Topics for Bachelor thesis

Cost benefit analysis in nature conservation and environmental
Topic for Bachelor scriptie or Master thesis, Esther Turnhout
Cost benefit analysis is a relatively new instrument in the field of forest and
nature conservation policy. It is able to contribute to prioritizing and decision
making by calculating the cost effectiveness of efficiency of different policy
and management options and measures. In that way, cost benefit analysis
supplements ecological science as important sources of knowledge in
decision making. European policies, such as the Water Framework Directive
and Natura 2000 require the use of cost-benefit analyis.
The outcomes of cost benefit analysis have potentially far reaching
implications, but the numbers on which is based are often highly uncertain.
How can, for example, the benefits of nature conservation be calculated in a
reliable way?
This topic can take the shape of a literature review for a B.Sc. scriptie or can
be expanded into a M.Sc thesis by means of a case study or other qualitative
research design.
The following research questions can be addressed:
What examples can be identified, for example from the implementation of
the WFD or Natura 2000, in which cost benefit analysis has been applied?
How was it used and what was the impact on decision making
What kinds of knowledge are used (or not) in cost benefit analysis?
How are scientific reliability and usability guaranteed (or not)?
To what extent do interest groups and local people participate in the
development and use of cost benefit analysis?