The Cell as a Unit of Structure and Function


Cell Function

Cell Function

7-3 Cell Boundaries

A cells survival depends on its ability to maintain homeostasis and get nutrients

 Homeostasis – dissolved substances are equal inside and outside the cell

Cell Membrane

Regulates what enters and leaves the cell

Selective Permeability

– the cell membrane allows some molecules into the cell while keeping others out

Made of a phospholipid bilayer – two layers of phospholipids


– lipids with a phosphate head and fatty acid tails

The two fatty acid tails repel water and the phosphate heads don’t

Water soluble molecules will not easily move through the membrane because they are stopped by the fatty acid tails

Fluid Mosaic Model

Fluid because the membrane is flexible

Mosaic because proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, embedded in it

Transport Proteins

Span the entire membrane

Allow needed substances or waste materials to move through plasma membrane


Passive Transport

Passive transport – no energy is required to move particles across membranes by diffusion

3 Types of Passive Transport

1. Diffusion

2. Osmosis

3. Facilitated Diffusion


Diffusion – net movement of particles from an area of high to low concentration

Diffusion is a slow process because it relies on the random motion of molecules

Dynamic Equilibrium

– concentration of solutes is equal inside and outside the cell

Concentration Gradient

– difference in concentration of a substance across space

Because molecules diffuse from an area of high to low concentration, they move with the gradient, and does not require the cell to use energy

Diffusion will continue until there is no concentration gradient

3 Factors That Affect Diffusion

1. Concentration

– the more concentrated the substance the more rapidly diffusion occurs

2. Temperature – increase temperature increase diffusion

3. Pressure

– increase pressure increase diffusion


Osmosis – the diffusion of water across a selectively permeable membrane from an area of high to low concentration

water flows to the side of the membrane where the water concentration is lower

3 Types of Solutions Cells Can Be In

1. Isotonic Solution

The concentration of dissolved substances is equal inside and outside the cell

Most solutions injected into the body are isotonic, so that cells are not damaged by the loss or gain of water

The concentration of dissolved substances is in equilibrium so the cell is in homeostasis

2. Hypotonic Solution

The concentration of dissolved substances is lower outside the cell

A cell placed in a hypotonic solution, osmosis will cause water to move through the plasma membrane into the cell

As water diffuses in the cell swells


– cell swelling

This is what causes plants to be firm


3. Hypertonic Solution

The concentration of dissolved substance is higher outside the cell

If a cell is placed in a hypertonic solution, osmosis will cause water to leave the cell

Cell will shrivel

Plasmolysis – cell shrinking

This is what causes plants to

Facilitated Diffusion

Cell membranes have protein channels that act as carriers, making it easy for certain molecules to cross

Facilitated Diffusion – transport materials across the cell membrane by means of transport proteins from high to low concentration

Common in the movement of sugars and amino acids

Active Transport

Active Transport

Materials move from low to high concentration – against concentration gradient

Requires energy

 Endocytosis – A cell surrounds and takes in material. (pac-man)

 Phagocytosis – large solid particles taken in by endocytosis.

 Pinocytosis

– liquid particles taken in by endocytosis.


– material is released from cell. Cell excretes.

7-4 The Diversity of Cellular Life

Cell Differentiation

The differences among living things arise from the ways in which cells are specialized to perform certain tasks

Animal cells are specialized in many ways

Red blood cells transport oxygen

Cells in the pancreas produce proteins

Muscle cells allow movement


Guard cells in plants control the opening and closing of the stomata which allows



, oxygen, water, in and out of plant

Levels of Organization

☺ The levels of organization in a multicellular organism are…

Individual cells


– a group of similar cells

Organs – groups of tissues that work together

Organ Systems – a group of organs that work together

10-1 Cell Growth

Surface Area to Volume Ratio

Cells come in a variety of sizes

Range from 2-200

 m

 Why can’t most organisms be just one giant cell?

 You know the plasma membrane allows a steady supply of nutrients to enter cell and allows wastes to leave

 Diffusion becomes slow and inefficient as the distances become larger

 Cells would die before nutrients could reach them

 The cell cannot survive unless there is enough DNA to support the protein needs of the cell

 Surface area to volume ratio

 As cell size increases its volume increases much faster than its surface area

If cell size doubled the cell would require more nutrients and have more waste but the surface area would not have increased enough to get the nutrients and get rid of waste, so the cell would starve


Cell Function

7-3 Cell Boundaries

 A cells survival depends on its ability to maintain homeostasis and get nutrients

 Homeostasis

Cell Membrane

Regulates what enters and leaves the cell

Selective Permeability –

Made of a phospholipid bilayer –


The two fatty acid tails ____________ water and the phosphate heads ________

Water soluble molecules will not easily move through the membrane because they are stopped by the _________ __________ __________

Fluid Mosaic Model

Fluid because

Mosaic because


Transport Proteins

Allow needed substances or waste materials to move through plasma membrane

Passive Transport

Passive transport

3 Types of Passive Transport





Diffusion –

Diffusion is a _______ process because it relies on the random motion of molecules

Dynamic Equilibrium

Concentration Gradient –

Diffusion will continue until there is no _______________ ____________


3 Factors That Affect Diffusion

1. Concentration

2. Temperature

3. Pressure –


Osmosis –

3 Types of Solutions Cells Can Be In

1. Isotonic Solution

Most solutions injected into the body are isotonic, so that cells are not damaged by the loss or gain of water

The concentration of dissolved substances is in equilibrium so the cell is in


2. Hypotonic Solution

A cell placed in a hypotonic solution, osmosis will cause water to move through the plasma membrane into the cell

As water diffuses in the cell ____________

Cytolysis –

This is what causes plants to be ___________


3. Hypertonic Solution

If a cell is placed in a hypertonic solution, osmosis will cause water to

____________ the cell

Cell will ____________

Plasmolysis –

This is what causes plants to __________

Facilitated Diffusion

Cell membranes have protein channels that act as carriers, making it easy for certain molecules to cross

Facilitated Diffusion –

Common in the movement of sugars and amino acids

Active Transport

Active Transport

Materials move from low to high concentration –

Requires ____________



 Phagocytosis –

 Pinocytosis –

 Exocytosis

7-4 The Diversity of Cellular Life

Cell Differentiation

The differences among living things arise from the ways in which cells are specialized to perform certain tasks

Animal cells are specialized in many ways

Red blood cells ____________ ___________

Cells in the pancreas produce ____________

Muscle cells allow _______________

Guard cells in plants control the opening and closing of the stomata which allows



, oxygen, water, in and out of plant

Levels of Organization

☺ The levels of organization in a multicellular organism are…

Individual cells

Tissues –


Organ Systems –


10-1 Cell Growth

Surface Area to Volume Ratio

 Cells come in a variety of sizes

 Range from ____________

 Why can’t most organisms be just one giant cell?

 You know the plasma membrane allows a steady supply of nutrients to enter cell and allows wastes to leave

 Diffusion becomes __________ and inefficient as the distances become _________

 Cells would die before nutrients could reach them

 Surface area to volume ratio

 As cell size increases its ____________ increases much faster than its

__________ __________

 If cell size doubled the cell would require more nutrients and have more waste but the surface area would not have _______________ enough to get the nutrients and get rid of waste, so the cell would starve

