Dear Parents and Carers - Salisbury Primary School

495 High Street North
Manor Park
E12 6TH
8th June 2015
Dear Parents and Carers,
Welcome to our termly curriculum letter for Year 6. Our aim is to keep you informed
of your child’s learning and how you can support your child at home. If you have any
questions please see your child’s class teacher or myself.
Thank you
Mr Ghulam Bhatti
(Assistant Headteacher and Phase Leader Years 3-6)
In literacy this
half term, we will
focus on the key
literacy skills
which support a
smooth transition
from year 6 to
year 7. In
partnership with
teachers from
Little Ilford
secondary school,
we will be
running a literacy
transition project
over the half
The students will
also be working
on our production
which should help
improve public
speaking and
drama skills.
Arithmetic 1
 Write a vulgar fraction as a decimal fraction to three
decimal places, using a calculator for division, e.g. 7 __ 11
= .636
 Convert decimal fractions to vulgar fractions using tenths,
hundredths and thousandths, e.g. .625 = 625 ___ 1000
 Write recurring infinite decimals as abbreviations using the
conventional notation of ‘dots’ above one or two digits
e.g. write .833 333 333… as .8 3
The students will
focus on:
 Stage
 Facial
 Voice
 Body
 Draw the perpendicular bisector of a line segment
 Draw the bisector of an angle
 Draw the circum-circle of a triangle
 Draw the in-circle of a triangle
Data and Measure
 Understand the ‘golden ratio’, (phi), is a constant with
an approximate value of 1.618
 Calculate ratios and use ratios to calculate lengths and
construct shapes
 Plan and develop lines of enquiry to research a topic,
interpret and evaluate findings
 Collect, organise, select and present information using
appropriate methods, including the use of ICT
Arithmetic 2
 Solve number puzzles involving algebraic terms, use flow
diagrams to identify inverse operations
 Recognise algebraic representations of odd and even
 Identify two factors of a number, including numbers
represented algebraically and divide by each factor
E.g. for 3k, 3k ÷ 3 = k and 3k ÷ k = 3.
 Express vulgar fractions as percentages.
In science this half term we
will be learning about the
biology topic ‘Evolution and
As part of this topic the
students will study the life of
Mary Anning.
The unit outcomes are as
follows: Students should:
 recognise that living
things have changed
over time and that
fossils provide
information about living
things that inhabited the
Earth millions of years
 understand that living
things produce offspring
of the same kind, but
normally offspring vary
and are not identical to
their parents
 identify how animals
and plants are adapted to
suit their environment in
different ways and that
adaptation may lead to
The students will also study
the life and works of
Scientist Darwin, Wallace
and Mendel. We will
compare their contributions
to gain a better
understanding of evolution.
How you can support your child at home
Read through the play with your
Encourage your children to
Use BBC bitesize for Science
children and act out the parts to
complete numeracy
encourage them to learn their lines. homework.
Also encourage them to learn the
Play online maths games.
Use online Science clips
lyrics of the songs.
BBC revise wise.
The children may be asked to bring Beam.
Loan science books from the
in items for prop making. Please
help them collect these items.
Other information
Play maths games on the internet.
Listen to your child read each evening.
Encourage your child to tell you about their school day.
Numeracy homework will be given out every Thursday and children must return it back to their class
teacher on Thursday of the following week.
Science and Literacy will be given out every Monday and returned the following Monday.
Why not take advantage of enrolling your child onto our homework.
Numeracy: a range of maths games. excellent website about myths and legends.
Science: lots of fun science games and activities.
Additional information
Additional information
EE Challenge day – Thursday 11th June 2015
Summer Fete – Friday 26th June 2015 after school
Sports Day – 1st choice 6th July – 2nd choice 7th July – parents will be informed nearer the dates
From Monday 6th July till end of term – NO after school clubs
Parents Evening – 10th July 2015 from 4pm
Trip to Soanne Centre for Habitat and pond dipping workshop – tbc
Thursday 25th June: Secondary school induction day at Little Ilford school. Please check any
notification you have received from your child’s secondary school to ensure your child does not miss their
induction day