Transport SG answers

Cell Transport Study Guide
1. Which forms of transport do NOT
require energy?
• Diffusion
• Osmosis
• Facilitated Diffusion
*All of these are passive!
2. Which forms do require energy?
• Endocytosis
• Exocytosis
• Sodium-Potassium Pump
*All of these are active!
3. At the end of the diffusion process,
the concentration of substances on
each side is _____________.
• Equal
4. Draw an illustration of diffusion.
• On right side of board.
• Sugar molecules start out lumped together
and gradually move until they are evenly
spread out.
5. Define diffusion.
• Movement of molecules from an area of high
concentration to an area of low concentration.
6. Red blood cells have a salt
concentration of 0.9%
• In a solution of 1.2% salt, they will shrink
because water moves out of the cell.
• In a 0.9% saline solution, they will remain the
same because the two are equal.
• In pure water, they will swell because water
will move into the cell.
7. Define osmosis.
• Diffusion of water molecules.
8. In the diagram, which direction will
the substances move?
• From left to right (high conc. to low conc.)
10. A cell will swell when it is placed in
a __________ solution.
• hypotonic
11. A cell will shrink when placed in a
_____________ solution.
• hypertonic
12. A cell will remain the same when
placed in an ___________ solution.
• isotonic
13. What is the difference between
active and passive transport?
• Active requires energy and moves molecules
against their concentration gradient.
• Passive does not require energy and moves
molecules down their concentration gradient.
14. Proteins that act like selective
passageways in the cell membrane
are known as ___________.
• Channel proteins
15. What kind of molecules can pass
through the cell membrane unaided?
• Small, nonpolar
16. During the egg demo, the egg
gains mass and became swollen. What
is the explanation for this?
• It was placed in a hypotonic solution and
water moved into the egg.
17. What is the energy source for
active transport?
18. Molecules that are too large to be
moved through the membrane can be
transported into the cell by _______.
• Endocytosis
19. Ridding the cell of materials by
discharging the materials in vesicles is
called ______________.
20. Describe the Sodium-Potassium
pump. What type of transport is it?
• A protein in the cell membrane that moves Na
and K ions against their concentration
gradient. It requires ATP, so it is active
21. Describe the lipid bilayer.
• Drawing on board!
• It is a double layer of phospholipids arranged
tail to tail, making up the cell membrane.
22. Define concentration gradient.
• A difference in concentrations.
23. What is equilibrium?
• Balance
A cell membrane is ______ permeable
because it allows for the passage of
some substances but not others.
• Semi or selectively