2014April 2015
programs (Compass Learning, Discovery,
MIST) for additional classroom intervention.
Departmental and PLC teams will meet
collectively to prepare lesson plans and
develop instructional interventions to improve
instructional effectiveness and increase EOC
scores. Teachers will identify students that
need intervention and additional support by
way of data disaggregation, data notebooks,
and data walls.
Tutoring/remediation will be offered at
Saturday Academy to increase retention and
increase test scores. End of Corse students
who are struggling will be identified.
Common assessments and Discovery
assessments will be aligned to English and
Algebra standards for data review. Also
instructional refinement and strategies will be
considered to address student progress.
Departmental and PLC
meetings are held to review
progress and areas of need.
Tuesdays-August 2014-May
Thursdays- PLC August2014-May 2015
Two Saturdays a month
October 2014- May 2014
Discovery assessments will
be offered three times
throughout the school year
Common assessments will
be administered each
Parent meetings and phone contact to parents This will be done
will increase student attendance, test scores,
throughout the 2014-2015
and parental involvement. Parents will be
school year. Also senior
made aware of tutoring schedules, test taking night, EOC night, Title I, and
strategies and skills, test dates, and
PTO meetings.
attendance history.