Eco Schools Minutes Spring 2015

Eco Schools Minutes Spring 2013
Glyncoed Primary Eco Schools 2014-2015
Minutes by :
Agenda :
May 2015
Year 4 area
D Chapman Y4 Teacher/Eco Schools
Mr Burton-School Caretaker Eco Club members(12)
D Chapman
Welcome to
Eco Schools Committee Meeting-Spring Term
Item 1- Litter/Recyling
The picnic area/field gets
dirty after lunch rule
needed no eating lunch
on the field-this needs
New signs in picnic area
to remind pupils about
Bus shelter litter signs to
be made-must have
school logo on.
Remind Foundation
Phase about milk cartonscorrect disposal in
recycling bins.
Clear litter from perimeter
Milk assembly-Eco Club
Item 2:School Grounds.
Item 3: Global Citizenship/Healthy Living
Item 4:Eco Day/Green Day
Item 5: Compost Bin
Mr Burton completing new
Ec Recycling sheetsreported recycling levels
going up-precise figures
for next meeting
Challenge classes to
make a model from the
milk cartons-competition
Eco Rangers to be set up
lunchtimes-monitor and
litter pick
Litter monitor awards
Assembly about the rules
for recycling and waste
management-eco club
Trimming trees in infant
Fund raise for Nepal-Fun
Run on a Green Day
charge a pound to be run
alongside the food and
fitness fortnight
Healthy snacks for
infants-promote the
healthy eco-friendly lunch
box to pupils and parents
Parent open meeting
coming up
Year 4 pupils created
Healthy eco friendly
presentations/Snag Group
produced survey/PPT
Mrs Chapman asked Eco
Club members for ideas
about a special day this term
for Eco Matters-Spring Clean
event after Sports Day
Mrs Chapman/Mr Burton
compost bin to be provided
for all pupils to dispose of
their waste-brown bin to be
available at the fruit trolley by
the hall doors.