Eco-Schools Action Plan 2015-16 [Gryffe High School] Date Action Plan was developed: 08/09/2015____ Action Plan developed by: Gryffe High School Eco Committee Timescale / Topic Action Target / Measure Litter To run an anti-litter Eco-Committee to create and campaign throughout the then order/print best posters school Decide appropriate locations for Deadline October 2015 Evaluation of action / Responsibility Eco Group/J Clark October 2015 posters within School and then Eco Committee/ J Clark put posters up Monitor progress of litter reduction in school canteen and other areas and feedback to school pupils and staff September 2015 (Monitoring ongoing) Eco Committee Actual result achieved Timescale / Topic Action Target / Measure Litter Survey local shops and Design survey and decide what some parents/residents to locations to survey and when Deadline December 2015 Evaluation of action / Responsibility S6 Eco Group Members establish if litter is a problem in the community Litter Waste Minimisation Organise and run a Decide which year groups the competition for pupils to competition is open to, criteria for design an anti-litter judging posters, “possible prizes”, campaign through PSE how to publicise the competition Continue and Develop Devise blue recycling bin Rubbish Recycling locations/emptying rota Govan Introduce Food/General Waste M Govan Programme within school February 2016 Eco Group/ J Clark November 2015 Eco Group/ M Bins Raise staff awareness re. recycling and find out if canteen staff recycle any cardboard. Eco Group Actual result achieved Timescale / Topic Action Target / Measure Waste Minimisation Consider recycling of mobile Discuss benefits of initiatives like O2 phones/technology and printer Schools Recycling Programme and cartridges sign up/promote/create recycling Deadline Evaluation of action / Responsibility March 2016 Eco Group/J Clark Ongoing Eco Group Eco Group/J Clark box/pupil reward scheme Waste Minimisation Provide facilities for pupils to Provide facilities for pupils to hand in hand in unwanted clothes unwanted clothes which can be which can be donated to donated to charity, e.g. Rag Bag charity- RagBag Eco Code Raising Awareness Develop a School Eco-Code Identify timescales,year groups, September-October and present in a unique way launch through assemblies/PSE 2015 To raise awareness of Eco Update school network, website, Ongoing Schools and environmental newsletter, community. issues within the School Eco Group Actual result achieved Energy Reduce staff energy usage in Energy Rota created by pupils to October 15- Gryffe target ‘problem’ areas in school and ongoing Eco Group/J Clark publish findings in school newsletter/website Energy Promote energy saving around Energy Saving Stickers in school classrooms, school website Ongoing Eco Group October 2015 J Clark messages- use data provided by authority and monitor All Audit and highlight existing Department/Faculty Audit template to environmental topics already be issued to PTs/FHs and completed embedded in curriculum and at DMs. explore new areas to integrate Eco schools themes throughout all year groups