Investigation Guidelines 2014

Warwick Public Schools
Class of 2014 - Topic Proposal Letter Guidelines for Investigation
Senior Exhibition Project is your chance to apply what you have already learned in a real world situation. Your
project will afford you the opportunity to select a topic that interests you. These guidelines will help you
through the process of writing your proposal letter to gain approval for your topic. Once your letter is
approved by the GBP coordinator you will then conduct thesis driven research supported by valid sources.
Please choose a topic that will allow you to create an appropriate product, which is an application of what you
have learned. Please remember to:
1. Type and single-space your letter using Times New Roman, 12-point font.
2. Use Block Style for your letter. SEE THE SAMPLE PROPOSAL LETTER (Appendix A).
3. Answer ALL of the questions found below using complete sentences.
4. Submit the completed proposals via the “Light Bulb Icon” Located in the Senior Project area of First Class.
Be sure to attach the proposal as a document using the paper clip or attach option – do not copy/paste the
proposal into the body of the email.
A. Introductory Paragraph(s):
What are you going to investigate?
What knowledge, experience(s), and/or skill(s) do you already have related to this topic? Be specific and
include any work experience, classes, and/or training related to this topic.
An educational learning stretch is the knowledge and skills that you gain from completing your Senior Exhibition
Project. This does not include learning to make a PowerPoint, writing a research paper, and/or performing an oral
presentation. What do you think your learning stretch will be? Why is it a learning stretch?
Applied learning means being able to do something with what you have learned. What do you propose to
SOLVE through this investigation? This can be in the form of a question or a statement.
B. Body Paragraph(s):
Research is the foundation of the entire Senior Exhibition Project. Where will you begin researching your
question or issue? What are your plans to describe its cause and effect? You should refer to your summer
pre-search to answer these questions.
What expertise are you looking for in your interviewee?
What aspect(s) of your research do you plan to explore in your interview?
What aspect(s) of your product do you plan to explore in your interview?
C. Concluding Paragraph(s):
Your product should show your ability to use what you have learned from your research and interview. What
skills do you think you will use to design your process or form a solution?
Your product needs to be a process or solution to your identified question or issue. Your product must include an
evaluation of its potential effectiveness. How might you display your process or solution and evaluation?
 Letters that do not follow the guidelines outlined above and/or topics not approved will be returned for revision.
 You must submit a revised proposal to the GBP Coordinator before changing any component of the proposal
during the project.
 If you choose to employ a mentor, (1) you need to replace the word “interviewee” with “mentor” in parts B2, B3,
and B4; and (2) your mentor is also required to get a National and State of RI BCI.
Warwick Public Schools
1010 Smith Street
Warwick, RI _____
Current Data
(Student home address - Current Date - Hit enter 4 times after year)
Chip McGair
GBP Coordinator
Warwick Veterans Memorial High School
2314 West Shore Road
Warwick, RI 02889
(Hit enter 2 times after zip code)
Dear Dr. McGair:
My senior project is on the investigation of the effects of global warming (A1). I selected this topic because of all the
unusual weather patterns that have been occurring in the northeast lately and would like to investigate what relationship
this may have to global warming (A1). My knowledge of this topic is that I am aware of the severe weather that has
plagued the northeast recently and I have studied weather in Science classes but other than that I have no other experience
(A2). I would like to be able to learn more about what causes these types of severe weather patterns, how much of this is
attributed to global warming, and what we can do to protect our environment (A3).
This project will be an educational learning stretch for me because I know very little about what part global warming
plays in weather patterns (A3). I want to understand the science behind it and what we as a society can do to control,
through our everyday lives, the process of global warming (A3). Under the direction of my interviewee, I hope to hold an
informational session on global warming to educate my friends and peers so that as a society we can begin to combat the
effects of global warming and hopefully prevent the severe weather patterns that have been occurring (A4).
The focus of my research will be on the causes of global warming and the effect it is having and will continue to have on
our environment if we don’t change things (B1). In selecting my interviewee, I will be looking for someone who has
expertise in the area of environmental sciences (B2). In working with my interviewee, I hope to learn the causes and
effects of global warming and how we might be able to change our daily living habits to help protect our environment
(B3). As a result of the interview process, I plan to collect data and prepare a detailed brochure with practical solutions to
fight global warming to be presented during my informational session (B4). I also plan to ask my interviewee about the
organizational and planning skills required to prepare for and lead an effective informational session. (B4)
My product will be an informational session on practical ways to prevent global warming as a solution to my investigation
(C1). I will hold this session at a location to be determined and will plan for at least 50 people to attend (C1). Through the
email interview process, my interviewee will provide me with the steps necessary to prepare me with the information for
my brochure which will be referred to throughout my presentation (C1). I will create a flyer to advertise my informational
session and place it throughout the school (C1). I also plan to present a PowerPoint with statistics and slides showing
erosion and serious weather patterns that may be the direct result of global warming. It will also include some potential
solutions to this intense environmental problem. (C2)
Student’s Name