Conservation Biology Biol 4423 Fall 2012 Major Essay/Presentation Pick a topic below and write an essay and give a class presentation on that topic. The essay should be about 2500 words. The essay is due Nov. 16. The presentations should be 25 minutes long including an organized discussion (about 5-10 minutes long). You must have a short article to send to the class prior (minimum of 2 days) to your presentation, which will form part of the discussion. The presentations start Nov.14 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. Aboriginal cultures had it right with regards to how to live within natures bounds? Extinctions: species that go extinct are extremely rare and their loss is therefore of little consequence. Restoration Ecology: we need not worry about the deterioration of ecosystems, they can be restored. Julie Ecosystem function: many species are redundant when it comes to the function they carry out. Captive breeding: species can be bred in captivity and this will save many species from going extinct. Kate Our economic system is the root cause behind ecosystem degradation. Victoria Adaptive Management: What is it? Aura Some form of spirituality is needed for people to live in balance with nature. Wasela GMO's pose no threat to species and ecosystems. Ecotourism will save ecosystems. Marc Pros and cons of Zoos! Wes Are invasive aliens species a problem? Glyn Molecular genetic tools in Conservation Alyssa Is Ecosystem Based Management the answer? Is climate change all that bad? Don Do Biodiversity hotspots need special attention? Is predator control necessary in conservation? Reintroductions are required for effective conservation! The controversy of Conservation refugees! Andrea Human urbanization disconnects us from nature! Matt M. A topic of your own choice (clear it with me, Soren, first). Sarah Presentation on Pandas. Amber