
FBCN Scanned Publications Annotated Bibliography
2000, May. FBCN Marine Ecosystems Policy [DRAFT 1]. FBCN.
This document provides an overview of the FBCN’s policies regarding the conservation
of marine ecosystems. Part one contains information about marine ecology, including a
classification of marine ecosystems, and information on estuaries, intertidal and subtidal
zones, fjords, and pelagic waters. The second part discusses various conservation issues,
such as habitat loss (from urban development, habitat degradation, and habitat changes),
pollution, alien species, recreation, global climate change, and problems related to
organization and planning. The third part states goals needed for marine ecosystem
conservation, and discusses strategies for attaining those goals. The fourth part is
supposed to outline procedures associated with marine ecosystem conservation policy,
but is mostly left blank (note this is a draft copy). Appendices include previous FBCN
resolutions on marine ecosystems, a list of conservation organizations concerned with
marine issues, and a list of various international, government or partnership programs.
2000, September. FBCN Grasslands Conservation Policy. FBCN.
This document provides an overview of the FBCN’s policies regarding the conservation
of grassland ecosystems. Part one contains information about grassland ecology,
including various bunchgrass zones, mountain grasslands, Northern grasslands, coastal
prairies, and wetlands. The second part discusses various related conservation issues,
including habitat loss (grassland conversion and urban development), ranching, alien
species, and recreation. Part three states FBCN goals for grassland conservation, and
strategies for achieving those goals. Part four discusses associated procedures. Follows is
a bibliography, and appendices on previous FBCN grassland resolutions, and associated
organizations and programs.
1994, July. FBCN Resolution Manual. Laurence C. Brown.
This manual is comprised of resolutions passed by the FBCN during Annual General
Meetings and Directors Meetings. These are preceded by a statement of purpose of the
FBCN. The resolutions covered in this manual date from 1988 up to and including the
1994 AGM. Previous resolutions are covered in the 1988 edition. The manual also
contains two indexes, organizing the content alphabetically and by topic. The major topcs
are: site specific, species specific, government departments, and proposed legislation.
1988, Fall. FBCN Policy Manual. Rob Kitchen.
This manual contains FBCN policies intended for cursory reference. The first section
states the constitution of the organization, stating it’s name, objectives, area of operation,
and protocol of dissolution. The second section is comprised of by-laws, namely those
relating to membership, meetings, officer positions, account auditing, seal custody,
amendments, finances, and borrowing and investing powers. These are all followed by
resolutions of the FBCN passed since 1978, indexed alphabetically. The manual ends
with a glossary of terms, and an overview of the archival filing system.
1988. A History of the Federation of BC Naturalists. Barbara Black. Maps included.
This project was carried out at Douglas College, and was funded by a grant the FBCN
received from the Canada Employment and Immigration Commission. This report begins
by defining a “naturalist”, and continues with an account of the formation of the BC
Nature Council, their work, and the formation of the Federation of BC Naturalists. This is
followed by an historical account of the clubs regionalization and camps, its role in
education, and conservation, and the direction it was heading towards at the time.
Appendices list recipeints of the Elton Anderson Award, past presidents, AGMs, and a
history of the logo.