Chaos On the Border

Chaos On
the Border
On the border
of Queensland there
was a harmless bus
driving along the
border when chaos
struck. The bus had
crashed at
approximately 2:00
pm midday.
inspected the scene.
Inspector Thomson
had this to say,
“The bus had tragically
crashed due to loss of
steering. The bus
driver had lost control
of the bus and tried to
brake when he
skidded and crashed
into a petrol station
that exploded. No
more than nine died in
this tragic accident.
People around the
area were devastated
and couldn’t believe
what they saw, Sarah
May said,
“I was walking my dog
when all of a sudden I
saw a bus driving out
of control, into the
petrol station”.
Joseph Smith said,
“I was doing my boring
job as usual, allowing
cars to come and fill up
their tanks with petrol
when out of the
ordinary, a bus
crashed rams into my
tanks of petrol and
exploded, luckily I
jumped and ducked
out of the way on time”
Mary tweak, the
teacher at a local
school said,
“I was doing my
regular thing, guiding
school kids across the
street when I saw that
bus strike right into
the petrol station. It
was so heartbreaking
to see all of those
innocent souls be
crushed and burned by
the explosion. Luckily I
patrolled all of the kids
across the street on
time always they’ll
would have been hurt.”
Expert Johnson, from
CIS, reported that they
had figured out what
caused the accident.
They inspected the bus
and what they saw was
unbelievable, the lines
in the bus, connecting
the steering wheel to
the wheels had
snapped. The bus had
skidded across to the
station by the oil that
had leaked out from
the engine when the
line had snapped. Srgt
Simmons, the police
officer on duty said,
“There were nine dead
but there was one
unidentified woman,
her face
She wasn’t
part of the
passenger list and we
can only rely on
family members to
recognise her!
If any one has any
information please
contact the
Wiseman’s Cove
Police Station on