Faculty of Health & Behavioural Sciences Awards for Programs that Enhance Learning 2015 Submission Instructions Shortlisted nominees must provide: A. A written statement using this template (maximum of eight A4 pages in the specified format) B. Curriculum Vitae C. Contact details for two referees including the nominee’s Head of School/Division or Organisational unit whichever is most appropriate. Referees are to provide their reports in confidence and separately from this submission to the Senior Academic Administration Officer, Michael Hong k.hong@uq.edu.au D. One page listing curriculum and resource support materials developed that are applicable to the application. Comprehensive details of the award and submission requirements, including formatting, are contained in the Faculty of Health & Behavioural Sciences Awards for Programs that Enhance Learning Guidelines. Nominees must forward completed submissions electronically, preferably as a PDF, on or before Monday 21st September 2015, to Michael Hong k.hong@uq.edu.au. Program Program title Program start date Organisational unit(s) Nominee or lead representative of the team Name Academic qualifications (including institution) Team name (Teams with more than five members must have a name) 2015 Faculty of Health & Behavioural Sciences APEL Submission Form Team members (Please list all team members) Name Organisational unit Qualifications (include institution) (TIP: Press the TAB key in the last cell of the last row to add additional rows) Category of award Please indicate () 1. Widening participation 2. Educational partnerships and collaborations with other organisations 3. The first-year experience 4. Flexible learning and teaching 5. Innovation in curricula, learning and teaching 6. Postgraduate education 7. Services supporting student learning 2015 Faculty of Health & Behavioural Sciences APEL Submission Form Print this page first for your reference. Then save this document. 1. Save this document using your program name as a unique identifier (for example, SmartProgram_2015APELsubmission.docx). If possible, use the Word .docx format. 2. Update the document footer: double-click at the bottom of the page and replace the default text with your program name and organisational unit of the team leader or representative. This template includes several predefined text styles to help you get started. Apply styles using the Quick Styles Gallery (Word 2007) on the Home tab of the Ribbon, or the Styles drop-down list (Word 2003 or Word for Mac). Please do not change the styles or margins (Page Setup) of this document. TIPS: Delete or over-write the sample text. There is no need to add extra lines between paragraphs. Using the defined styles For a consistent appearance, apply the defined styles rather than direct formatting from the toolbars. Use Normal style for all body (content) text. For a quote of three lines or more: enter the quote in its own paragraph. Apply the Block Quote style to indent the quote. Do not italicise quotations. To create a dot point or bulleted list, or a numbered list, type in the list items, select them, and apply the Dot point or Numbered list styles. Pasting text from other documents To paste text copied from other documents as plain or unformatted text: Word 2007: On the Home tab, click Paste and select Paste Special. A dialog box appears. Select Unformatted text and click OK. Word 2003 or Word for Mac: Select Edit, Paste Special. A dialog box appears. Select Unformatted text and click OK. Your copied text is pasted without formatting. Reapply any formatting, as required, using styles. Delete this section and begin with the heading below. 1. SYNOPSIS The written statement (Synopsis and Selection Criteria) is limited to eight A4 pages in total and must adhere to the formatting in this template. Submissions that do not adhere to these requirements will not be accepted. SAMPLE TEXT: The synopsis must cover a description of the program and its teaching areas, the program’s contribution to student learning and engagement, and the program’s impact on students. 150-200 words maximum; written in the THIRD PERSON. 2. SELECTION CRITERIA In assessing the submission against the four selection criteria, the Selection Committee will take into account: a. Evidence of the effectiveness of the program in formal and informal evaluation Name School/Faculty 1 b. The degree of creativity, imagination or innovation c. Evidence of the sustained effectiveness of the program. SAMPLE TEXT: The core element of the written statement for a Program Award is a written statement describing the program, specifically addressing each of the four selection criteria. Nominees are obliged to demonstrate not only the outcome of the nominated project/initiative but also state the process by which this was achieved. Evidence in support of the claims against these criteria must be provided. Another paragraph starts here. Use numbered lists or dot points as required. 1. Numbered list – right-click to restart from 1 2. Numbered list Dot point Dot Point Distinctiveness, coherence and clarity of purpose Influence on student learning and student engagement Breadth of impact Concern for equity and diversity SAMPLE TEXT: Extent to which the program promotes and supports equity and inclusiveness by improving access, participation and outcomes for diverse student groups: Block quote for evidence and quotations likely to extend over three lines or more. Block quote for evidence and quotations likely to extend over three lines or more. Block quote for evidence and quotations likely to extend over three lines or more. (Teaching Evaluation Comment) ‘For short quotes (one or two lines), use quote marks’ and integrate into the paragraph like this. Name School/Faculty 2 3. CURRICULUM VITAE Please attach a team or individual Curriculum Vitae one page per team member. Name School/Faculty 3 4. REFEREES Please provide names and contact details of two colleagues (including Head of School/Division or Organisational unit whichever is most appropriate) who agree to provide the Selection Committee with confidential statements on the nominee’s program’s contribution to student learning against the selection criteria. References must be no more than one A4 page each. If the nomination is from a team the references should apply to the team. Note that nominees are responsible for contacting referees and requesting that reports be forwarded electronically, preferably as a PDF, to Michael Hong k.hong@uq.edu.au in the Faculty of Health & Behavioural Sciences by Monday 21st September 2015. Head of School (or delegate)/Division/Organisational Unit Name Position Telephone Email Referee Name Position Telephone Email Name School/Faculty 4 5. SUMMARY OF SUPPORTING MATERIALS List of teaching materials and resources supporting claims (maximum of one A4 page). Name School/Faculty 5